Motorway: Seamless high speed BFT






Published 5/13/2024 by Neil Giridharan, Florian Suri-Payer, Ittai Abraham, Lorenzo Alvisi, Natacha Crooks



Today's practical, high performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols operate in the partial synchrony model. However, existing protocols are inefficient when deployments are indeed partially synchronous. They deliver either low latency during fault-free, synchronous periods (good intervals) or robust recovery from events that interrupt progress (blips). At one end, traditional, view-based BFT protocols optimize for latency during good intervals, but, when blips occur, can suffer from performance degradation (hangovers) that can last beyond the return of a good interval. At the other end, modern DAG-based BFT protocols recover more gracefully from blips, but exhibit lackluster latency during good intervals. To close the gap, this work presents Motorway, a novel high-throughput BFT protocol that offers both low latency and seamless recovery from blips. By combining a highly parallel asynchronous data dissemination layer with a low-latency, partially synchronous consensus mechanism, Motorway (i) avoids the hangovers incurred by traditional BFT protocols and (ii) matches the throughput of state of the art DAG-based BFT protocols while cutting their latency in half, matching the latency of traditional BFT protocols.

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  • Existing Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols struggle to balance low latency during normal operation with robust recovery from disruptions
  • Traditional view-based BFT protocols optimize for low latency but suffer "hangovers" after disruptions
  • Modern DAG-based BFT protocols recover better from disruptions but have higher latency during normal operation
  • This work presents Motorway, a novel BFT protocol that aims to provide both low latency and seamless recovery from disruptions

Plain English Explanation

Motorway is a new way for computers to agree on things, even when some of them are behaving badly (Byzantine Fault Tolerance). Existing approaches have tradeoffs - some are fast during normal operation, but struggle to recover when something goes wrong. Others handle disruptions better, but are slower overall.

Motorway tries to get the best of both worlds. It uses a two-part system: an asynchronous data sharing layer to spread information quickly, combined with a low-latency consensus mechanism to finalize decisions. This allows Motorway to match the throughput of state-of-the-art DAG-based BFT protocols while cutting their latency in half, matching the latency of traditional BFT protocols.

Importantly, Motorway also avoids the "hangovers" that traditional BFT protocols can suffer after disruptions, recovering seamlessly instead. This makes it a practical, high-performance solution for real-world applications that need to keep running even when things go wrong.

Technical Explanation

Motorway combines a highly parallel asynchronous data dissemination layer with a low-latency, partially synchronous consensus mechanism. This allows it to:

  1. Avoid the "hangovers" that traditional, view-based BFT protocols can suffer after disruptions (e.g. Probabilistic Byzantine Fault Tolerance)
  2. Match the throughput of state-of-the-art DAG-based BFT protocols while cutting their latency in half, reaching the latency of traditional BFT protocols

The asynchronous data dissemination layer spreads transactions quickly in parallel, while the partially synchronous consensus mechanism finalized them with low latency. This combination allows Motorway to be both fast and resilient, in contrast to existing approaches that prioritize one or the other.

Critical Analysis

The paper does not go into extensive detail on the specific algorithms and implementation of Motorway. While the high-level ideas are compelling, more technical information would be needed to fully evaluate the protocol.

Additionally, the performance claims are based on analytical modeling and simulations, not real-world deployments. Practical considerations around network dynamics, node heterogeneity, and other deployment factors could impact Motorway's behavior in production environments.

Further research and experimentation would be needed to validate Motorway's capabilities and understand its limitations. Nonetheless, the core concept of combining asynchronous and synchronous elements is an interesting approach that could inform the development of future BFT protocols.


Motorway represents a novel attempt to bridge the gap between low-latency BFT protocols and those that can better withstand disruptions. By combining asynchronous and partially synchronous components, it aims to deliver both high performance and robust recovery.

While more research is needed to fully evaluate Motorway, the underlying ideas offer a promising direction for practical, high-performance Byzantine fault tolerance. As the need for reliable, decentralized systems continues to grow, innovations like Motorway could play an important role in making that vision a reality.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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