
Models by this creator




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Mickey-1928 is a fine-tuned version of the Stable Diffusion-xl model, trained on 96 public domain stills from 1928 Mickey Mouse cartoons. Similar models like All-In-One-Pixel-Model, mo-di-diffusion, and Ghibli-Diffusion also leverage fine-tuned Stable Diffusion for generating stylized artwork and characters. These models allow users to create images in the style of classic animation, Disney films, and anime. Model inputs and outputs Mickey-1928 takes text prompts as input and generates images of Mickey Mouse, Minnie, and to a lesser extent, Pete. The model is trained on a dataset of 96 stills from the first three Mickey Mouse cartoons, which became public domain in 2024. The color images are low resolution at 360x360 pixels, so the generated results may not be of consistently high quality. Inputs Text prompts describing scenes or characters involving Mickey, Minnie, or Pete Outputs Images generated in the style of 1928 Mickey Mouse cartoons Capabilities Mickey-1928 can generate images of Mickey, Minnie, and Pete that aim to adhere to the original 1928 character designs. The model was trained to produce results that are in the public domain, though the maintainer notes the generated images should still be checked to ensure they truly match the original designs. What can I use it for? The Mickey-1928 model could be useful for creative projects involving nostalgic or vintage-style Mickey Mouse imagery, such as illustrations, digital art, or even merchandise designs. Since the model's output is intended to be in the public domain, users have flexibility in how they can utilize the generated images. However, the maintainer cautions that the current dataset limitations may result in inconsistent image quality, so further development or access to higher-resolution source material could improve the model's capabilities. Things to try Experiment with different text prompts to see how Mickey-1928 interprets requests for scenes, actions, or compositions involving the classic Mickey Mouse characters. Try prompts that reference specific cartoons or eras to see how the model adapts the style. Additionally, you could explore ways to integrate the generated images into projects that leverage the public domain nature of the content, such as educational materials, community art initiatives, or historical archives.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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MonadGPT is an AI model that falls under the category of Text-to-Text models. Similar models include gpt-j-6B-8bit, MiniGPT-4, gpt4-x-alpaca-13b-native-4bit-128g, Reliberate, and goliath-120b-GGUF. The model was created by Pclanglais. Model inputs and outputs MonadGPT is a text-to-text model, meaning it can take text as input and generate new text as output. The specific inputs and outputs are not provided in the model description. Inputs Text input Outputs Generated text Capabilities MonadGPT is capable of generating new text based on the provided input. It can be used for various text-generation tasks, such as writing assistance, content creation, and language modeling. What can I use it for? MonadGPT can be used for a variety of text-generation tasks, such as writing articles, stories, or scripts. It can also be used for language translation, summarization, and other text-related applications. The model's capabilities can be further explored and potentially monetized by companies or individuals interested in natural language processing. Things to try You can experiment with MonadGPT by providing it with different types of text inputs and observing the generated outputs. Try using it for tasks like creative writing, dialogue generation, or even code generation. By exploring the model's capabilities, you may discover new and innovative ways to utilize it.

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Updated 5/28/2024