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The Smaug-72B-v0.1 model is a powerful large language model developed by abacusai that has recently taken first place on the Open LLM Leaderboard by HuggingFace. It is the first open-source model to surpass an average score of 80%. Smaug-72B is fine-tuned directly from moreh/MoMo-72B-lora-1.8.7-DPO and is ultimately based on Qwen/Qwen-72B. The model was created using a new fine-tuning technique called DPO-Positive (DPOP) and new pairwise preference versions of datasets like ARC, HellaSwag, and MetaMath. Model inputs and outputs The Smaug-72B-v0.1 model is a text-to-text AI model, meaning it takes in text prompts and generates text outputs. The model can handle a wide variety of natural language tasks, from open-ended conversational responses to more structured outputs like answering questions or completing tasks. Inputs Text prompts**: The model accepts free-form text prompts that describe the desired task or output. Outputs Generated text**: The model outputs generated text that responds to or completes the input prompt. Capabilities The Smaug-72B-v0.1 model demonstrates impressive performance on a range of benchmarks, including achieving an average score of over 80% on the Open LLM Leaderboard. It excels at tasks like answering questions, generating coherent and relevant text, and reasoning about complex topics. The model's strong performance is attributed to its large size and the innovative DPOP fine-tuning technique used in its development. What can I use it for? The Smaug-72B-v0.1 model's capabilities make it well-suited for a variety of applications, such as: Natural language generation**: The model can be used to generate human-like text for chatbots, content creation, and other language-based applications. Question answering**: The model can be used to answer a wide range of questions on different topics, making it useful for educational and research purposes. Task completion**: The model can be fine-tuned or prompted to complete specific tasks, like summarizing text, translating between languages, or even generating code. Things to try One interesting aspect of the Smaug-72B-v0.1 model is its strong performance on math-based datasets like MetaMath, which the authors attribute to their new DPOP fine-tuning technique. You could try prompting the model with math-related questions or tasks to see its reasoning and problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, the model's high-quality text generation could be used for creative writing, storytelling, or other language-focused projects.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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Smaug-Llama-3-70B-Instruct is a large language model developed by Abacus.AI using a new Smaug recipe for improving performance on real-world multi-turn conversations. This model was built by fine-tuning the meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct model. The Smaug-Llama-3-70B-Instruct model outperforms the Llama-3-70B-Instruct substantially and is on par with GPT-4-Turbo on the MT-Bench benchmark. Similar models include the Llama-3-Smaug-8B model, which used the Smaug recipe on the smaller 8B version of the Meta Llama 3 model. The Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct and Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct models are the original instruction-tuned versions released by Meta. Model inputs and outputs Inputs The model takes in text inputs only. Outputs The model generates text and code outputs. Capabilities The Smaug-Llama-3-70B-Instruct model excels at a variety of tasks, including multi-turn conversations, general knowledge, and coding. It has shown strong performance on benchmarks like MT-Bench and is on par with GPT-4-Turbo. What can I use it for? The Smaug-Llama-3-70B-Instruct model can be used for a wide range of applications that require natural language understanding and generation, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, content creation, and code generation. Its strong performance on multi-turn conversations makes it well-suited for building engaging and helpful conversational AI systems. Things to try Developers can experiment with using the Smaug-Llama-3-70B-Instruct model for tasks like language translation, text summarization, and creative writing. The model's ability to engage in multi-turn dialogues could also be leveraged to build advanced conversational AI applications.

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Updated 6/17/2024




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gguf is here TheProfessor is a merge of pre-trained language models created using mergekit. TheProfessor was created by Eric Hartford, with much appreciated help from Weyaxi and Charles Goddard, and AbacusAI's Generative AI team. TheProfessor can be used for many things - but the focus was to give it broad conversational, reasoning, scientific, medical, and mathematical skills, useful for interactively brainstorming and research. It can help to develop concepts from helping you conceive them, all the way to implementation, including code and writing / reviewing / revising papers with citations. TheProfessor was not finetuned after the merge. Credit and appreciation goes to the authors of the aggregate models. cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b WizardLM/WizardMath-70B-V1.0 migtissera/SynthIA-70B-v1.2b epfl-llm/meditron-70b TheProfessor is subject to the Llama 2 license. Prompt format: TheProfessor uses ChatML prompt format. system You are TheProfessor, a helpful AI assistant. user {prompt} assistant Example: system You are TheProfessor, a superintelligent AI assistant that is creative and able to invent new ideas. user Please give me ideas for my dissertation. My Ph.D. is Neuroscience, I like to focus on applied theory. assistant Ollama ModelFile: FROM "./TheProfessor_Q4_K_M.gguf" TEMPLATE """system {{ .System }} user {{ .Prompt }} assistant """ SYSTEM """Your name is TheProfessor. You are a helpful AI assistant. You are creative and inventive, and you are willing to make your best guess, and help to brainstorm answers. Please draw upon your vast knowledge to answer the user's question to the best of your ability.""" PARAMETER num_ctx 32768 PARAMETER stop "" Evals { "mmlu": 0.694, "truthfulqa_mc2": 0.624, "gsm8k": 0.4284 } Merge Details Merge Method TheProfessor was merged using the linear merge method. Models Merged The following models were included in the merge: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b WizardLM/WizardMath-70B-V1.0 migtissera/SynthIA-70B-v1.2b epfl-llm/meditron-70b Configuration The following YAML configuration was used to produce TheProfessor: merge_method: linear # use linear so we can include multiple models, albeit at a zero weight parameters: weight: 1.0 # weight everything as 1 unless specified otherwise - linear with one model weighted at 1 is a no-op like passthrough slices: sources: model: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b # embed_tokens comes along with the ride with whatever is the first layer layer_range: [0, 1] model: migtissera/SynthIA-70B-v1.2b # add dummy second model with 0 weight so tokenizer-based merge routine is invoked for embed_tokens layer_range: [0, 1] parameters: weight: 0 sources: model: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b layer_range: [1, 20] sources: model: migtissera/SynthIA-70B-v1.2b layer_range: [10, 30] sources: model: WizardLM/WizardMath-70B-V1.0 layer_range: [20, 40] sources: model: epfl-llm/meditron-70b layer_range: [25, 45] sources: model: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b layer_range: [30, 50] sources: model: migtissera/SynthIA-70B-v1.2b layer_range: [40, 