Optimizing the Deployment of Tiny Transformers on Low-Power MCUs






Published 4/5/2024 by Victor J. B. Jung, Alessio Burrello, Moritz Scherer, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini
Optimizing the Deployment of Tiny Transformers on Low-Power MCUs


Transformer networks are rapidly becoming SotA in many fields, such as NLP and CV. Similarly to CNN, there is a strong push for deploying Transformer models at the extreme edge, ultimately fitting the tiny power budget and memory footprint of MCUs. However, the early approaches in this direction are mostly ad-hoc, platform, and model-specific. This work aims to enable and optimize the flexible, multi-platform deployment of encoder Tiny Transformers on commercial MCUs. We propose a complete framework to perform end-to-end deployment of Transformer models onto single and multi-core MCUs. Our framework provides an optimized library of kernels to maximize data reuse and avoid unnecessary data marshaling operations into the crucial attention block. A novel MHSA inference schedule, named Fused-Weight Self-Attention, is introduced, fusing the linear projection weights offline to further reduce the number of operations and parameters. Furthermore, to mitigate the memory peak reached by the computation of the attention map, we present a Depth-First Tiling scheme for MHSA. We evaluate our framework on three different MCU classes exploiting ARM and RISC-V ISA, namely the STM32H7, the STM32L4, and GAP9 (RV32IMC-XpulpV2). We reach an average of 4.79x and 2.0x lower latency compared to SotA libraries CMSIS-NN (ARM) and PULP-NN (RISC-V), respectively. Moreover, we show that our MHSA depth-first tiling scheme reduces the memory peak by up to 6.19x, while the fused-weight attention can reduce the runtime by 1.53x, and number of parameters by 25%. We report significant improvements across several Tiny Transformers: for instance, when executing a transformer block for the task of radar-based hand-gesture recognition on GAP9, we achieve a latency of 0.14ms and energy consumption of 4.92 micro-joules, 2.32x lower than the SotA PULP-NN library on the same platform.

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  • This paper explores optimizing the deployment of tiny transformer models on low-power microcontroller units (MCUs) for edge computing applications.
  • Tiny transformer models are small neural network architectures that can run efficiently on resource-constrained devices like MCUs.
  • The researchers investigate methods to further improve the performance and efficiency of these tiny transformer models when deployed on low-power MCUs.

Plain English Explanation

Transformer models are a powerful type of artificial intelligence that have revolutionized many areas of technology, from natural language processing to computer vision. However, these models are typically large and complex, making them challenging to run on small, low-power devices like the microcontrollers found in many everyday products.

The researchers in this paper looked at ways to take these powerful transformer models and shrink them down to "tiny" versions that can still perform well while using much less memory and computing power. Tiny transformer models could enable all sorts of exciting new applications on resource-constrained devices at the "edge" of the network, closer to where data is generated, rather than relying on sending data to far-away cloud servers.

The key is finding the right balance - how can you maintain the beneficial capabilities of transformers while also drastically reducing their size and power requirements? The researchers explore various optimization techniques, like pruning away unnecessary parts of the model and quantizing the numerical representations to use less memory. They then test these optimized tiny transformer models on real low-power MCU hardware to measure the improvements in speed, efficiency, and accuracy.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing background on the rise of transformer models and their increasing use in edge computing applications. However, deploying large, complex transformer models on resource-constrained MCU platforms remains challenging.

The researchers propose a framework for optimizing the deployment of "tiny transformers" on low-power MCUs. They explore several key techniques:

  1. Model Pruning - Identifying and removing the least important parts of the transformer model to reduce its size and complexity without significantly impacting accuracy.

  2. Weight Quantization - Reducing the numerical precision of the model's weight parameters, allowing for more compact storage and faster computation on the MCU.

  3. Layer Fusion - Combining adjacent transformer layers to further decrease the model's footprint.

  4. Hardware-aware Design - Tailoring the model architecture and optimizations to take advantage of the specific hardware capabilities of the target MCU platform.

The researchers implement these optimization techniques and evaluate the resulting tiny transformer models on real MCU hardware, measuring metrics like inference latency, energy consumption, and accuracy. They demonstrate significant improvements in efficiency while maintaining high performance, paving the way for powerful AI capabilities on low-power edge devices.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-designed study of optimizing tiny transformer models for MCU deployment. The researchers cover a comprehensive set of optimization techniques and rigorously evaluate their approaches on real hardware.

One potential limitation is that the study is focused on a single target MCU platform (the Arm Cortex-M7). While this allows for deep hardware-specific optimizations, the generalizability of the findings to other MCU architectures is not fully addressed. Further exploration of the techniques across a wider range of low-power MCU platforms could strengthen the broader applicability of the research.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential privacy and security implications of deploying increasingly powerful AI models at the network edge. As these capabilities become more ubiquitous in consumer devices, important questions around data privacy, model security, and potential misuse will need to be carefully considered.

Overall, this work represents an important advancement in enabling the deployment of efficient, high-performing transformer models on low-power embedded systems. The insights and techniques presented could have significant impact on the development of intelligent edge devices across a wide range of application domains.


This paper addresses a critical challenge in the field of edge computing - how to effectively deploy powerful deep learning models, like transformers, on resource-constrained microcontroller platforms. Through a comprehensive set of optimization techniques, the researchers demonstrate significant improvements in the efficiency and performance of "tiny transformer" models running on low-power MCUs.

The ability to run advanced AI capabilities directly on edge devices, rather than relying on cloud connectivity, opens up a wealth of new possibilities for intelligent, autonomous systems. This research represents an important step towards realizing the full potential of edge computing and bringing cutting-edge machine learning to a wide range of everyday applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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