SCAFFLSA: Taming Heterogeneity in Federated Linear Stochastic Approximation and TD Learning






Published 5/28/2024 by Paul Mangold, Sergey Samsonov, Safwan Labbi, Ilya Levin, Reda Alami, Alexey Naumov, Eric Moulines
SCAFFLSA: Taming Heterogeneity in Federated Linear Stochastic Approximation and TD Learning


In this paper, we analyze the sample and communication complexity of the federated linear stochastic approximation (FedLSA) algorithm. We explicitly quantify the effects of local training with agent heterogeneity. We show that the communication complexity of FedLSA scales polynomially with the inverse of the desired accuracy $epsilon$. To overcome this, we propose SCAFFLSA a new variant of FedLSA that uses control variates to correct for client drift, and establish its sample and communication complexities. We show that for statistically heterogeneous agents, its communication complexity scales logarithmically with the desired accuracy, similar to Scaffnew. An important finding is that, compared to the existing results for Scaffnew, the sample complexity scales with the inverse of the number of agents, a property referred to as linear speed-up. Achieving this linear speed-up requires completely new theoretical arguments. We apply the proposed method to federated temporal difference learning with linear function approximation and analyze the corresponding complexity improvements.

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  • This paper proposes a new algorithm called SCAFFLSA (Stochastic Coordinate Ascent Federated Federated Linear Stochastic Approximation) to address the problem of heterogeneity bias in federated linear stochastic approximation and temporal difference learning.
  • Heterogeneity bias can arise when the data distributions or learning tasks across different client devices in a federated learning setting are not identical, leading to suboptimal performance.
  • SCAFFLSA aims to quantify and eliminate this bias to improve the convergence and optimization properties of federated learning algorithms.

Plain English Explanation

Federated learning is a machine learning technique where multiple devices or clients collaborate to train a shared model, without directly sharing their local data. This is useful when the data is distributed across many devices and cannot be easily centralized.

However, a challenge in federated learning is that the data or learning tasks on different devices may not be exactly the same. This "heterogeneity" can introduce biases that prevent the model from converging to the optimal solution.

The paper proposes a new algorithm called SCAFFLSA that aims to address this heterogeneity bias. SCAFFLSA works by quantifying the impact of the heterogeneity and then adjusting the learning process to compensate for it. This helps the federated learning algorithm converge faster and achieve better performance, even when the client devices have quite different data or learning objectives.

By overcoming the challenge of heterogeneity, SCAFFLSA can make federated learning more practical and effective in real-world applications where data is naturally distributed across many devices with varying characteristics.

Technical Explanation

The paper first provides a theoretical analysis of the heterogeneity bias in federated linear stochastic approximation (LSA) and temporal difference (TD) learning. It shows that this bias can significantly degrade the convergence rate and final solution quality of these algorithms.

To address this, the authors propose the SCAFFLSA algorithm, which builds upon the SCAFFOLD algorithm for federated optimization [link]. SCAFFLSA uses control variates to estimate and compensate for the heterogeneity bias, leading to improved convergence guarantees.

The paper then provides a finite-time analysis of SCAFFLSA, deriving bounds on the optimization error and demonstrating that it can achieve a faster convergence rate compared to previous federated LSA and TD learning algorithms, even in the presence of heterogeneity.

The authors also conduct experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, validating the theoretical findings and showing that SCAFFLSA outperforms existing methods in terms of optimization performance and robustness to heterogeneity.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical and empirical analysis of the SCAFFLSA algorithm, addressing an important challenge in federated learning. The authors' approach of quantifying and compensating for heterogeneity bias is a novel contribution to the field.

However, the paper does not discuss potential limitations or caveats of the SCAFFLSA algorithm. For example, it is unclear how the algorithm would perform in scenarios with extreme levels of heterogeneity, or how sensitive it is to the quality of the control variate estimates.

Additionally, the paper focuses on linear and temporal difference learning problems, but does not consider more complex federated learning settings, such as those involving nonlinear models or reinforcement learning. Exploring the applicability of SCAFFLSA to a wider range of federated learning problems would be a valuable direction for future research.


The SCAFFLSA algorithm proposed in this paper represents an important step forward in addressing the challenge of heterogeneity bias in federated learning. By quantifying and compensating for this bias, the algorithm can improve the convergence and optimization performance of federated linear stochastic approximation and temporal difference learning, making these techniques more practical and robust in real-world applications.

The theoretical analysis and experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate the effectiveness of the SCAFFLSA approach, and suggest that it could have a significant impact on the field of federated learning. Further research to extend the algorithm's capabilities and explore its broader applicability would be a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop efficient and reliable distributed machine learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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