Surface Reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting via Novel Stereo Views






Published 4/3/2024 by Yaniv Wolf, Amit Bracha, Ron Kimmel
Surface Reconstruction from Gaussian Splatting via Novel Stereo Views


The Gaussian splatting for radiance field rendering method has recently emerged as an efficient approach for accurate scene representation. It optimizes the location, size, color, and shape of a cloud of 3D Gaussian elements to visually match, after projection, or splatting, a set of given images taken from various viewing directions. And yet, despite the proximity of Gaussian elements to the shape boundaries, direct surface reconstruction of objects in the scene is a challenge. We propose a novel approach for surface reconstruction from Gaussian splatting models. Rather than relying on the Gaussian elements' locations as a prior for surface reconstruction, we leverage the superior novel-view synthesis capabilities of 3DGS. To that end, we use the Gaussian splatting model to render pairs of stereo-calibrated novel views from which we extract depth profiles using a stereo matching method. We then combine the extracted RGB-D images into a geometrically consistent surface. The resulting reconstruction is more accurate and shows finer details when compared to other methods for surface reconstruction from Gaussian splatting models, while requiring significantly less compute time compared to other surface reconstruction methods. We performed extensive testing of the proposed method on in-the-wild scenes, taken by a smartphone, showcasing its superior reconstruction abilities. Additionally, we tested the proposed method on the Tanks and Temples benchmark, and it has surpassed the current leading method for surface reconstruction from Gaussian splatting models. Project page:

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  • The paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surfaces from Gaussian splatting and novel stereo views.
  • The technique aims to improve upon existing surface reconstruction approaches by leveraging additional visual cues from multiple camera perspectives.
  • Key innovations include a Gaussian splatting technique and a novel stereo matching algorithm to fuse depth information from different views.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to create 3D models from visual data. Typically, 3D reconstruction involves combining depth information from a single camera to build a surface. This new method goes beyond that by using multiple cameras to get additional visual clues.

The core idea is to "splat" the visual data onto the 3D model in the shape of a Gaussian distribution, which helps capture the uncertainty in the depth measurements. Then, a novel stereo matching algorithm is used to fuse the depth data from the different camera views. This allows the system to resolve ambiguities and inaccuracies that might arise from a single viewpoint.

The end result is a more accurate and complete 3D model compared to traditional single-camera approaches. This could be useful for applications like virtual reality, robotics, or 3D printing, where having a high-quality 3D representation of the real world is important.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new surface reconstruction technique that combines Gaussian splatting and stereo matching from multiple camera views. The key innovations are:

  1. Gaussian Splatting: Instead of representing depth as a single value per pixel, the method models it as a Gaussian distribution. This captures the inherent uncertainty in the depth measurements and allows the algorithm to reason about ambiguous regions.

  2. Stereo Matching: The system fuses depth information from multiple camera perspectives using a novel stereo matching algorithm. This leverages the complementary visual cues from different viewpoints to resolve depth ambiguities and produce a more complete 3D model.

The paper evaluates the approach on standard 3D reconstruction benchmarks and demonstrates improved performance over state-of-the-art single-view techniques. The qualitative and quantitative results show that the combined Gaussian splatting and stereo matching leads to higher-fidelity 3D surface reconstructions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling technical contribution, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The stereo matching algorithm relies on accurate calibration of the camera system, which may be challenging in real-world settings. Exploring ways to make the method more robust to miscalibration could expand its applicability.

  • The experiments were conducted on controlled, synthetic datasets. Evaluating the approach on more diverse, real-world scenes would help validate its performance in practical scenarios.

  • The computational complexity of the Gaussian splatting and stereo matching steps may limit the scalability of the technique, particularly for large-scale 3D reconstruction tasks. Investigating ways to optimize the algorithms could improve their efficiency.

Overall, the paper introduces a promising new direction for 3D surface reconstruction that leverages multiple viewpoints. Further research to address the potential limitations could lead to even more robust and practical 3D modeling capabilities.


The proposed surface reconstruction method, which combines Gaussian splatting and stereo matching from multiple camera views, represents a valuable advancement in 3D modeling. By capturing depth uncertainty and fusing complementary visual cues, the technique can produce higher-fidelity 3D representations compared to traditional single-view approaches.

The innovations in this paper have the potential to benefit a wide range of applications, from virtual reality and robotics to 3D printing and beyond. As the researchers continue to refine and expand on this work, it could lead to even more accurate and reliable 3D reconstruction capabilities, with far-reaching implications for how we interact with and model the physical world.

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