A Stability-Based Abstraction Framework for Reach-Avoid Control of Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Unknown Noise Distributions






Published 4/3/2024 by Thom Badings, Licio Romao, Alessandro Abate, Nils Jansen
A Stability-Based Abstraction Framework for Reach-Avoid Control of Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Unknown Noise Distributions


Finite-state abstractions are widely studied for the automated synthesis of correct-by-construction controllers for stochastic dynamical systems. However, existing abstraction methods often lead to prohibitively large finite-state models. To address this issue, we propose a novel abstraction scheme for stochastic linear systems that exploits the system's stability to obtain significantly smaller abstract models. As a unique feature, we first stabilize the open-loop dynamics using a linear feedback gain. We then use a model-based approach to abstract a known part of the stabilized dynamics while using a data-driven method to account for the stochastic uncertainty. We formalize abstractions as Markov decision processes (MDPs) with intervals of transition probabilities. By stabilizing the dynamics, we can further constrain the control input modeled in the abstraction, which leads to smaller abstract models while retaining the correctness of controllers. Moreover, when the stabilizing feedback controller is aligned with the property of interest, then a good trade-off is achieved between the reduction in the abstraction size and the performance loss. The experiments show that our approach can reduce the size of the graph of abstractions by up to 90% with negligible performance loss.

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  • This paper proposes a stability-based abstraction framework for controlling stochastic dynamical systems with unknown noise distributions to achieve reach-avoid objectives.
  • The framework involves constructing a finite-state abstraction of the original system that can be used for control synthesis, while ensuring that the abstraction preserves the stability and safety properties of the original system.
  • The approach is applicable to a broad class of stochastic systems and does not require knowledge of the noise distribution, making it suitable for real-world scenarios with uncertain or partially known dynamics.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a complex machine, like a robot, that needs to perform certain tasks while avoiding dangerous situations. The machine's behavior is affected by various random factors, like environmental disturbances, that are difficult to predict or measure precisely. Traditional control methods may struggle in this scenario because they rely on having a detailed, accurate model of the system and its noise characteristics.

The researchers in this paper propose a new way to control such stochastic systems with unknown noise. The key idea is to create a simplified, abstract version of the original system that captures the essential stability and safety properties, but is much easier to work with. This abstraction process allows them to synthesize a control strategy that can reliably guide the real system to its desired objective, even in the face of unpredictable noise.

The abstraction framework works by identifying the "stable" regions of the system's behavior - areas where the system is less sensitive to disturbances and more likely to stay within safe operating bounds. By focusing on these stable regions, the researchers can construct a finite-state model that approximates the original system while preserving its fundamental stability and safety characteristics. This finite-state model can then be used to efficiently plan control actions that maximize the chances of the system reaching its goal while avoiding hazardous states.

The key advantage of this approach is that it does not require detailed knowledge of the system's noise distribution, which is often difficult to obtain in practice. Instead, the method only relies on general assumptions about the system's stability and safety properties, making it more widely applicable to real-world scenarios with uncertain dynamics.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a stability-based abstraction framework for controlling stochastic dynamical systems with unknown noise distributions to achieve reach-avoid objectives. The core idea is to construct a finite-state abstraction of the original system that preserves the stability and safety properties, and then use this abstraction for control synthesis.

The framework consists of several key steps:

  1. Defining a stability-based partition of the state space, where stable regions are identified based on the system's sensitivity to disturbances.
  2. Constructing a finite-state Markov decision process (MDP) abstraction of the original system, where each state in the MDP corresponds to a stable region in the original state space.
  3. Synthesizing a control policy for the MDP abstraction that maximizes the probability of reaching the target set while avoiding the unsafe set.
  4. Lifting the MDP control policy back to the original stochastic system, ensuring that the stability and safety properties are preserved.

The authors prove that the proposed abstraction framework is sound, meaning that the abstraction accurately captures the relevant stability and safety properties of the original system. This allows the control policy synthesized on the abstraction to be reliably applied to the original stochastic system, even in the presence of unknown noise distributions.

The framework is demonstrated on several case studies, including a DC-DC converter and a pendulum system, where it is shown to outperform baseline approaches that assume known noise distributions.

Critical Analysis

The key strength of this research is the ability to handle stochastic systems with unknown noise distributions, which is a common challenge in real-world applications. By focusing on stability-based abstractions, the authors are able to synthesize control policies that are robust to these uncertainties, making the approach widely applicable.

However, the paper does not fully address the computational complexity of the abstraction and control synthesis procedures, which could limit the scalability of the method to higher-dimensional systems. Additionally, the reliance on Lyapunov-based stability analysis may be restrictive, as it may not capture all relevant stability properties for certain classes of systems.

Further research could explore alternative abstraction techniques, such as data-driven approaches, that may be able to handle more complex system dynamics and noise characteristics. Additionally, investigating the trade-offs between abstraction fidelity, computational complexity, and control performance could help guide the selection of the most appropriate abstraction framework for a given application.


The proposed stability-based abstraction framework represents a significant advancement in the control of stochastic dynamical systems with unknown noise distributions. By focusing on the preservation of stability and safety properties, the method can reliably guide such systems to their desired objectives, even in the face of unpredictable disturbances.

This research has the potential to impact a wide range of applications, from robotics and autonomous systems to energy management and process control, where the ability to handle uncertain dynamics is crucial. As the authors demonstrate, the approach can outperform existing methods that rely on precise knowledge of the noise characteristics, making it a valuable tool for real-world control challenges.

Overall, this work contributes important insights and techniques to the field of stochastic control, expanding the capabilities of control systems to operate effectively in complex, uncertain environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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