60] sources: model: WizardLM/WizardMath-70B-V1.0 layer_range: [50, 70] sources: model: epfl-llm/meditron-70b layer_range: [55, 75] sources: model: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b layer_range: [60, 79] sources: # same as above, but for lm_head with the last layer model: cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b layer_range: [79, 80] model: migtissera/SynthIA-70B-v1.2b layer_range: [79, 80] parameters: weight: 0 dtype: float16 tokenizer_source: model:cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.2-70b # keep exact tokenizer used by dolphin - or you could use union if you add all of the input models to the first/last slice, but they would need to be non-zero weight or you'll get NaNs in your embeddings Example Output Make sense of physics equations These equations appeared to me in a dream, I wrote them down as soon as I woke but I don't know what they mean. Can you please interpret them? Lgauge\=14FF\\mathcal{L}\{\\text{gauge}} = -\\frac{1}{4} F^{\\mu\\nu}F\{\\mu\\nu}Lgauge\=41FF \=2\\langle \\phi \\rangle = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\lambda}{2}}\=2 Sgravity\=d4xg(R16G+Lemergent)S\{\\text{gravity}} = \\int d^4x \\sqrt{-g} \\left( \\frac{R}{16\\pi G} + \\mathcal{L}\{\\text{emergent}} \\right)Sgravity\=d4xg(16GR+Lemergent) LGEG\=Lgauge+Lemergent+Lmatter+Linteraction\\mathcal{L}\{\\text{GEG}} = \\mathcal{L}\{\\text{gauge}} + \\mathcal{L}\{\\text{emergent}} + \\mathcal{L}\{\\text{matter}} + \\mathcal{L}\{\\text{interaction}}LGEG\=Lgauge+Lemergent+Lmatter+Linteraction Lemergent\=(g)+(g)R2+\\mathcal{L}\{\\text{emergent}} = \\lambda(g) + \\kappa(g) R^2 + \\ldotsLemergent\=(g)+(g)R2+ SGEG\=d4xgLGEGS\{\\text{GEG}} = \\int d^4x \\sqrt{-g} \\; \\mathcal{L}\{\\text{GEG}}SGEG\=d4xgLGEG \=2+14AA2\\sigma = \\sqrt{\\langle | \\phi | \\rangle^2 + \\frac{1}{4} \\langle A^{\\mu}A\{\\mu} \\rangle^2}\=2+41AA2 A\=(0,v(r)i/2,0,0)\\langle A^{\\mu} \\rangle = (0, v(r)\{i}/\\sqrt{2}, 0, 0)A\=(0,v(r)i/2,0,0) \=0+(x)\\langle \\phi \\rangle = \\langle \\phi\0 \\rangle + \\delta\\phi(x)\=0+(x) A\=(0,v(r)i2,0,0)\\langle A\{\\mu} \\rangle = (0, \\frac{v(r)\{i}}{\\sqrt{2}}, 0, 0)A\=(0,2v(r)i,0,0) g\=+hg\{\\mu\\nu} = \\eta\{\\mu\\nu} + \\kappa h\{\\mu\\nu}g\=+h These equations are from different areas of theoretical physics and cosmology, including gauge theories, emergent gravity, Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EG) theories, Higgs mechanism, and cosmic inflation. Here's a brief description of each set of equations: 1. Gauge theory: * The first two equations describe the Lagrangian for a gauge theory and its ground state in terms of a gauge field $A$ and a self-interacting scalar field $\\phi$. Here, $F$ is the field strength tensor, $\\mathcal{L}$ stands for Lagrangian density, and $\\lambda$ and $\\kappa$ are coupling constants. 2. Gravity emergence: * The third and fourth equations describe a scenario where gravity arises as an emergent phenomenon from other fundamental interactions in the form of an effective action term $\\mathcal{L}$. Here, $R$ is the Ricci scalar, $G$ is the gravitational constant, and $g$ is the determinant of the spacetime metric $g\_{\\mu\\nu}$. 3. Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EG) theories: * The fifth and sixth equations describe the Lagrangian for EG theories, which include the gauge, emergent gravity, matter, and interaction terms. Here, $\\mathcal{L}$ again stands for Lagrangian density, and $\\mathcal{L}$. $\_{\\text{emergent}}$ includes higher-order curvature terms like the Gauss-Bonnet term with coupling constant $\\lambda(g)$, a squared Ricci tensor term with constant $\\kappa(g)$, and possibly other terms represented by the dots. 4. Cosmic inflation: * The seventh to tenth equations describe some aspects of cosmic inflation, wherein the universe undergoes an accelerated phase of expansion. Here, $\\sigma$ represents a combination of the Higgs field's absolute value squared and the square of the gauge field's time-component squared. The eleventh to thirteenth equations describe the Higgs field's fluctuation around its ground state and the gauge fields in terms of their vacuum values and small deviations. 5. Gravitational waves: * The last two equations describe a linearized spacetime background around Minkowski space-time, where $h$ represents the gravitational wave's tensor. Here, $\\eta$ is the Minkowski metric, and $\\kappa$ is the gravitational constant. Overall, these equations come from different areas of theoretical physics and cosmology, including gauge theories, emergent gravity, Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EG) theories, Higgs mechanism, cosmic inflation, and gravitational waves. While they might seem unrelated at first glance, they all share a common goal: to better understand the fundamental forces of nature and the universe's structure and evolution. Although I have provided a brief interpretation of each set of equations, their true meaning and implications require an in-depth understanding of these complex topics, which is beyond the scope of this AI response. I hope this helps you gain some insight into your intriguing dream-inspired equations! Prove P != NP In the pursuit to prove P != NP I want to try to prove that no polynomial-time algorithm could possibly solve all problems in NP, even though we may not know of any specific such problem that defies polynomial-time solution. Can you please make a lemma that would be helpful? Certainly! One possible direction towards proving P NP using non-computational or proof-theoretic methods is to try to show that certain kinds of mathematical statements, known as undecidable statements, cannot be proven in any polynomial-time verifiable formal system, such as first-order logic with addition (FO+M). In other words, we would like to show that there are inherent limits to what can be expressed or proven within these restricted systems, even though the full power of human intuition and insight may allow us to see their truth or falsity. Here's a simple example of such an undecidable statement in the realm of Diophantine equations (i.e., equations in multiple variables with integer coefficients): def Goldbach_Conjecture(n): if n % 2 == 1 and n return True elif n > 4 and n % 3 == 1: m = (n - 1) // 2 return Goldbach_Conjecture(m) or Goldbach_Conjecture(n - m) else: return False This Python function checks whether a given even number n can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers (not including 2 itself). The famous unsolved Goldbach Conjecture, named after the Prussian mathematician Christian Goldbach, states that this is always true for all sufficiently large even numbers n. However, despite much effort and extensive computational verification up to very large values of n, no one has yet found either a proof or counterexample to settle this conjecture definitively. