Trade-off between Gradient Measurement Efficiency and Expressivity in Deep Quantum Neural Networks






Published 6/27/2024 by Koki Chinzei, Shinichiro Yamano, Quoc Hoan Tran, Yasuhiro Endo, Hirotaka Oshima
Trade-off between Gradient Measurement Efficiency and Expressivity in Deep Quantum Neural Networks


Quantum neural networks (QNNs) require an efficient training algorithm to achieve practical quantum advantages. A promising approach is the use of gradient-based optimization algorithms, where gradients are estimated through quantum measurements. However, it is generally difficult to efficiently measure gradients in QNNs because the quantum state collapses upon measurement. In this work, we prove a general trade-off between gradient measurement efficiency and expressivity in a wide class of deep QNNs, elucidating the theoretical limits and possibilities of efficient gradient estimation. This trade-off implies that a more expressive QNN requires a higher measurement cost in gradient estimation, whereas we can increase gradient measurement efficiency by reducing the QNN expressivity to suit a given task. We further propose a general QNN ansatz called the stabilizer-logical product ansatz (SLPA), which can reach the upper limit of the trade-off inequality by leveraging the symmetric structure of the quantum circuit. In learning an unknown symmetric function, the SLPA drastically reduces the quantum resources required for training while maintaining accuracy and trainability compared to a well-designed symmetric circuit based on the parameter-shift method. Our results not only reveal a theoretical understanding of efficient training in QNNs but also provide a standard and broadly applicable efficient QNN design.

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  • This paper explores the trade-off between gradient measurement efficiency and expressivity in deep quantum neural networks.
  • It investigates the challenges of training these networks, particularly the need to balance the ability to accurately measure gradients (efficiency) with the ability to represent complex quantum states (expressivity).
  • The paper proposes a mathematical framework to analyze this trade-off and presents experimental results to validate the theoretical findings.

Plain English Explanation

Quantum neural networks are a new type of machine learning model that use quantum mechanical principles to perform computations. Unlike traditional neural networks, which use classical bits (0s and 1s), quantum neural networks use quantum bits, or "qubits," which can exist in a superposition of 0 and 1 at the same time.

This gives quantum neural networks the potential to solve certain types of problems much more efficiently than classical computers. However, training these models can be challenging, as there is a trade-off between two key factors:

  1. Gradient Measurement Efficiency: The ability to accurately measure the gradients (or slopes) of the neural network's parameters during training. This is important for optimizing the model's performance.

  2. Expressivity: The ability of the neural network to represent and learn complex quantum states. The more expressive the model, the better it can capture the underlying patterns in the data.

The researchers in this paper developed a mathematical framework to analyze this trade-off and understand how it affects the training and performance of deep quantum neural networks. They also conducted experiments to validate their theoretical findings.

By better understanding this efficiency-expressivity trade-off, the researchers hope to help guide the development of more effective and efficient quantum machine learning models.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a mathematical framework to analyze the trade-off between gradient measurement efficiency and expressivity in deep quantum neural networks. The key elements of this framework are:

  1. Quantum Neural Network Model: The paper considers a deep quantum neural network (DQNN) architecture, where the parameters of the network are encoded in the quantum state of the system.

  2. Gradient Measurement Efficiency: The researchers define a measure of gradient measurement efficiency that quantifies the accuracy with which the gradients of the network parameters can be estimated during training.

  3. Expressivity: The expressivity of the DQNN is characterized by the ability of the model to represent a wide range of quantum states. The paper introduces a measure of expressivity based on the volume of the set of states that can be represented by the network.

  4. Efficiency-Expressivity Trade-off: The paper establishes a theoretical relationship between the gradient measurement efficiency and the expressivity of the DQNN, showing that there is an inherent trade-off between these two properties.

The researchers then conduct experiments to validate their theoretical findings. They consider various DQNN architectures and analyze the trade-off between efficiency and expressivity, demonstrating the implications for the trainability and performance of these models.

The paper provides valuable insights into the challenges of training deep quantum neural networks and the importance of carefully balancing the efficiency and expressivity of the model. These findings can help guide the development of more effective and efficient quantum machine learning algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a solid theoretical and experimental analysis of the trade-off between gradient measurement efficiency and expressivity in deep quantum neural networks. The authors have developed a comprehensive mathematical framework to quantify these properties and investigate their interplay.

One potential limitation of the research is that the analysis is primarily focused on the theoretical aspects of the problem, without extensive real-world applications or case studies. While the experiments validate the theoretical findings, it would be helpful to see how these insights translate to the performance of DQNNs on practical tasks.

Additionally, the paper does not explicitly address the impact of other factors, such as the choice of network architecture, the optimization algorithm, or the availability of training data, on the overall trainability and performance of DQNNs. These factors may also play a significant role in the efficiency-expressivity trade-off and should be considered in future research.

Nevertheless, the paper makes an important contribution to the understanding of the fundamental challenges in training deep quantum neural networks. The insights provided can inform the design of more effective quantum machine learning algorithms and help bridge the gap between the theoretical and practical aspects of this emerging field.


This paper explores the trade-off between gradient measurement efficiency and expressivity in deep quantum neural networks, a critical issue in the development of effective quantum machine learning models. The researchers have developed a comprehensive mathematical framework to analyze this trade-off and validated their findings through experiments.

The key takeaways from this work are:

  1. There is an inherent trade-off between the ability to accurately measure gradients (efficiency) and the ability to represent complex quantum states (expressivity) in deep quantum neural networks.

  2. Understanding and characterizing this trade-off is crucial for designing and training DQNNs that can balance these competing requirements and achieve optimal performance.

  3. The insights provided in this paper can help guide the development of more efficient and expressive quantum machine learning algorithms, paving the way for practical applications of quantum computing in various domains.

By advancing our understanding of the fundamental challenges in training deep quantum neural networks, this research contributes to the ongoing efforts to harness the power of quantum mechanics for machine learning and optimization tasks.

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