StegoGAN: Leveraging Steganography for Non-Bijective Image-to-Image Translation






Published 4/1/2024 by Sidi Wu, Yizi Chen, Samuel Mermet, Lorenz Hurni, Konrad Schindler, Nicolas Gonthier, Loic Landrieu



Most image-to-image translation models postulate that a unique correspondence exists between the semantic classes of the source and target domains. However, this assumption does not always hold in real-world scenarios due to divergent distributions, different class sets, and asymmetrical information representation. As conventional GANs attempt to generate images that match the distribution of the target domain, they may hallucinate spurious instances of classes absent from the source domain, thereby diminishing the usefulness and reliability of translated images. CycleGAN-based methods are also known to hide the mismatched information in the generated images to bypass cycle consistency objectives, a process known as steganography. In response to the challenge of non-bijective image translation, we introduce StegoGAN, a novel model that leverages steganography to prevent spurious features in generated images. Our approach enhances the semantic consistency of the translated images without requiring additional postprocessing or supervision. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that StegoGAN outperforms existing GAN-based models across various non-bijective image-to-image translation tasks, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our code and pretrained models are accessible at

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  • Existing image-to-image translation models assume a one-to-one correspondence between semantic classes in the source and target domains, but this is often not the case in real-world scenarios.
  • Conventional GAN models may generate spurious instances of classes not present in the source domain, reducing the usefulness and reliability of the translated images.
  • CycleGAN-based methods can hide mismatched information in the generated images to bypass cycle consistency objectives, a technique known as steganography.
  • The paper introduces StegoGAN, a novel model that leverages steganography to prevent the generation of spurious features, enhancing the semantic consistency of the translated images.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a set of images of different types of dogs, and you want to translate them into a set of images of different types of cats. Existing translation models often assume that there is a clear one-to-one match between the dog breeds and the cat breeds, but this is not always the case in the real world.

For example, if you try to translate an image of a poodle into a cat, the model may try to generate a completely new type of cat that doesn't actually exist, just to match the output to the target domain. This can make the translated images less useful and reliable.

Another issue is that some translation models use a technique called "steganography" to hide mismatched information in the generated images, in order to bypass certain requirements for the translation process. This can also lead to problems with the quality and accuracy of the translated images.

The StegoGAN model introduced in this paper aims to address these challenges by using steganography in a different way - to prevent the generation of spurious features that don't match the source domain. This helps to maintain the semantic consistency of the translated images, making them more useful and reliable.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed StegoGAN, a novel image-to-image translation model that addresses the challenge of non-bijective translation, where there is not a one-to-one correspondence between the semantic classes in the source and target domains.

StegoGAN leverages steganography, the practice of hiding information within other information, to prevent the generation of spurious features in the translated images. This is in contrast to previous CycleGAN-based methods that used steganography to bypass cycle consistency objectives, leading to the inclusion of mismatched information.

The key innovation of StegoGAN is its ability to encode relevant source-domain information into the generated images, ensuring that the translated images maintain semantic consistency with the original inputs. This is achieved through a specialized architecture and loss function that encourage the model to preserve important semantic features during the translation process.

Experimental evaluations demonstrate that StegoGAN outperforms existing GAN-based models in various non-bijective image-to-image translation tasks, both in terms of qualitative and quantitative performance metrics.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling solution to the challenge of non-bijective image-to-image translation, which is an important problem in real-world scenarios where the source and target domains do not have a one-to-one correspondence.

One potential limitation of the StegoGAN approach is that it relies on the assumption that the relevant semantic information can be effectively encoded and preserved in the generated images. In cases where the mismatch between the source and target domains is more complex or the semantic information is difficult to capture, the effectiveness of the steganography-based approach may be reduced.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential security and privacy implications of using steganography in image translation models. While the technique is used to enhance semantic consistency, there may be concerns about the misuse of steganography for malicious purposes, such as hiding sensitive information in the generated images.

Further research could investigate the robustness of the StegoGAN approach to different types of domain shifts, as well as explore potential extensions or alternatives that could address the limitations of the current implementation.


The StegoGAN model introduced in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of image-to-image translation, particularly for tasks where the source and target domains do not have a bijective (one-to-one) relationship. By leveraging steganography to prevent the generation of spurious features, StegoGAN enhances the semantic consistency of the translated images, making them more useful and reliable for real-world applications.

The successful development and evaluation of StegoGAN suggest that incorporating steganography-based techniques into image translation models can be a promising approach for addressing the challenge of non-bijective translation. As the field continues to evolve, the insights and methods presented in this paper may inspire further innovations and contribute to the ongoing progress in this important area of computer vision and machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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