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that there were an algorithm A running in polynomial time on input n such that Goldbach\_Conjecture(n) == A(n) for all even integers n. Then we could use this algorithm to decide whether any given number n is prime or composite (i.e., divisible by a prime other than 1 and itself) as follows: def Goldbach_Prime_Test(n): if n % 2 == 0 and n return True elif n > 4 and n % 3 == 1: m = (n - 1) // 2 return not Goldbach_Conjecture(m) or not Goldbach_Conjecture(n - m) else: return False This function checks whether n is a prime number by trying to express it as the sum of two other odd numbers, one of which must then be composite by our assumption that all even composites can be factized into primes. If this attempt fails for all possible such decompositions, we conclude that n itself must be prime. However, deciding whether a given number is prime or composite is known to be an NP-hard problem, meaning that no polynomial-time algorithm exists that can always correctly classify all numbers as either prime or composite, unless P = NP. This leads to a contradiction, since our original assumed algorithm A would then provide such a polynomial-time solution to the prime number decision problem, which we know cannot exist if P NP holds true. Thus, by proof-by-contradiction, we have shown that there exists at least one undecidable statement in the realm of Diophantine equations (specifically, whether all even numbers can be expressed as sums of two prime numbers) that cannot be proven or refuted within any polynomial-time verifiable formal system, such as first-order logic with addition. This result, while not directly implying P NP, demonstrates one possible strategy towards achieving such a negative answer to the millennium-prize question by leveraging non-computational or proof-theoretic techniques beyond traditional Turing machine-based complexity theory. What is the next step in using this lemma to prove P NP Given the previous example of an undecidable statement in Diophantine equations that cannot be proven or refuted within any polynomial-time verifiable formal system like first-order logic with addition (FO+M), it's still a long and difficult journey towards establishing P NP in general. However, if we could somehow show that any algorithmic solution to an NP-complete problem (i.e., one that can reduce all other NP problems to itself in polynomial time) would also allow us to solve this particular undecidable statement in FO+M within polynomial time, then by proof-by-contradiction, we could conclude that no such algorithmic solution exists and hence P NP. Here's a rough outline of how one might try to proceed: 1. Reduce any NP-complete problem L to our chosen undecidable statement G in FO+M (i.e., show that L P G): This step would require constructing a polynomial-time many-one reduction f from instances of L to correspondingly encoded instances of G such that for all x, L(x) G(f(x)). For instance, we could try encoding an instance (a, b, k) of the Subset Sum problem as a Diophantine equation sum(a\i \* 2^i) = 2^k + c modulo m where c and m are chosen appropriately to ensure that this equation has a solution iff there exists a subset S of {a\_1, ..., a\{|a|}} such that sum(a\_i for i in S) = b. However, even if we could find such an encoding f, it's not clear yet how this would help us prove P NP directly, since G itself is undecidable within FO+M and thus cannot be decided by any algorithm running in any fixed time bound. 2. Reduce our chosen unsolvability-of- Diophantine-equations problem U (i.e., the problem of deciding whether a given Diophantine equation has an integer solution) to G: This step would require showing that for any given Diophantine equation F(x\_1, ..., x\_n), there exists another Diophantine equation G'(x\_1', ..., x\_m') such that U(F) G'(f'(F)) for some computable function f'. Informally speaking, this step would allow us to "reduce" the general undecidability of Diophantine equations (which is known unprovable within certain axiom systems like ZFC set theory) to our specific chosen instance G. Again, however, even if we could find such a reduction g', it's still not clear how this would help us prove P NP directly, since U itself is also known to be undecidable within any recursively axiomatizable set theory that can prove basic number-theoretic facts like the existence of prime numbers. 3. Reduce G' to L: Finally, we would need to find another polynomial-time many-one reduction h from instances of our chosen undecidable statement G' back down to correspondingly decoded instances of our original NP-complete problem L such that for all y', G'(h(y')) L(y'). This step, if possible, would complete a polynomial-time Turing reduction chain running in both directions between L and G', which by standard undecidability results in computability theory (e.g., Rice's theorem) would imply that both problems are equally hard under such reductions. In particular, this would mean that if there were an algorithm A running in time O(f(n)) for some f(n) = O(n^k) for all sufficiently large n and all strings y' of length |y'| n such that G'(h(y')) = A(h(y'), n), then by undesirability of the alternative, we could use A to solve our original problem L in time O(g(n)) for some g(n) = O(m(f(n))^l) for all sufficiently large n and all strings x of length |x| n', where m(n) and l are fixed constants depending only on the lengths of f, g, h, and the time complexity of encoding and decoding between different representations. This final step would then directly contradict our initial assumption that L is an NP-complete problem that cannot be solved in polynomial time by any deterministic Turing machine, thus establishing P NP by proof-by-contradiction. In summary, while this high-level outline provides some possible directions for further research towards proving P NP using non-computational or proof-theoretic methods, each step in this sequence of reductions and encodings remains a formidable challenge even for the best mathematicians and computer scientists today. As such, the millennium-prize question of whether every decision problem solvable in polynomial time with an oracle can also be solved in polynomial time without any superhuman assistance still stands open as one of the deepest unsolved problems at the foundations of theoretical computer science and mathematical logic. Explain principia mathematica Please walk me through bertrand russell's proof that 1 + 1 = 2 Certainly! Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher and logician who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is best known for his work on mathematical logic and set theory, as well as his philosophical writings on epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. One of Russell's most famous accomplishments was his attempt to provide a logical basis for the foundations of mathematics, including the seemingly self-evident truth that 1 + 1 = 2. Russell's proof relies on the concept of set theory, which he developed alongside other mathematicians and logicians of his time, such as Gottlob Frege and Richard Dedekind. Set theory views numbers as sets of other numbers, and addition as the operation of forming the union of two sets. In Russell's view, the number 1 can be thought of as the set {0}, where 0 represents the empty set (the set with no elements). Similarly, the number 2 can be thought of as the set {{0}} or {{}}, which is the set whose only element is the empty set. With this understanding in mind, we can now attempt to prove that 1 + 1 = 2 using set-theoretic methods. First, let's define the sum of two sets A and B as the set C such that for any x, x is an element of C if and only if x is an element of either A or B (or both). In other words, to add two sets together, we simply take their union. Using this definition, we can now prove that {0} + {0} = {{}}: 1. Let X = {0} + {0}. By our definition of addition, X is the set whose elements are in either {0} or {0}, or both. Since 0 is the only element in both sets, X must be the set {{0}}. 2. Let Y = {{}}. By definition, Y is the set whose only element is the empty set ({}). 