Planning to Go Out-of-Distribution in Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/24/2024 by Trevor McInroe, Adam Jelley, Stefano V. Albrecht, Amos Storkey



Offline pretraining with a static dataset followed by online fine-tuning (offline-to-online, or OtO) is a paradigm well matched to a real-world RL deployment process. In this scenario, we aim to find the best-performing policy within a limited budget of online interactions. Previous work in the OtO setting has focused on correcting for bias introduced by the policy-constraint mechanisms of offline RL algorithms. Such constraints keep the learned policy close to the behavior policy that collected the dataset, but we show this can unnecessarily limit policy performance if the behavior policy is far from optimal. Instead, we forgo constraints and frame OtO RL as an exploration problem that aims to maximize the benefit of online data-collection. We first study the major online RL exploration methods based on intrinsic rewards and UCB in the OtO setting, showing that intrinsic rewards add training instability through reward-function modification, and UCB methods are myopic and it is unclear which learned-component's ensemble to use for action selection. We then introduce an algorithm for planning to go out-of-distribution (PTGOOD) that avoids these issues. PTGOOD uses a non-myopic planning procedure that targets exploration in relatively high-reward regions of the state-action space unlikely to be visited by the behavior policy. By leveraging concepts from the Conditional Entropy Bottleneck, PTGOOD encourages data collected online to provide new information relevant to improving the final deployment policy without altering rewards. We show empirically in several continuous control tasks that PTGOOD significantly improves agent returns during online fine-tuning and avoids the suboptimal policy convergence that many of our baselines exhibit in several environments.

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  • Offline pretraining with a static dataset followed by online fine-tuning (offline-to-online, or OtO) is a common approach for real-world reinforcement learning (RL) deployment.
  • Previous OtO work focused on correcting for bias introduced by offline RL algorithms' policy-constraint mechanisms, which can limit policy performance if the behavior policy is suboptimal.
  • Instead, this paper frames OtO RL as an exploration problem to maximize the benefit of online data collection, avoiding constraints.
  • The authors study major online RL exploration methods based on intrinsic rewards and UCB in the OtO setting, then introduce an algorithm called PTGOOD that avoids their issues.

Plain English Explanation

In the real world, reinforcement learning (RL) systems often go through two main stages: first, they are trained on a static dataset offline, and then they are fine-tuned online with real-time interactions. This "offline-to-online" (OtO) process is a common approach.

Previous work on OtO RL has focused on trying to correct for biases introduced by the offline RL algorithms. These algorithms use "policy constraints" to keep the learned policy close to the original "behavior policy" that collected the dataset. However, the authors show that this can actually limit the policy's performance if the behavior policy was not very good in the first place.

Instead, the authors in this paper decide to avoid those constraints and treat OtO RL as more of an exploration problem. The goal is to find the best-performing policy by actively exploring and collecting new data online, rather than being overly constrained by the offline dataset.

The paper first looks at some major exploration methods used in online RL, like those based on "intrinsic rewards" and "upper confidence bound" (UCB). But the authors find that these approaches have some issues - intrinsic rewards can make training unstable by modifying the reward function, and UCB methods are shortsighted and unclear on which parts of the learned model to use for exploration.

To address these problems, the authors introduce a new algorithm called PTGOOD (Planning to Go Out-Of-Distribution). PTGOOD uses a more sophisticated planning procedure to target exploration in potentially high-reward regions of the state-action space that the behavior policy was unlikely to visit. By leveraging ideas from the "Conditional Entropy Bottleneck", PTGOOD encourages the collection of online data that provides new information to improve the final deployment policy, without directly changing the rewards.

The authors show empirically that PTGOOD significantly improves agent returns during online fine-tuning and avoids the suboptimal policy convergence that many other exploration methods exhibit in several continuous control tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new approach for the offline-to-online reinforcement learning (OtO) setting, where an agent is first pretrained on a static offline dataset and then fine-tuned online with real-time interactions.

Previous work in OtO RL has focused on correcting for the bias introduced by the policy-constraint mechanisms used in offline RL algorithms like BEAR and BRAC. These constraints aim to keep the learned policy close to the "behavior policy" that collected the offline dataset, but the authors show this can unnecessarily limit performance if the behavior policy is suboptimal.

Instead, the authors frame OtO RL as an exploration problem, forgoing policy constraints to maximize the benefit of online data collection. They first study major online RL exploration methods based on intrinsic rewards and UCB, finding issues with each:

  • Intrinsic rewards can introduce training instability by modifying the reward function.
  • UCB methods are myopic and unclear on which learned components to use for action selection.

To address these problems, the authors introduce the "Planning to Go Out-Of-Distribution" (PTGOOD) algorithm. PTGOOD uses a non-myopic planning procedure that targets exploration in high-reward regions of the state-action space unlikely to be visited by the behavior policy. By leveraging the Conditional Entropy Bottleneck, PTGOOD encourages the collection of online data that provides new information to improve the final deployment policy, without directly modifying the rewards.

The authors show empirically that PTGOOD significantly outperforms baseline exploration methods in several continuous control tasks, avoiding the suboptimal policy convergence exhibited by many other approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to the OtO reinforcement learning setting, addressing limitations of previous work that relied on policy constraints. By framing the problem as one of exploration, the authors are able to develop the PTGOOD algorithm that can effectively guide the agent to collect informative online data without the stability issues of intrinsic rewards or the myopia of UCB methods.

However, the paper does not fully explore the potential limitations or caveats of the PTGOOD approach. For example, the planning procedure at the core of PTGOOD may become computationally intractable in higher-dimensional or more complex environments. The authors also do not discuss how PTGOOD would perform in settings with sparse or delayed rewards, where exploration is particularly challenging.

Additionally, while the empirical results are compelling, the authors could have strengthened their analysis by comparing PTGOOD to a wider range of baselines, including more recent offline-to-online RL methods. This would help better situate the contributions of PTGOOD and provide a more comprehensive understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, the paper presents an innovative solution to the OtO RL problem and makes a valuable contribution to the field. However, further research is needed to fully characterize the capabilities and limitations of the PTGOOD approach, especially in more complex and challenging real-world scenarios.


This paper introduces a new algorithm called PTGOOD that addresses limitations in previous work on offline-to-online reinforcement learning (OtO RL). By framing OtO RL as an exploration problem and using a sophisticated planning procedure, PTGOOD can effectively guide an agent to collect informative online data without the stability issues and myopia of other exploration methods.

The authors show that PTGOOD significantly outperforms baseline approaches in several continuous control tasks, avoiding the suboptimal policy convergence exhibited by many other methods. This work represents an important step forward in developing robust and effective OtO RL systems that can leverage offline pretraining to maximize the value of online fine-tuning.

Looking ahead, further research is needed to fully characterize the capabilities and limitations of the PTGOOD approach, especially in more complex real-world scenarios. Exploring its performance in sparse or delayed reward settings, as well as comparing it to a wider range of baselines, would help solidify its contributions to the field of offline-to-online reinforcement learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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