You Only Scan Once: A Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Pipeline for 6-DoF Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects






Published 4/5/2024 by Lei Zhou, Haozhe Wang, Zhengshen Zhang, Zhiyang Liu, Francis EH Tay, adn Marcelo H. Ang. Jr
You Only Scan Once: A Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Pipeline for 6-DoF Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects


In the realm of robotic grasping, achieving accurate and reliable interactions with the environment is a pivotal challenge. Traditional methods of grasp planning methods utilizing partial point clouds derived from depth image often suffer from reduced scene understanding due to occlusion, ultimately impeding their grasping accuracy. Furthermore, scene reconstruction methods have primarily relied upon static techniques, which are susceptible to environment change during manipulation process limits their efficacy in real-time grasping tasks. To address these limitations, this paper introduces a novel two-stage pipeline for dynamic scene reconstruction. In the first stage, our approach takes scene scanning as input to register each target object with mesh reconstruction and novel object pose tracking. In the second stage, pose tracking is still performed to provide object poses in real-time, enabling our approach to transform the reconstructed object point clouds back into the scene. Unlike conventional methodologies, which rely on static scene snapshots, our method continuously captures the evolving scene geometry, resulting in a comprehensive and up-to-date point cloud representation. By circumventing the constraints posed by occlusion, our method enhances the overall grasp planning process and empowers state-of-the-art 6-DoF robotic grasping algorithms to exhibit markedly improved accuracy.

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  • This paper presents a dynamic scene reconstruction pipeline for 6-DoF robotic grasping of novel objects.
  • The system uses a single RGB-D sensor to capture dynamic scene information and reconstruct a 3D model that can be used for 6-DoF grasp detection.
  • The pipeline combines deep learning-based methods with geometric optimization techniques to achieve real-time performance and high-quality reconstruction.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new system that allows robots to grasp and pick up unfamiliar objects in a dynamic environment. The key idea is to use a single camera that can see depth (an RGB-D sensor) to quickly build a 3D model of the objects and their position, which the robot can then use to figure out how to best grab them.

Traditionally, robots have struggled to interact with new objects they haven't encountered before. This new approach combines advanced machine learning techniques with geometric analysis to let the robot efficiently create a 3D map of the scene on the fly. This enables the robot to plan and execute precise 6-degrees-of-freedom grasps - which means it can pick up objects in complex orientations, not just simple top-down grasps.

The authors show this pipeline can work in real-time, continuously updating the 3D model as the scene changes, allowing the robot to gracefully handle dynamic environments. This kind of flexible object grasping could be hugely beneficial for Generalizing 6-DoF Grasp Detection via Domain Adaptation, Generalizable 3D Scene Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer, and other robotics applications that require interacting with a wide variety of objects.

Technical Explanation

The pipeline starts by using a deep learning-based segmentation model to identify individual objects in the RGB-D input. It then applies a combination of ENDO-4DGS: Endoscopic Monocular Scene Reconstruction in 4D and GEARS: Local Geometry Aware Hand-Object Interaction techniques to reconstruct the 3D shape and pose of each object in real-time.

A key innovation is the use of neural implicit representations, similar to Neural Implicit Representation for Building Digital Twins of the Unknown, to compactly encode the object geometry. This allows the system to achieve high-fidelity reconstructions without excessive computational cost.

The reconstructed 3D models are then used to detect stable 6-DoF grasps that the robot can execute. The pipeline continuously updates the scene reconstruction as the environment changes, enabling robust grasping even in dynamic settings.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling pipeline that addresses several key challenges in robotic grasping. The use of a single RGB-D sensor and the real-time performance are particularly notable achievements.

However, the authors acknowledge that the system is limited to static objects and does not currently handle occlusions or complex interactions between objects. Extending the approach to more realistic, cluttered scenes with moving objects would be an important next step.

Additionally, the grasp detection component is not the focus of this work, so further research may be needed to ensure the grasps are truly reliable and generalizable across a wide range of objects.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of Generalizing 6-DoF Grasp Detection via Domain Adaptation and Generalizable 3D Scene Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer, demonstrating the potential of dynamic scene reconstruction for robust robotic manipulation.


This paper presents a novel pipeline for 6-DoF robotic grasping of novel objects in dynamic environments. By combining deep learning-based segmentation, neural implicit representations, and geometric optimization, the system can efficiently reconstruct 3D models of objects and use them to plan stable grasps in real-time.

The authors' approach addresses several key challenges in robotic manipulation, including handling unfamiliar objects and adapting to changing environments. While further research is needed to extend the system to more complex scenes, this work represents an important step forward in enabling flexible, autonomous robotic interaction with the physical world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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