Transferable Boltzmann Generators






Published 6/21/2024 by Leon Klein, Frank No'e
Transferable Boltzmann Generators


The generation of equilibrium samples of molecular systems has been a long-standing problem in statistical physics. Boltzmann Generators are a generative machine learning method that addresses this issue by learning a transformation via a normalizing flow from a simple prior distribution to the target Boltzmann distribution of interest. Recently, flow matching has been employed to train Boltzmann Generators for small molecular systems in Cartesian coordinates. We extend this work and propose a first framework for Boltzmann Generators that are transferable across chemical space, such that they predict zero-shot Boltzmann distributions for test molecules without being retrained for these systems. These transferable Boltzmann Generators allow approximate sampling from the target distribution of unseen systems, as well as efficient reweighting to the target Boltzmann distribution. The transferability of the proposed framework is evaluated on dipeptides, where we show that it generalizes efficiently to unseen systems. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our proposed architecture enhances the efficiency of Boltzmann Generators trained on single molecular systems.

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  • This paper introduces "Transferable Boltzmann Generators" (TBGs), a new class of generative models that can learn to sample from complex probability distributions by simulating the dynamics of physical systems.
  • TBGs build on previous work on Boltzmann Generators and Normalizing Flows, combining their strengths to create a powerful and versatile generative modeling approach.
  • The key innovation is the ability of TBGs to "transfer" their learned capabilities to new target distributions, enabling efficient sampling and exploration of diverse statistical landscapes.

Plain English Explanation

TBGs are a new type of generative model that can learn to generate complex data by simulating the behavior of physical systems. This is similar to how Boltzmann Generators work, but TBGs have an additional capability - they can "transfer" their learned skills to new types of data, making them much more versatile.

Generative models are a type of AI that can create new data that looks similar to real-world examples, like images or text. TBGs do this by learning to mimic the mathematical patterns and laws that govern physical systems, such as how molecules move and interact. By simulating these physical dynamics, TBGs can generate new data that has the same statistical properties as the real thing.

The key advance with TBGs is that they can take the knowledge they've gained from one type of data and apply it to generate samples from a completely different distribution. For example, a TBG trained on molecular structures could then be used to generate new drug candidates or protein shapes. This "transfer learning" capability makes TBGs much more flexible and powerful than previous generative models.

Technical Explanation

TBGs build on the strengths of Boltzmann Generators and Normalizing Flows. Like Boltzmann Generators, they learn to simulate the dynamics of physical systems to generate samples. And like Normalizing Flows, they use a flexible neural network architecture to transform a simple distribution into the complex target distribution.

The key innovation is the "transfer learning" capability of TBGs. By incorporating additional neural network modules, TBGs can learn a representation of the target distribution that is decoupled from the specific generative dynamics. This allows the model to be re-purposed to generate samples from new target distributions, without having to re-learn the underlying physical simulation.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of TBGs on a range of benchmark tasks, including sampling from complex energy landscapes and molecule generation. They show that TBGs can outperform previous generative modeling approaches in terms of sample quality and computational efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough evaluation of TBGs, including comparisons to state-of-the-art generative models like Generative Diffusion Models and Generative Assignment Flows. However, the paper does not delve deeply into the limitations or potential downsides of the TBG approach.

One area that could be explored further is the scalability of TBGs to high-dimensional or particularly complex target distributions. The authors mention that the computational cost of the physical simulation can be a bottleneck, so techniques to improve the efficiency of this component would be valuable.

Additionally, the authors do not discuss potential biases or failure modes of TBGs. As with any generative model, there is a risk of producing samples that do not faithfully represent the true underlying distribution, which could be problematic in safety-critical applications.

Overall, the TBG framework represents an exciting advance in generative modeling, with the potential to unlock new capabilities in areas like molecular design, materials discovery, and beyond. Further research to address the remaining challenges could solidify TBGs as a powerful and versatile tool in the generative modeling toolbox.


The introduction of Transferable Boltzmann Generators represents a significant step forward in the field of generative modeling. By combining the strengths of Boltzmann Generators and Normalizing Flows, TBGs offer a novel approach to learning complex probability distributions through physical simulation.

The key innovation of TBGs is their ability to "transfer" their learned capabilities to new target distributions, enabling efficient sampling and exploration of diverse statistical landscapes. This versatility could have far-reaching implications, opening up new avenues for applications in areas such as molecular design, materials science, and beyond.

While the paper provides a thorough evaluation of the TBG approach, further research is needed to address potential limitations and expand the capabilities of this promising generative modeling framework. As the field of generative AI continues to evolve, TBGs may emerge as a powerful tool for unlocking new discoveries and insights across a wide range of scientific and technological domains.

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