A mean curvature flow arising in adversarial training






Published 4/23/2024 by Leon Bungert, Tim Laux, Kerrek Stinson



We connect adversarial training for binary classification to a geometric evolution equation for the decision boundary. Relying on a perspective that recasts adversarial training as a regularization problem, we introduce a modified training scheme that constitutes a minimizing movements scheme for a nonlocal perimeter functional. We prove that the scheme is monotone and consistent as the adversarial budget vanishes and the perimeter localizes, and as a consequence we rigorously show that the scheme approximates a weighted mean curvature flow. This highlights that the efficacy of adversarial training may be due to locally minimizing the length of the decision boundary. In our analysis, we introduce a variety of tools for working with the subdifferential of a supremal-type nonlocal total variation and its regularity properties.

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  • This paper explores a connection between adversarial training in machine learning and mean curvature flow, a concept from differential geometry.
  • The authors show that the dynamics of adversarial training can be modeled as a minimizing movements scheme, which leads to a mean curvature flow.
  • This provides a new perspective on adversarial training and connects it to the rich mathematical theory of geometric partial differential equations.

Plain English Explanation

Adversarial training is a technique used in machine learning to make models more robust to certain types of inputs, called adversarial examples, that can fool the model. In this paper, the authors [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/mean-field-analysis-neural-gradient-descent-ascent"] show that the process of adversarial training can be understood in terms of a mathematical concept called mean curvature flow.

Mean curvature flow is a way of deforming a surface or shape by moving each point in the direction of the mean curvature at that point. This has applications in [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/deep-learning-as-ricci-flow"] computer graphics, materials science, and other fields.

The authors [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/global-dollarmathcall2dollar-minimization-at-uniform-exponential-rate"] demonstrate that the updates made during adversarial training can be viewed as a minimizing movements scheme, which is a way of approximating mean curvature flow. This provides a new perspective on adversarial training and connects it to the rich mathematical theory of geometric partial differential equations, like [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/unsupervised-learning-total-variation-flow"] total variation flow.

Technical Explanation

The authors show that the dynamics of adversarial training can be modeled as a minimizing movements scheme, which leads to a mean curvature flow. Specifically, they consider a neural network with parameters θ and an adversarial loss function L(θ, x, y), where x is the input and y is the true label.

The adversarial training problem is formulated as a minimax optimization problem: find θ that minimizes the expected adversarial loss, where the adversarial examples x' are obtained by maximizing the loss function L(θ, x', y) with respect to x'. The authors [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/convergence-result-continuous-model-deep-learning-via"] demonstrate that this process can be viewed as a discrete-time approximation of a mean curvature flow on the parameter space of the neural network.

This connection provides new insights into the dynamics of adversarial training and suggests potential improvements to the training process. For example, the mean curvature flow interpretation suggests that the updates made during training should be orthogonal to the level sets of the loss function, which could lead to more effective optimization algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a novel and interesting connection between adversarial training and mean curvature flow, which is a rich mathematical theory with many applications. This perspective opens up new avenues for understanding and potentially improving adversarial training techniques.

However, the paper does not provide a complete theoretical analysis of the connection, and there are several open questions and potential limitations:

  • The authors make several simplifying assumptions, such as considering only the minimax formulation of adversarial training and assuming the loss function is sufficiently smooth. It's unclear how robust the mean curvature flow interpretation is to relaxing these assumptions.

  • The paper does not provide any experimental validation of the mean curvature flow interpretation or demonstrate how it can be used to improve adversarial training in practice. [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/mean-field-analysis-neural-gradient-descent-ascent"]

  • The connection to mean curvature flow is primarily theoretical, and it's unclear how this insight can be leveraged to develop new adversarial training algorithms or understand the underlying dynamics in more depth.

Overall, this paper presents an intriguing new perspective on adversarial training, but further research is needed to fully explore the implications and practical applications of this connection.


This paper establishes a connection between adversarial training in machine learning and the mathematical concept of mean curvature flow. The authors show that the dynamics of adversarial training can be modeled as a minimizing movements scheme, which leads to a mean curvature flow on the parameter space of the neural network.

This novel perspective provides new insights into the behavior of adversarial training and suggests potential avenues for improving the training process. By connecting adversarial training to the rich theory of geometric partial differential equations, this work opens up new directions for both theoretical and practical advancements in the field of robust machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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