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CodeShell-7B is a multi-language code LLM developed by the Knowledge Computing Lab of Peking University. The model has 7 billion parameters and was trained on 500 billion tokens with a context window length of 8194. On authoritative code evaluation benchmarks (HumanEval and MBPP), CodeShell-7B achieves the best performance of its scale. Compared to similar models like replit-code-v1-3b, CodeShell-7B is a larger 7B parameter model trained on more data (500B vs 525B tokens). It also provides a more comprehensive ecosystem with open-source IDE plugins, local C++ deployment, and a multi-task evaluation system. Model inputs and outputs CodeShell-7B is a text-to-text model designed for code generation. The model takes in text prompts and outputs generated code. Inputs Text prompts describing a coding task or providing context for the desired output Outputs Generated code in a variety of programming languages including C++, Python, JavaScript, and more The generated code is intended to be a solution to the given prompt or to continue the provided context Capabilities CodeShell-7B demonstrates impressive code generation abilities, outperforming other models of its size on benchmarks like HumanEval and MBPP. It can generate functioning code across many languages to solve a wide range of programming problems. What can I use it for? The CodeShell-7B model can be used for a variety of software development tasks, such as: Generating code snippets or entire functions based on natural language descriptions Assisting with coding by providing helpful completions and suggestions Automating repetitive coding tasks Prototyping new ideas and quickly generating working code Enhancing developer productivity by offloading mundane coding work The model's strong performance and comprehensive ecosystem make it a powerful tool for both individual developers and teams working on software projects. Things to try One interesting aspect of CodeShell-7B is its ability to generate code in multiple programming languages. You could experiment with prompting the model to translate a code snippet from one language to another, or to generate implementations of the same algorithm in different languages. Another compelling use case is to provide the model with high-level requirements or user stories and have it generate the corresponding working code. This could be a great way to rapidly prototype new features or explore different design approaches. Overall, the robust capabilities and flexible deployment options of CodeShell-7B make it a valuable tool for advancing your software development workflows and boosting productivity.

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Updated 5/28/2024