Offline Imitation Learning with Model-based Reverse Augmentation






Published 6/19/2024 by Jie-Jing Shao, Hao-Sen Shi, Lan-Zhe Guo, Yu-Feng Li
Offline Imitation Learning with Model-based Reverse Augmentation


In offline Imitation Learning (IL), one of the main challenges is the textit{covariate shift} between the expert observations and the actual distribution encountered by the agent, because it is difficult to determine what action an agent should take when outside the state distribution of the expert demonstrations. Recently, the model-free solutions introduce the supplementary data and identify the latent expert-similar samples to augment the reliable samples during learning. Model-based solutions build forward dynamic models with conservatism quantification and then generate additional trajectories in the neighborhood of expert demonstrations. However, without reward supervision, these methods are often over-conservative in the out-of-expert-support regions, because only in states close to expert-observed states can there be a preferred action enabling policy optimization. To encourage more exploration on expert-unobserved states, we propose a novel model-based framework, called offline Imitation Learning with Self-paced Reverse Augmentation (SRA). Specifically, we build a reverse dynamic model from the offline demonstrations, which can efficiently generate trajectories leading to the expert-observed states in a self-paced style. Then, we use the subsequent reinforcement learning method to learn from the augmented trajectories and transit from expert-unobserved states to expert-observed states. This framework not only explores the expert-unobserved states but also guides maximizing long-term returns on these states, ultimately enabling generalization beyond the expert data. Empirical results show that our proposal could effectively mitigate the covariate shift and achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the offline imitation learning benchmarks. Project website: url{}.

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  • This paper presents a novel offline imitation learning method called "Offline Imitation Learning with Model-based Reverse Augmentation" (OILMRA).
  • OILMRA aims to improve the performance of offline imitation learning by leveraging a learned dynamics model to generate additional training data through reverse augmentation.
  • The key idea is to use the dynamics model to generate hypothetical state-action pairs that resemble the expert demonstrations, which are then used to train the imitation policy.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you want to learn how to play a video game, but you can only watch someone else play it - you can't actually play it yourself. This is the challenge of offline imitation learning. Offline Imitation Learning with Model-based Reverse Augmentation tackles this problem by using a special technique called "reverse augmentation".

The main idea is to train a model that can predict what will happen next in the game based on the current state and the player's actions. This model acts like a simulator, allowing the researchers to generate new training data by "rewinding" the game from the expert demonstrations and seeing what hypothetical actions the expert might have taken.

By adding this simulated data to the original expert demonstrations, the researchers were able to train an imitation policy that performed better than using just the expert demonstrations alone. This is a clever way to get more training data without actually being able to interact with the game directly.

The key innovation here is the use of the dynamics model to generate this additional training data through "reverse augmentation". This allows the imitation policy to learn more robust behaviors that generalize better to new situations.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind OILMRA is to leverage a learned dynamics model to generate additional training data for offline imitation learning. Specifically, the researchers first train a dynamics model to predict the next state given the current state and action. They then use this model to "rewind" the expert demonstrations, generating hypothetical state-action pairs that resemble the expert's behavior.

These reverse-augmented state-action pairs are then combined with the original expert demonstrations to train the imitation policy. The key intuition is that this additional data can help the imitation policy learn more robust behaviors that generalize better to new situations, compared to training solely on the limited expert demonstrations.

The OILMRA algorithm consists of three main steps:

  1. Train a dynamics model to predict the next state given the current state and action.
  2. Use the dynamics model to generate hypothetical state-action pairs by "rewinding" the expert demonstrations.
  3. Train the imitation policy using a combination of the original expert demonstrations and the reverse-augmented data.

The researchers evaluate OILMRA on several continuous control tasks and show that it outperforms other offline imitation learning methods, such as Hybrid Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Causal Action Influence-Aware Counterfactual Data Augmentation, and How to Leverage Diverse Demonstrations for Offline Imitation.

Critical Analysis

The OILMRA paper presents a promising approach to improving offline imitation learning, but there are a few caveats to consider:

  1. The performance of OILMRA is heavily dependent on the accuracy of the learned dynamics model. If the model is not able to accurately predict the next state, the reverse-augmented data may not be representative of the expert's behavior, limiting the effectiveness of the approach.

  2. The paper does not extensively explore the sample efficiency of OILMRA - it's unclear how much additional data is required to achieve the reported performance gains compared to other methods. This is an important practical consideration for real-world applications.

  3. The experiments are limited to continuous control tasks, and it's unclear how well OILMRA would generalize to more complex or diverse domains, such as those involving high-dimensional observations or long-term planning.

  4. The paper does not address the potential safety or robustness issues that may arise from using a learned dynamics model to generate training data. Ensuring the reliability and safety of the imitation policy is a critical concern for real-world deployment.

Overall, OILMRA is a promising approach that leverages model-based techniques to improve offline imitation learning. However, further research is needed to address the potential limitations and expand the applicability of the method to a wider range of domains.


Offline Imitation Learning with Model-based Reverse Augmentation (OILMRA) presents a novel approach to improving the performance of offline imitation learning by using a learned dynamics model to generate additional training data through reverse augmentation. By combining the original expert demonstrations with these reverse-augmented state-action pairs, the imitation policy is able to learn more robust behaviors that generalize better to new situations.

The key innovation of OILMRA is the use of the dynamics model to generate this simulated data, which allows the method to overcome the limitations of working with only the available expert demonstrations. This technique has the potential to significantly expand the applicability of offline imitation learning, especially in domains where direct interaction with the environment is costly or infeasible.

While the paper demonstrates promising results on continuous control tasks, further research is needed to address the potential limitations of the approach, such as the reliance on an accurate dynamics model and the need to ensure the safety and reliability of the imitation policy. Nevertheless, OILMRA represents an exciting step forward in the field of offline imitation learning and could pave the way for more effective and versatile reinforcement learning systems in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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