A Quantum Approximation Scheme for k-Means






Published 5/27/2024 by Ragesh Jaiswal



We give a quantum approximation scheme (i.e., $(1 + varepsilon)$-approximation for every $varepsilon > 0$) for the classical $k$-means clustering problem in the QRAM model with a running time that has only polylogarithmic dependence on the number of data points. More specifically, given a dataset $V$ with $N$ points in $mathbb{R}^d$ stored in QRAM data structure, our quantum algorithm runs in time $tilde{O} left( 2^{tilde{O}(frac{k}{varepsilon})} eta^2 dright)$ and with high probability outputs a set $C$ of $k$ centers such that $cost(V, C) leq (1+varepsilon) cdot cost(V, C_{OPT})$. Here $C_{OPT}$ denotes the optimal $k$-centers, $cost(.)$ denotes the standard $k$-means cost function (i.e., the sum of the squared distance of points to the closest center), and $eta$ is the aspect ratio (i.e., the ratio of maximum distance to minimum distance). This is the first quantum algorithm with a polylogarithmic running time that gives a provable approximation guarantee of $(1+varepsilon)$ for the $k$-means problem. Also, unlike previous works on unsupervised learning, our quantum algorithm does not require quantum linear algebra subroutines and has a running time independent of parameters (e.g., condition number) that appear in such procedures.

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