Mind the Gap: A Causal Perspective on Bias Amplification in Prediction & Decision-Making






Published 5/27/2024 by Drago Plecko, Elias Bareinboim
Mind the Gap: A Causal Perspective on Bias Amplification in Prediction & Decision-Making


Investigating fairness and equity of automated systems has become a critical field of inquiry. Most of the literature in fair machine learning focuses on defining and achieving fairness criteria in the context of prediction, while not explicitly focusing on how these predictions may be used later on in the pipeline. For instance, if commonly used criteria, such as independence or sufficiency, are satisfied for a prediction score $S$ used for binary classification, they need not be satisfied after an application of a simple thresholding operation on $S$ (as commonly used in practice). In this paper, we take an important step to address this issue in numerous statistical and causal notions of fairness. We introduce the notion of a margin complement, which measures how much a prediction score $S$ changes due to a thresholding operation. We then demonstrate that the marginal difference in the optimal 0/1 predictor $widehat Y$ between groups, written $P(hat y mid x_1) - P(hat y mid x_0)$, can be causally decomposed into the influences of $X$ on the $L_2$-optimal prediction score $S$ and the influences of $X$ on the margin complement $M$, along different causal pathways (direct, indirect, spurious). We then show that under suitable causal assumptions, the influences of $X$ on the prediction score $S$ are equal to the influences of $X$ on the true outcome $Y$. This yields a new decomposition of the disparity in the predictor $widehat Y$ that allows us to disentangle causal differences inherited from the true outcome $Y$ that exists in the real world vs. those coming from the optimization procedure itself. This observation highlights the need for more regulatory oversight due to the potential for bias amplification, and to address this issue we introduce new notions of weak and strong business necessity, together with an algorithm for assessing whether these notions are satisfied.

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  • This paper explores the phenomenon of bias amplification in predictive models and decision-making, examining it from a causal perspective.
  • The researchers investigate how biases can be introduced and amplified through the data generation process and model training, leading to unfair outcomes.
  • The paper discusses the trade-offs between fairness and accuracy, and proposes causal frameworks to address these issues.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper looks at how biases can sneak into and get worse in computer models used for making predictions and decisions. The researchers use causal reasoning to understand how these biases arise and grow.

Biases can creep in at various stages - when the data is collected, when the model is trained, and when the model is used to make decisions. For example, a hiring model trained on past hiring decisions that were biased against certain groups could end up amplifying that bias and making it even worse.

The paper discusses the difficult trade-offs between making models accurate and making them fair. Sometimes trying to correct for bias can actually make things less fair in other ways. The researchers propose using causal frameworks to better understand and address these challenges.

By taking a causal perspective, the paper aims to provide insights into how bias arises and how we can design models and decision processes to be more equitable. This is an important issue as these types of AI systems have a growing influence on people's lives.

Technical Explanation

The paper uses causal reasoning to analyze how biases can be introduced and amplified in predictive models and decision-making processes. The researchers develop causal frameworks to understand the trade-offs between fairness and accuracy.

Key elements of the technical approach include:

The paper provides both theoretical analysis and empirical results demonstrating the value of the causal perspective for understanding and mitigating bias amplification.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful causal analysis of bias amplification, but acknowledges some key limitations and areas for further research:

  • The causal frameworks rely on strong assumptions about the underlying data generation process, which may not always hold in practice.
  • The trade-offs between different fairness criteria are complex, and the paper doesn't fully resolve how to optimally balance them.
  • The empirical evaluations are limited to certain datasets and model types, so the generalizability of the findings requires further investigation.

Additionally, one could argue that the causal perspective, while valuable, is not the only lens through which to study bias in AI systems. Other approaches, such as those focused on the multiplicity and arbitrariness of fairness definitions, could also provide important insights.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the growing body of research on fairness in machine learning, but more work is needed to fully understand and address the complex challenges of bias amplification.


This paper takes a causal perspective to shed light on the phenomenon of bias amplification in predictive models and decision-making. By modeling the data generation process and training/application stages, the researchers uncover how biases can be introduced and exacerbated.

The key takeaway is that bias is not a simple issue to solve – there are fundamental trade-offs between fairness and accuracy that must be carefully navigated. The causal frameworks proposed in this paper offer a valuable tool for designing more robust and equitable AI systems.

As these technologies become more pervasive in consequential domains like healthcare, finance, and criminal justice, understanding and mitigating bias will only grow in importance. This paper represents an important step towards that goal.

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