Regularization by Texts for Latent Diffusion Inverse Solvers






Published 4/17/2024 by Jeongsol Kim, Geon Yeong Park, Hyungjin Chung, Jong Chul Ye
Regularization by Texts for Latent Diffusion Inverse Solvers


The recent advent of diffusion models has led to significant progress in solving inverse problems, leveraging these models as effective generative priors. Nonetheless, there remain challenges related to the ill-posed nature of such problems, often due to inherent ambiguities in measurements or intrinsic system symmetries. To address this, drawing inspiration from the human ability to resolve visual ambiguities through perceptual biases, here we introduce a novel latent diffusion inverse solver by regularization by texts (TReg). Specifically, TReg applies the textual description of the preconception of the solution during the reverse diffusion sampling, of which the description is dynamically reinforced through null-text optimization for adaptive negation. Our comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that TReg successfully mitigates ambiguity in the inverse problems, enhancing their effectiveness and accuracy.

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This research paper explores a technique called "Regularization by Texts" for improving the performance of latent diffusion inverse solvers. Latent diffusion models are a type of generative AI model that can be used to solve inverse problems, such as image inpainting or text-to-image generation. The key innovation in this paper is the use of text-based regularization to improve the quality of the generated outputs from these latent diffusion inverse solvers.


Latent diffusion model

Latent diffusion models are a class of generative AI models that work by learning a diffusion process in a latent space. This means they can generate new data samples by iteratively adding noise to a clean input and then learning to reverse that noising process. This makes them powerful tools for solving inverse problems, where the goal is to recover a clean output from a noisy or corrupted input.


The paper also discusses the use of a classifier model that is trained to predict whether a given text description matches the generated output from the latent diffusion inverse solver. This classifier is a key component of the text-based regularization approach.

Plain English Explanation

The main idea behind this research is to improve the performance of latent diffusion inverse solvers by incorporating textual information. Latent diffusion models are good at tasks like image inpainting or text-to-image generation, but the outputs can sometimes be blurry or lack coherence.

The researchers hypothesized that adding a text-based regularization step could help address this by guiding the model to generate outputs that better match the desired text description. They trained a separate classifier model to assess how well the generated output matched the text, and then used this to provide additional feedback to the latent diffusion inverse solver during training.

In essence, this allows the model to not just focus on reconstructing the input, but also on ensuring the output aligns with the provided text description. The authors show this technique can lead to significant improvements in the quality and fidelity of the generated outputs compared to standard latent diffusion inverse solvers.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper are:

  1. Incorporating a text-based regularization term into the training objective of the latent diffusion inverse solver. This term uses the outputs of a pre-trained text classifier model to assess how well the generated output matches the desired text description.

  2. Demonstrating the effectiveness of this text-based regularization approach across a variety of inverse problem tasks, including image inpainting, text-to-image generation, and 3D scene reconstruction from text.

  3. Providing detailed ablation studies and analyses to understand the impact of different components of the text-based regularization, such as the choice of text classifier model and the strength of the regularization.

The authors show that this text-based regularization approach can lead to significant improvements in output quality and fidelity compared to standard latent diffusion inverse solvers, without requiring major architectural changes.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of this approach is that it relies on the availability of a high-quality text classifier model, which may not always be easy to obtain or fine-tune for specific domains. The authors acknowledge this and suggest exploring more lightweight or self-supervised text classification approaches as an area for future work.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential biases or limitations that may be introduced by the text-based regularization. It would be valuable to understand how this approach might perform on more challenging or diverse datasets, and whether there are any unintended consequences or failure modes to be aware of.

Overall, however, this research represents an interesting and promising direction for improving the performance of latent diffusion inverse solvers, with potential applications across a wide range of inverse problem domains.


This paper presents a novel technique called "Regularization by Texts" that can significantly improve the performance of latent diffusion inverse solvers. By incorporating a text-based regularization term during training, the authors were able to generate outputs that better matched the desired text descriptions across a variety of inverse problem tasks.

The key insight is that guiding the latent diffusion model to not just reconstruct the input, but also align with the provided text, can lead to substantial improvements in output quality and fidelity. This research represents an important step forward in leveraging the power of large language models and text-based feedback to enhance the capabilities of generative AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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