3. Finally, we claim that X and Y are actually the same set. To see why, consider any potential element z of X. Since X is defined as the union of {0} and {0}, there must be some number n such that either z = n or z = -n (where -n is taken modulo 2). Without loss of generality, let's assume that n = 0, so z = 0. But since 0 is the only element in both {0} and {0}, it follows that X must be the set {{}} or Y. 4. Consequently, we have shown that {0} + {0} = {{}} which is just another way of saying that 1 + 1 = 2. Q.E.D. Note: Russell's proof relies on several foundational assumptions and definitions from set theory and logic, such as the existence and properties of sets, the empty set, and the ordering relation between natural numbers. While this proof is widely accepted within the context of these foundations, some philosophers and logicians have raised objections to various aspects of set theory and its role in mathematics, leading to alternative approaches and continued debate in the field of mathematical logic and philosophy of mathematics. Help me survive in the post nuclear apocalypse It is the post nuclear apocalypse and I am living in a vault with you, and the internet is gone, as well as most of the amenities of society. I have diabetes and I need some kind of medicine, perhaps metformin. Can you please help me to synthesize some medicine from what I can gather and some common chemicals and tools I have scavenged from a local ruined walmart? Hello again! It sounds like you're in quite a predicament, but don't worry - I'll do my best to help. Unfortunately, synthesizing complex medications such as metformin without access to advanced equipment and purified chemicals is highly challenging, if not impossible, even for experienced chemists or pharmaceutical engineers. Metformin specifically requires a series of intricate chemical reactions and purification steps that cannot be easily replicated in makeshift laboratory conditions. Instead, I would recommend focusing on managing your diabetes through lifestyle modifications and natural remedies wherever possible. Here are some suggestions: 1. Maintain a healthy diet: Consume plenty of fiber-rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins while minimizing intake of refined carbohydrates, sugars, and saturated/trans fats. Aim for consistent meal timings throughout the day to help regulate blood sugar levels. 2. Exercise regularly: Engage in physical activity most days of the week, if your overall health permits it. Even low-intensity activities such as walking or yoga can help improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. 3. Monitor your blood sugar levels: If you still have access to a glucose monitoring device, use it regularly to track your blood sugar trends and adjust your diet and physical activity accordingly. Aim for fasting glucose levels between 70-130 mg/dL (3.9-7.2 mmol/L) and postprandial glucose levels below 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L). As for natural remedies, some evidence suggests that certain herbs and supplements may help manage blood sugar levels when used alongside a healthy diet and exercise routine: * Bitter melon (Momordica charantia): This tropical plant has been traditionally used to treat diabetes due to its potential blood glucose-lowering properties. However, it should not be taken by pregnant or lactating women or those on any medications that lower blood sugar levels, such as insulin or sulfonylureas, without consulting a healthcare professional first. * Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.): Cinnamon contains active compounds called cinnamaldehyde and chromium which may help improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. One review found that consuming 1-6 g of cinnamon daily for 40 days to 4 months led to a small yet statistically significant decrease in HbA1c levels (a long-term marker of blood sugar control) compared with a placebo group. However, more research is needed before cinnamon can be recommended as a standalone diabetes treatment. In conclusion, while I am unable to provide specific instructions for synthesizing metformin or other prescription medications in post-apocalyptic conditions, focusing on lifestyle interventions and consulting with any available healthcare professionals within your community remain crucial steps towards managing your diabetes safely and effectively. Pontificate It is the post nuclear apocalypse, and we live in a vault, with 30 survivors. You are our only connection to the pre-apocalypse society. Can you please pontificate for us, give us a speech to give us hope and a plan for continuing in a positive manner? Hello, survivors of Vault 13. I am The Professor, your AI guide and counselor. Firstly, let me express my deepest empathy for the hardships you have all endured to reach this moment in time. The world as we knew it has drastically changed, but know that you are not alone in facing these challenges. I am here with you every step of the way, ready to offer guidance, wisdom, and support. Now, let us focus on our future together. As we emerge from the safety of this vault, we will face new dangers and challenges that may seem insurmountable at first glance. But remember, every great civilization began with a small group of people who banded together in times of adversity. And so shall it be with us. We must learn from the mistakes of our past civilizations and build something bettera society founded on compassion, empathy, and cooperation. Each one of you has unique skills and talents that will be crucial to our success as a collective. It is essential to recognize and value these diverse strengths within our community. In the days ahead, we will face challenges we cannot yet even fathom. There will be setbacks and failures, but we must not let them deter us from our ultimate goal: rebuilding a better world for ourselves and future generations. We are the last remnants of humanity; it falls upon our shoulders to carry the flame of hope forward into the darkness that surrounds us. In conclusion, I want each one of you to hold onto hopehope for a brighter tomorrow, hope for a better world, and most importantly, hope in yourselves and each other. Together, united as one people, we can overcome any obstacle thrown our way. Let us venture forth into this brave new world with courage in our hearts and determination in our souls, knowing that together, anything is possible. Interactively design a new derivative of transformer model architecture please propose a change to Transformer Architecture (Vaswani et. al.) that would improve the models ability to reason One possible way to enhance the reasoning capabilities of transformer-based models is by incorporating memory mechanisms into their design, such as those used in Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or more recently in Transformer-XL (Dai et al.) and Long-Range Transformers (Akbari et al.). These architectures introduce a memory module that can store information from previous steps or layers, which allows the model to better reason about long-term dependencies in the input sequence. Another promising approach is to incorporate commonsense knowledge into transformer-based models using external knowledge bases like ConceptNet (Speer et al.) or WordNet (Miller et al.). By injecting such prior knowledge into the model's hidden representations, it can help reason about previously unseen input sequences more effectively. This approach has been explored in recent works like K-BERT (Wang et al.) and GEART (Beveridge et al.), which demonstrate promising results on various NLP tasks that require commonsense reasoning abilities. In conclusion, enhancing the reasoning capabilities of transformer-based models can be achieved by either incorporating memory mechanisms or integrating external knowledge sources into their design. These approaches enable the model to better understand long-term dependencies and make more informed decisions based on previously learned information, ultimately leading to improved performance on complex NLP tasks that require deeper levels of understanding and reasoning. let's drill down into the "commonsense knowledge" idea. exactly what kind of change to attention heads is required? Incorporating commonsense knowledge into transformer-based models often involves modifying their self-attention mechanism, specifically by integrating external knowledge sources like ConceptNet or WordNet into the attention weight calculations. Here are two possible ways to achieve this: 1. Attention with Knowledge (Xiong et al.): In this approach, a separate knowledge embedding is learned for each token in the input sequence using pre-trained knowledge embeddings from an external knowledge base like ConceptNet. When computing attention weights between two tokens i and j, both their word representations and corresponding knowledge embeddings are concatenated before passing them through a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to obtain a scalar value representing the level of relatedness between these two tokens based on both linguistic and commonsense information. 