Learning to solve Bayesian inverse problems: An amortized variational inference approach using Gaussian and Flow guides






Published 5/28/2024 by Sharmila Karumuri, Ilias Bilionis



Inverse problems, i.e., estimating parameters of physical models from experimental data, are ubiquitous in science and engineering. The Bayesian formulation is the gold standard because it alleviates ill-posedness issues and quantifies epistemic uncertainty. Since analytical posteriors are not typically available, one resorts to Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling or approximate variational inference. However, inference needs to be rerun from scratch for each new set of data. This drawback limits the applicability of the Bayesian formulation to real-time settings, e.g., health monitoring of engineered systems, and medical diagnosis. The objective of this paper is to develop a methodology that enables real-time inference by learning the Bayesian inverse map, i.e., the map from data to posteriors. Our approach is as follows. We parameterize the posterior distribution as a function of data. This work outlines two distinct approaches to do this. The first method involves parameterizing the posterior using an amortized full-rank Gaussian guide, implemented through neural networks. The second method utilizes a Conditional Normalizing Flow guide, employing conditional invertible neural networks for cases where the target posterior is arbitrarily complex. In both approaches, we learn the network parameters by amortized variational inference which involves maximizing the expectation of evidence lower bound over all possible datasets compatible with the model. We demonstrate our approach by solving a set of benchmark problems from science and engineering. Our results show that the posterior estimates of our approach are in agreement with the corresponding ground truth obtained by Markov chain Monte Carlo. Once trained, our approach provides the posterior distribution for a given observation just at the cost of a forward pass of the neural network.

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  • Inverse problems involve estimating parameters of physical models from experimental data, which is a common challenge in science and engineering.
  • The Bayesian formulation is the standard approach, as it addresses issues with ill-posedness and quantifies uncertainty.
  • However, traditional Bayesian inference methods like Markov chain Monte Carlo or variational inference require rerunning the entire process for each new dataset, limiting their usefulness in real-time settings.
  • This paper proposes a methodology to enable real-time Bayesian inference by learning the mapping from data to posterior distributions.

Plain English Explanation

In many areas of science and engineering, researchers need to estimate the parameters of physical models based on experimental data. This type of problem is known as an "inverse problem." The gold standard approach for solving inverse problems is the Bayesian formulation, which helps address issues with ill-posedness and quantifies the uncertainty in the estimates.

However, the traditional methods for implementing Bayesian inference, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo or variational inference, have a major drawback: they need to be run from scratch for each new set of data. This makes them impractical for real-time applications, like monitoring the health of engineered systems or medical diagnosis.

The goal of this paper is to develop a new methodology that allows for real-time Bayesian inference. The key idea is to learn the mapping from data to the posterior distribution, so that once the mapping is learned, the posterior can be obtained instantly for any new data, without needing to rerun the full inference process.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes two distinct approaches for learning this "Bayesian inverse map":

  1. Amortized Full-Rank Gaussian: The posterior distribution is parameterized as a full-rank Gaussian, with the parameters (mean and covariance) being learned as functions of the input data using neural networks.

  2. Conditional Normalizing Flow: For cases where the target posterior distribution is more complex, a conditional normalizing flow model is used. This employs conditional invertible neural networks to learn a flexible mapping from data to the posterior.

In both approaches, the network parameters are learned through amortized variational inference, which involves maximizing the expected evidence lower bound over all possible datasets compatible with the model.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of these approaches on a variety of benchmark problems from science and engineering. The results show that the posterior estimates closely match those obtained from traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, but can be computed orders of magnitude faster once the neural networks are trained.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for enabling real-time Bayesian inference, which could have significant practical implications in fields like engineering, healthcare, and beyond. However, a few potential limitations and areas for further research are worth noting:

  • The paper focuses on relatively low-dimensional problems; scaling the approach to high-dimensional settings may require additional innovations.
  • The training process for the neural networks can be computationally expensive, though the inference time is fast once the networks are trained.
  • The paper does not explore the robustness of the approach to model misspecification or outliers in the data, which are common challenges in real-world applications.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in making Bayesian inference more practical and accessible for real-time applications. Further work is needed to fully understand the limitations and potential extensions of this approach.


This paper proposes a novel methodology for enabling real-time Bayesian inference by learning the mapping from data to posterior distributions. The key idea is to parameterize the posterior using neural networks, which can then be used to quickly compute the posterior for any new data, without needing to rerun the full inference process.

The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach on a variety of benchmark problems, showing that the posterior estimates are in close agreement with traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, but can be computed orders of magnitude faster once the neural networks are trained.

This research has the potential to significantly expand the practical applicability of Bayesian methods, enabling their use in real-time settings like health monitoring, medical diagnosis, and beyond. Further work is needed to fully understand the limitations and potential extensions of this approach, but it represents an important step forward in the field of inverse problems and Bayesian inference.

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