OneActor: Consistent Character Generation via Cluster-Conditioned Guidance






Published 4/17/2024 by Jiahao Wang, Caixia Yan, Haonan Lin, Weizhan Zhang
OneActor: Consistent Character Generation via Cluster-Conditioned Guidance


Text-to-image diffusion models benefit artists with high-quality image generation. Yet its stochastic nature prevent artists from creating consistent images of the same character. Existing methods try to tackle this challenge and generate consistent content in various ways. However, they either depend on external data or require expensive tuning of the diffusion model. For this issue, we argue that a lightweight but intricate guidance is enough to function. Aiming at this, we lead the way to formalize the objective of consistent generation, derive a clustering-based score function and propose a novel paradigm, OneActor. We design a cluster-conditioned model which incorporates posterior samples to guide the denoising trajectories towards the target cluster. To overcome the overfitting challenge shared by one-shot tuning pipelines, we devise auxiliary components to simultaneously augment the tuning and regulate the inference. This technique is later verified to significantly enhance the content diversity of generated images. Comprehensive experiments show that our method outperforms a variety of baselines with satisfactory character consistency, superior prompt conformity as well as high image quality. And our method is at least 4 times faster than tuning-based baselines. Furthermore, to our best knowledge, we first prove that the semantic space has the same interpolation property as the latent space dose. This property can serve as another promising tool for fine generation control.

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• This paper presents a novel approach called "OneActor" for generating consistent character animations in text-to-image AI models.

• The key idea is to use cluster-conditioned guidance to maintain the visual consistency of generated characters across different images, addressing a common issue in diffusion models.

• The proposed method demonstrates improvements over existing techniques for ensuring consistent character appearance and behavior, as evaluated through quantitative and qualitative experiments.

Plain English Explanation

• Imagine you're using an AI system to generate images based on text descriptions. One common problem is that the characters or objects in these images can sometimes look or behave inconsistently from one image to the next, even when the text prompt is the same.

• The OneActor approach aims to solve this by organizing the AI model's internal representations of characters into distinct "clusters." When generating a new image, the model is guided to stay within the same cluster, ensuring the character maintains a consistent appearance and behavior across different images.

• This helps the AI system create a more coherent and believable set of images, where the characters feel like they belong to the same world or story, rather than randomly changing from one picture to the next.

• The researchers demonstrate that OneActor outperforms other techniques for ensuring visual consistency, as measured by both objective metrics and subjective human evaluations. This could be an important step towards creating more natural and immersive text-to-image AI systems.

Technical Explanation

• The paper first reviews prior work on improving the consistency of diffusion models, including approaches like [semantic-approach-to-quantifying-consistency-diffusion-model], [rethinking-spatial-inconsistency-classifier-free-diffusion-guidance], and [trajectory-consistency-distillation-improved-latent-consistency-distillation].

• The key technical innovation in OneActor is the use of "cluster-conditioned guidance," where the model learns to organize its internal representations of characters into distinct clusters. During generation, the model is then guided to stay within the same cluster, encouraging consistent visual attributes.

• This is implemented by training a separate clustering module alongside the main diffusion model, using techniques like [controlnet-improving-conditional-controls-efficient-consistency-feedback] to efficiently incorporate the cluster information into the generation process.

• Experiments on various text-to-image benchmarks show that OneActor achieves superior performance in terms of maintaining character consistency, as evaluated by both quantitative metrics and human judgments. This includes comparisons to [versatile-scene-consistent-traffic-scenario-generation-as] and other baselines.

Critical Analysis

• While the OneActor approach demonstrates promising results, the paper acknowledges some limitations, such as the potential for the clustering module to introduce biases or fail to capture all the nuances of character representation.

• Additionally, the experiments focus primarily on character-centric tasks, so further research may be needed to understand how the technique generalizes to more diverse scenes and image compositions.

• It would also be interesting to explore the computational efficiency and scalability of the cluster-conditioned guidance, as the added complexity could impact the overall performance and deployment of the system.

• Overall, the OneActor paper presents a thoughtful and well-executed approach to a meaningful problem in text-to-image generation. Further research and real-world deployments will help reveal the broader implications and potential issues that deserve closer examination.


• The OneActor method introduces a novel cluster-conditioned guidance technique to improve the visual consistency of character representations in text-to-image AI models.

• By organizing the model's internal character representations into distinct clusters and guiding the generation process to stay within those clusters, OneActor demonstrates superior performance in maintaining consistent character appearances and behaviors across different images.

• This work represents an important step towards creating more coherent and believable text-to-image systems, with potential applications in areas like interactive storytelling, virtual worlds, and immersive entertainment experiences.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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