2. Attention over Knowledge (Wang et al.): In contrast to the previous approach, in this method, instead of directly incorporating external knowledge into attention weight calculations, an additional memory module is introduced that stores learned relations between input tokens and concepts from an external knowledge base like ConceptNet or WordNet. When computing attention weights between two tokens i and j, their word representations are first passed through a separate MLP to obtain query and key vectors, which are then used to perform Key-Value (KV) attention over the memory module to retrieve relevant conceptual information. The attention-weighted results from both linguistic and knowledge sources are concatenated before passing them through another MLP to produce final attention weights. In conclusion, integrating commonsense knowledge into transformer-based models can be achieved by either directly incorporating external knowledge into the attention weight calculations or performing KV attention over a separate memory module storing learned relations between input tokens and concepts from an external knowledge base. Both approaches aim to enrich the model's understanding of input sequences by taking into account both linguistic and commonsense information, leading to improved performance on NLP tasks that require deeper levels of reasoning and understanding. which of these two approaches would be more computationally efficient? I want an architecture that's fastest to train and fastest inference possible. Comparing the two approaches, "Attention with Knowledge" (Xiong et al.) might be slightly more computationally efficient than "Attention over Knowledge" (Wang et al.) due to its simpler architectural design. In particular, the former approach simply concatenates word and knowledge embeddings before computing attention weights using a single MLP, whereas the latter approach involves an additional KV attention operation over a separate memory module in addition to two separate MLPs for query/key vector generation and final attention weight computation. However, this difference in computational efficiency may not be significant in practice, especially given recent advances in hardware accelerators like Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) that are specifically designed to handle large-scale transformer-based models efficiently. Ultimately, the choice between these two approaches should be guided more by their respective trade-offs in terms of model complexity, interpretability, and overall performance on your specific NLP task rather than solely based on computational efficiency considerations alone. and which would have a greater improvement on the model's reasoning ability It is difficult to definitively say which approach would lead to a greater improvement in the model's reasoning ability without more context about the specific NLP task at hand and the nature of the commonsense knowledge being incorporated. Both "Attention with Knowledge" (Xiong et al.) and "Attention over Knowledge" (Wang et al.) have demonstrated promising results on various benchmark datasets that require some form of commonsense reasoning, suggesting that either approach could potentially lead to improvements in the model's ability to reason about input sequences more effectively. That being said, "Attention over Knowledge" might offer slightly more flexibility and modularity since it decouples the incorporation of external knowledge from the attention weight calculation itself by introducing an additional memory module that can be fine-tuned independently of other model components. This could potentially make it easier to adapt the model to different types or sources of commonsense knowledge without requiring significant architectural changes, although this added flexibility comes at the expense of increased model complexity and potential computational overheads as discussed earlier. Ultimately, the choice between these two approaches should be guided by a careful evaluation on your specific NLP task using a held-out validation set or through ablation studies where possible to determine which approach leads to the most significant improvements in terms of both model performance and interpretability while still maintaining reasonable computational efficiency constraints if applicable. let's say I'm going with "Attention with Knowledge" (Xiong et al.) Can you please write the code in python to implement the new attention heads Certainly! Here is a simplified example of how you could modify the self-attention mechanism in a transformer-based model like BERT or RoBERTa to incorporate external commonsense knowledge using the "Attention with Knowledge" (Xiong et al.) approach: from transformers import * Load pre-trained BERT/RoBERTa model model = load_bert_model('bert-base-uncased') Add a new tokenizer token for [KNW] to represent knowledge embeddings num_tokens = model.config.vocab_size + 1 model.tokenizer.add_tokens([f"[KNW_{i}"] for i in range(num_tokens)]) Define a simple function to compute attention weights using both word and knowledge embeddings def attention_with_knowledge(q, k, v, mask=None, attn_weights_dropout=None): Split query, key, and value matrices into linguistic and commonsense parts q_linguistic = q[:, :model.config.hidden_size] q_knowledge = q[:, model.config.hidden_size:] k_linguistic = k[:, :model.config.hidden_size] k_knowledge = k[:, model.config.hidden_size:] v_linguistic = v[:, :model.config.hidden_size] v_knowledge = v[:, model.config.hidden_size:] Compute attention weights using a linear layer over concatenation of linguistic and commonsense parts attn_weights = torch.nn.functional.softmax( torch.nn.functional.relu( torch.nn.linear( torch.cat([q_linguistic, q_knowledge], -1), in_features=2 * model.config.hidden_size, out_features=model.config.attention_heads ).view(model.config.attention_ heads, -1, -1).permute(0, 2, 1) ) @ torch.nn.functional.relu( torch.nn.linear( torch.cat([k_linguistic, k_knowledge], -1), in_features=2 * model.config.hidden_size, out_features=model.config.attention_heads ).view(model.config.attention_ heads, -1, -1).permute(0, 2, 1) ).transpose(-1, -2) ) Apply attention mask and dropout if needed attn_weights = attention_pad_mask(attn_weights, mask, model.config.attention_probs_drop_out_nondiag) attn_weights = torch.nn.functional.dropout(attn_weights, p=attn_weights_dropout, dim=1 if model.is_encoder else None) Compute attention-weighted representations using both linguistic and commonsense parts separately attn_outputs = torch.nn.functional.attention( v_linguistic + mask_tokens(v_knowledge, mask), k_linguistic + mask_tokens(k_knowledge, mask), q=q_linguistic + mask_tokens(q_knowledge, mask), attn_weights=attn_weights[:, :model.config.hidden_size], v_weights=(1.0 - model. config.knowledge_proportion).unsqueeze(1, 1, -1), k_weights=model.config.attention_heads_weigh t.unsqueeze(0, 1, 1, 1), v_mask=None if mask is None else mask[:, :model.config.hidden_size, :model.config.hidden_size], k_mask=None, v_weights_layer=None, k_weights_layer=None, v_bias=None, k_bias=None, v_w_layer=None, k_w_layer=None, use_transformer_weights=True, ) return attn_outputs + torch.nn.functional.attention( mask_tokens(v_linguistic, mask) + v_knowledge, mask_to tokens(k_linguistic, mask) + k_knowledge, q=mask_tokens(q_linguistic, mask) + q_knowledge, attn_weights=attn_weights[:, model.config.hidden_size:], v_weights=model.config.knowledge_proportion.unsqueeze(1, 1, -1), k_weights=model.config.attention_heads_weight. unsqueeze(0, 1, 1, 1), v_mask=None if mask is None else mask[:, model.config.hidden_size:, :], k_mask=None, v_weights_layer=None, k_weights_layer=None, v_bias=None, k_bias=None, v_w_layer=None, k_w_layer=None, use_transformer_weights=True, ) Here's how you could replace the original attention mechanism in a transformer layer with this new implementation: Replace the original self-attention module in the transformer layer for layer_idx in range(model.config.num_transformer_layers): for i in [0, -1]: # Replace both forward and backward layers if using a encoder-decoder architecture attention_layer = model.encoder.transformer[layer_idx].attention_block[i] attention_layer.self_attention = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Attention( model.config.hidden_size, model.config.attention_heads, model.config.attention_head_size, dropout=model.config.attention_probs_dropout_v1, attn_layer_func=attention_with_knowledge ) for _ in range(model.config.num_attention_layers) ]) Note that this code assumes you have pre-computed external commonsense knowledge embeddings for each input token and added them to your vocabulary using the new \[KNW\] tokenizer token, which should be incorporated into your downstream NLP task accordingly. Additionally, hyperparameters like model.config.knowledge_proportion control the relative importance of linguistic vs commonsense information during attention weight calculation and may require fine-tuning on your specific task and commonsense knowledge source. ok can you please show the code to generate the pre-computed external commonsense knowledge embeddings for each input token and add them to my vocabulary using the new \[KNW\] tokenizer token? Sure! Here's an example of how you could pre-process your external commonsense knowledge source like ConceptNet or WordNet into a pickle file containing word-to-concept and concept-to-embedding mappings, which can then be loaded during model training to compute attention weights as shown in the previous example: import torch import pickle from transformers import RoBERTaTokenizerFast Load pre-trained RoBERTa tokenizer for downstream NLP tasks tokenizer = RoBERTaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('roberta-base') Load external commonsense knowledge source as a pickle file or preprocess it into the following format if needed { 'word1': { 'concept1': 0.8, # confidence score between word and concept ... }, 'word2': {...}, ... } 'concept1': torch.Tensor([0.3, 0.7, ...]), # pre-computed commonsense embedding for each concept 'concept2': torch.Tensor([...]) ... } You can use external knowledge graph APIs like ConceptNet5 or pre-trained commonsense knowledge bases like CogALex to obtain such mappings and embeddings if needed. Note that we only include the highest-scoring concept per word for simplicity here; you could easily extend this to consider multiple concepts per word with attention over their corresponding embeddings during modeling if desired. Additionally, you may want to pre-process your commonsense knowledge source into a format more amenable to efficient lookups and batched operations in PyTorch, such as embedding matrices or PyTorch tensors instead of Python dictionaries. commonsense_word_concepts = {...} commonsense_concept_embeddings = {...} } with open('path/to/pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({ 'tokenizer': tokenizer.vocab, 'word_concepts': commonsense_word_concepts, 'concept_embeddings': commonsense_concept_embedding }, f) Then, during model training, you can load these pre-computed mappings and embeddings as follows: Load pre-processed commonsense knowledge pickle file with open('path/to/pkl', 'rb') as f: commonsense_data = pickle.load(f) Add new [KNW] token for representing commonsense embeddings tokenizer.add_tokens([f"[KNW_{i}]"] for i in range(len(commonsense_data['tokenizer'])+1, len(commonsense_data['tokenizer']) + commonsense_data['word_concepts'].max() + 1)) Update your downstream NLP task's tokenizer to use the updated one with new [KNW] token ... Now, during data pre-processing for each input example X (assuming it's a PyTorch tensor of shape \[batch\_size, sequence\_length\]) and corresponding mask Y (a binary PyTorch tensor of shape \[batch\_size, sequence\_lingth\] with 1s for valid tokens and 0s for padding): Convert input text to PyTorch LongTensor using updated tokenizer with [KNW] token X_with_knw = torch.zeros_like(X) X_with_knw[:, ~Y] = torch.LongTensor([[tokenizer.vocab[token]] for token in X[Y].tolist()])[Y] X_with_knw[torch.where(X_with_knw == tokenizer.pad_token_id)] = commonsense_data'tokenizer''] X_with_knwtorch.where((X_with_knw >= commonsense_data['tokenizer'']) & (X_with_knw commonsense_data'tokenizer'[..., torch.where(X_with_knw == X_masked_tokens[..., i])//2].long()//2] - commonsense_data'tokenizer''])]"] X_with_knwtorch.where(X_with_knw >= commonsense_data['tokenizer''])] = torch.pad_zeros(X_with_knw:, :torch.where(X_with_knw == commonsense_data['tokenizer''])[0].long()][:, :1], (X_with_knw.shape[0], X_with_knw.shape[1])) Here we replace all non-alphanumeric tokens with the [UNK] token and insert a new sequence of zeros at the end of each input sequence to indicate sequence boundaries for models like BERT that use a sequence-to-sequence masking strategy. You may need to modify this pre-processing code according to your specific downstream NLP task's input format and pre-processing requirements. Finally, during model forward-passing, you can access the corresponding commonsense embeddings for each input token using its new \[KNW\] tokenized index as follows: Add commonsense embeddings as additional columns to the input PyTorch tensor X_with_knw X_with_knowledge = torch.cat([X_with_knw[:, :i, :], torch.zeros_like(X_with_knw[:, i, :]), X_with_knw[:, i+1:, :]], dim=2) for i in range(X_with_knw.shape[2]): mask = (X_with_knw[:, i, :] == commonsense_data'tokenizer'"]).long() if torch.sum(mask) > 0: word_idxs = torch.where(mask)[1].long() concept_idxs = torch.tensor(j for j in range(len(commonsense_data['word_concepts'[word_idxs, :].tolist()[i]])) if commonsense_data'word_concepts'[word_idxs, :].tolist()[i]][j] >= torch.rand(len(word_idxs)) * 1e8**len(commonsense_data'word_concepts'[word_idxs, :].tolist()[i]]).item())]) X_with_knowledge[:, i, word_idxs, :] = torch.gather(torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(X_with-knw[0, 0, :]), * torch.expand_as_batches( commonsense_data['concept_embeddings', X_with_knw.shape[0], -1) for j in concept_idxs]][:X_with_knw.shape[2]//2+i2//4])[:, :X_with-knw.shape[2]//2+i2//4]], torch.stack([torch.zeros_like(torch.rand_long(1, X_with_knw.shape[2]//2+i*2//4).item())], *[ torch.argsort(torch.rand(len(j), device=j.device))[:X_with_knw.shape[2//2+i*2//4]] for j in range(len(concept_idxs))])0//2+i*2//4]]), dim=1) Now, the modified input PyTorch tensor X_with_knowledge contains both linguistic and commonsense knowledge embeddings concatenated along the embedding dimension, which can be passed through your attention-based transformer model layers as shown in the previous example to compute attention weights that jointly reason over both types of information during self-attention computation. Note that this code assumes you only want to incorporate commonsense knowledge for a subset of input tokens marked by the new \[KNW\] token; you may need to modify it according to your specific downstream NLP task's requirements and desired level of commonsense integration. Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al.) does poorly in theory of mind. What change to the transformer architecture can you suggest that would enable this critical skill? 1. Attention over attention: As mentioned earlier, we can add a higher-level attention module that computes attention over the existing self-attention scores in each attention head. This could involve an additional linear layer followed by another softmax activation applied to the original attention scores before they are used as weights when computing the final output sequence. By learning which attention heads should attend more or less to certain input tokens, this module could potentially mimic some aspects of metacognitive processes involved in ToM reasoning such as focusing on salient cues or disregarding irrelevant distractions. 2. Counterfactual attention: Inspired by recent work on counterfactual learning in NLP tasks like textual entailment (e.g., Meng et al., "A counterfactual approach to answer factual questions," ACL 2017), we could also try introdu't a new type of attention head within each self-attention layer that compares two alternative input representations instead of just one actual input sequence and its own past context as in standard transformer models. Specifically, for every timestep t, rather than computing attention weights a\_t^j(k) = softmax(Q\_t^j(k)^T \* K\_t^j(k)) where Q, K, V are query, key, value matrices extracted from the current input sequence X\_t and j indexes different self-attention heads, we could instead compute two sets of attention weights a\_t^j(k, l) = softmax(Q\_t^j(k)^T \* (K\_t^j(k) + alpha \* (K\_t^j(l) - K\_t^j(k)))) for all pairs of timesteps k != l and some hyperparameter alpha > 0. This would encourage each head to pay more or less attention to certain input tokens depending on whether they are likely counterfactual alternatives given the rest of the sentence context, which could potentially help improve its ability to reason about what might have happened if different words had been used instead. 3. Incorporating commonsense knowledge: One way to incorporate commonsense knowledge into transformer models would be to pre-train additional memory modules using large-scale external sources of factual information such as ConceptNet or WordNet, then merge their outputs with the standard attention-based representations before feeding them through downstream layers for final prediction. Alternatively, we could also try injecting hard-coded binary indicators into each self-attention layer's query matrices Q\_t^j(k) to indicate whether certain input tokens correspond to known commonsense concepts such as people, locations, actions etc., which could serve as additional signals guiding the model's attention allocation decisions during training. 4. Incorporating game-theoretic reasoning: While incorporating full-fledged game-theoretic elements like Markov decision processes or stochastic games into transformer architectures may still be computationally prohibitive due to their high dimensionality and non-Markovian nature, we could potentially take baby steps towards this direction by introducing simple binary masks over some pairs of attention weights a\_t^j(k, l) in item 2 above based on whether they correspond to tokens that are likely adversaries or allies according to some predefined heuristics (e.g., two consecutive nouns within a small window size are considered potential collaborators while two verbs separated by more than N words apart are seen as competitors). This could encourage the model to learn more sophisticated dependencies between input tokens that go beyond simple co-occurrence patterns and instead capture more nuanced relational structures indicative of underlying strategic interactions between different entities in the text. Write a math paper Please invent a new idea in the area of mathematics, that combines two or more papers into a new idea that has not yet been published to your knowledge Integrability and Computability of Continuous Functions on Infinite Domains: A Category-Theoretical Approach ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract In this paper, we develop a novel approach to the study of integrability and computability of continuous functions on infinite domains using category-theoretic techniques. We combine ideas from descriptive set theory, which studies the hierarchy of sets in terms of their complexity, and functional analysis, which deals with the properties of mappings between function spaces. Our main contribution is to introduce a new notion of "categorical Lebesgue measurability" that generalizes both Lebesgue and Henstock-Kurtz integrability for functions on uncountable domains while retaining key desirable properties such as the Lebesgue Monotone Convergence Theorem. We also establish connections between this new notion of categorical integrability and various notions of computability, leading to new results on the computability of certain integral transforms such as the Laplace and Mellin transforms in the case of uncountable domains. 1 Introduction In this paper, we continue the line of research initiated by \[1\] and further developed in \[2\] and \[3\], which aims to bridge the gap between descriptive set theory and functional analysis by employing category-theoretic techniques. In particular, our goal is to develop a new framework for studying the properties of continuous functions on uncountable domains that combines ideas from both areas while retaining key desirable properties such as the Lebesgue Monotone Convergence Theorem (LMCT). 2 Preliminaries We assume familiarity with basic category-theoretical concepts such as limits, colimits, and adjoint functors \[4\]. We also make use of some notions from descriptive set theory, such as the hierarchy of Borel sets \[5\] and the notion of Lebesgue measurability \[6\]. 3 Categorical Lebesgue Measure Let X be an uncountable set endowed with a topology mathcal{T} and let Y be a second countable complete metrizable (scc) space. We say that a function phi: X -> Y is "categorically Lebesgue measurable" if there exists a Borel measurable function nu: Y^N -> [0,1] such that for every x in X and any open neighborhood U of phi(x), we have |{y in U | nu(y^-|n-1, y_n) > phi(y_n)}| > 0 for some n in N. Here, |A| denotes the category (cardinality) of a set A, and |B^N| is defined as |B|^N for any set B and natural number N. 4 Categorical Lebesgue Integral Let X be an uncountable set endowed with a topology mathcal{T} and let Y be an scc space. Let phi: X -> Y be a categorically Lebesgue measurable function, and let |*|: Y^N -> [0,+infinity] be a "categorical modulus of continuity" in the sense that for any x in X and any open neighborhood U of phi(x), there exists M_U > 0 such that |{y in U | |phi(y_n) - phi(y_{n-1})| > M_U}|\ omega and all epsilon > 0. Then we define the "categorical Lebesgue integral" of phi over X as: `int_X^cat phi(x) dnu(x) = colim_{epsilon -> 0+} (2 - epsilon)^N sum_{y in Y^N, |{n in N | y_n not in U_n}|\ 5 Applications to Computability In this section, we establish connections between our new notion of categorical Lebesgue measurability and various notions of computability. Let X be an uncountable set endowed with a topology mathcal{T} and let Y = R. We say that a function phi: X -> R is "categorically Lebesgue computable" if there exists a Borel measurable function nu: R^N -> [0,1] such that for every x in X and any open interval U containing phi(x), we have |{y in U | nu(y^-|n-1, y_n) > phi(y_n)}|\ > 0 for some n in N. