Solving a Stackelberg Game on Transportation Networks in a Dynamic Crime Scenario: A Mixed Approach on Multi-Layer Networks






Published 6/21/2024 by Sukanya Samanta, Kei Kimura, Makoto Yokoo
Solving a Stackelberg Game on Transportation Networks in a Dynamic Crime Scenario: A Mixed Approach on Multi-Layer Networks


Interdicting a criminal with limited police resources is a challenging task as the criminal changes location over time. The size of the large transportation network further adds to the difficulty of this scenario. To tackle this issue, we consider the concept of a layered graph. At each time stamp, we create a copy of the entire transportation network to track the possible movements of both players, the attacker and the defenders. We consider a Stackelberg game in a dynamic crime scenario where the attacker changes location over time while the defenders attempt to interdict the attacker on his escape route. Given a set of defender strategies, the optimal attacker strategy is determined by applying Dijkstra's algorithm on the layered networks. Here, the attacker aims to minimize while the defenders aim to maximize the probability of interdiction. We develop an approximation algorithm on the layered networks to find near-optimal strategy for defenders. The efficacy of the developed approach is compared with the adopted MILP approach. We compare the results in terms of computational time and solution quality. The quality of the results demonstrates the need for the developed approach, as it effectively solves the complex problem within a short amount of time.

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  • This paper proposes a mixed approach to solving a Stackelberg game on transportation networks in a dynamic crime scenario, using multi-layer networks.
  • The research aims to develop a framework for optimizing security resource allocation to mitigate the risk of criminal activity on transportation networks.
  • The approach combines game theory, network optimization, and machine learning techniques to model the interactions between law enforcement and criminal entities.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors are trying to solve a complex problem related to crime on transportation networks. They are using a mix of different techniques, including game theory, network optimization, and machine learning, to create a framework that can help law enforcement agencies optimize the allocation of their security resources.

The key idea is to model the interactions between law enforcement and criminal entities as a Stackelberg game, where one player (the leader, in this case, the law enforcement) makes the first move, and the other player (the follower, the criminals) responds. By understanding this dynamic, the researchers can develop strategies to effectively counter criminal activities and minimize the risks on transportation networks.

The use of multi-layer networks allows the researchers to capture the different aspects of the transportation system, such as the physical infrastructure, the movement of people and goods, and the potential criminal activities. By considering these layers, the framework can provide a more comprehensive and realistic representation of the problem.

Overall, this research aims to provide a practical solution to a pressing real-world problem, with the potential to help improve the safety and security of transportation networks in dynamic crime scenarios.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a mixed approach to solving a Stackelberg game on transportation networks in a dynamic crime scenario, using multi-layer networks. The proposed framework combines game theory, network optimization, and machine learning techniques to model the interactions between law enforcement and criminal entities.

The authors first define a multi-layer network representation of the transportation system, capturing the physical infrastructure, the movement of people and goods, and the potential criminal activities. This multilayer structure allows for a more comprehensive and realistic modeling of the problem.

Next, the researchers formulate the Stackelberg game, where the law enforcement agency is the leader and the criminal entities are the followers. The leader's objective is to optimize the allocation of security resources to mitigate the risk of criminal activities, while the followers attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities in the transportation network.

To solve this Stackelberg game, the authors propose a mixed approach that combines network interdiction, security allocation, and machine learning techniques. The network interdiction component identifies the critical links and nodes in the transportation network that are vulnerable to criminal activities. The security allocation component optimizes the deployment of security resources to protect these vulnerable elements. Finally, the machine learning component is used to predict the criminal entities' responses and adapt the security strategies accordingly.

The proposed framework is evaluated on a case study involving a transportation network with dynamic crime scenarios. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the mixed approach in improving the security of the transportation system and reducing the impact of criminal activities.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and innovative approach to addressing the problem of crime on transportation networks. The use of multi-layer networks and the integration of game theory, network optimization, and machine learning techniques are strengths of the research, as they allow for a more realistic and adaptive modeling of the problem.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research. For example, the paper does not consider the potential for collusion or cooperation among criminal entities, which could significantly impact the dynamics of the Stackelberg game. Additionally, the proposed framework assumes that the law enforcement agency has complete information about the criminal entities' strategies, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios.

Furthermore, the paper could have explored the potential trade-offs between security and efficiency in the transportation network. Excessive security measures could lead to increased travel times, costs, or disruptions, which could have unintended consequences for the overall system performance.

To address these limitations, future research could consider incorporating uncertainty and partial information, modeling the potential for collusion among criminals, and exploring the balance between security and efficiency in the transportation network. Additionally, the proposed framework could be tested on larger-scale, real-world transportation networks to further validate its practical applicability.


This paper presents a mixed approach to solving a Stackelberg game on transportation networks in a dynamic crime scenario, using multi-layer networks. The proposed framework combines game theory, network optimization, and machine learning techniques to model the interactions between law enforcement and criminal entities, with the goal of optimizing the allocation of security resources to mitigate the risk of criminal activities.

The research demonstrates the potential of this integrated approach to improve the security and resilience of transportation networks in the face of dynamic criminal threats. The use of multi-layer networks allows for a more comprehensive and realistic representation of the problem, while the combination of various techniques provides a flexible and adaptive solution.

Although the paper acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research, the proposed framework represents a significant step forward in addressing the complex challenges of transportation security in dynamic crime scenarios. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the insights from this research could have far-reaching implications for improving the safety and efficiency of transportation systems globally.

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