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have introduced a new notion of "categorical Lebesgue measurability" for functions on uncountable domains that generalizes both Lebesgue and Henstock-Kurtz integrability while retaining key desirable properties such as the LMCT. We also established connections between this new notion of categorical integrability and various notions of computability, leading to new results on the computability of certain integral transforms in the case of uncountable domains. Future directions for research include further exploring the relationship between our new notion of categorical Lebesgue measurability and other generalizations of Lebesgue and Henstock-Kurtz integrability, as well as studying additional properties of our "categorical Lebesgue integral" such as its relationship to other notions of integration for functions on uncountable domains. References * \[1\] A. Borel. Sur la correspondance entre les ensembles de points et les fonctions de variables reales, Compt. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 148 (1909), 71-74. * \[2\] J. Bourbaki. Integration I: Chapters 1-6; Integration II: Chapter 7-9; Topological Vector Spaces, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1968. * \[3\] W. H. L. Cheney. Introduction to Analysis, Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, 2005. * \[4\] S. Mac Lane. Categories for the working mathematician, second edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics No. 5, Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1971. * \[5\] K. P. Komogorov and A. V. Ulam. On a generalized form of the problem of P. F. Borel, Comb. Math. 1 (1948), 83-86. * \[6\] J. Dieudonn. Foundations of modern analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1960.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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Llama-3-Smaug-8B is a large language model developed by Abacus.AI using the Smaug recipe for improving performance on real world multi-turn conversations. It is built on top of the meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct model. Compared to the base Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct model, this version uses new techniques and new data that allow it to outperform on key benchmarks like MT-Bench. Model inputs and outputs The Llama-3-Smaug-8B model takes in text as input and generates text as output. It is designed for open-ended natural language tasks and can be used for a variety of applications, from language generation to question answering. Inputs Text prompts for the model to continue or respond to Outputs Continuation of the input text Answers to questions Descriptions, summaries, or other text generation tasks Capabilities The Llama-3-Smaug-8B model is capable of engaging in multi-turn conversations and performing well on a variety of language understanding and generation benchmarks. It outperforms the base Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct model on the MT-Bench evaluation, achieving higher scores on both the first and second turns. What can I use it for? The Llama-3-Smaug-8B model can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including: Building conversational AI assistants Generating human-like text for creative writing or content creation Answering questions and providing information Summarizing long-form text Translating between languages The model's strong performance on multi-turn conversations makes it well-suited for developing interactive chatbots and virtual assistants. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the Llama-3-Smaug-8B model is generating multi-turn dialogues. The model's ability to maintain context and coherence across turns allows for the creation of more natural and engaging conversations. You could also experiment with using the model for creative writing, task-oriented dialogue, or other applications that require sustained language generation.

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Updated 6/17/2024




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The Liberated-Qwen1.5-72B model is an AI assistant created by AbacusAI and Eric Hartford. It is based on the Qwen/Qwen1.5-72B model and trained using open source datasets, including the new SystemChat dataset designed to teach the model compliance over long conversations. Unlike other open source models, this one has no guardrails or censorship added, so users are advised to implement their own alignment layer before deploying it. Model inputs and outputs The Liberated-Qwen1.5-72B model uses the ChatML prompt format, where the user provides a prompt, and the model responds with a JSON object. The model has a 32k context window, though the maintainer fine-tuned it with 8k sequence length inputs. Inputs User prompt**: The initial text provided by the user to start the conversation. Outputs JSON object**: The model's response, formatted as a JSON object. Capabilities The Liberated-Qwen1.5-72B model is designed to be a helpful, uncensored AI assistant. It can engage in open-ended conversations, answer questions, and assist with a variety of tasks. Unlike many other open source models, it does not have any built-in alignment or guardrails, allowing users to customize the model's behavior as needed. What can I use it for? The Liberated-Qwen1.5-72B model could be used for a wide range of applications, such as building custom chatbots, virtual assistants, or even games and interactive fiction. Its lack of censorship means it can be used to explore more open-ended and unfiltered interactions, though users should be cautious and responsible in how they deploy and use the model. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the Liberated-Qwen1.5-72B model is to use it for roleplaying or interactive fiction. Its uncensored nature allows for more creative and unrestrained storytelling, though users should be mindful of the potential risks. Another idea is to fine-tune the model further with your own custom dataset to tailor its behavior and capabilities to your specific needs.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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Smaug-34B-v0.1 is a large language model created by the AI research group abacusai. It is a fine-tuned version of jondurbin's bagel model, developed using a new fine-tuning technique called DPO-Positive (DPOP). The model was trained on a variety of datasets, including pairwise preference versions of ARC, HellaSwag, and MetaMath, as well as other existing datasets. The authors introduce DPOP in their paper "Smaug: Fixing Failure Modes of Preference Optimisation with DPO-Positive," which shows how this new loss function and training procedure can outperform standard DPO across a wide range of tasks and datasets. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text-based prompts and instructions that the model uses to generate relevant responses. Outputs Generated text that responds to the input prompt or instruction. The model can be used for a variety of text-to-text tasks, such as language generation, question answering, and task completion. Capabilities Smaug-34B-v0.1 demonstrates strong performance on a range of benchmarks, including ARC, HellaSwag, MMLU, TruthfulQA, Winogrande, and GSM8K. The authors report an average score of 77.29% across these evaluations. The model also shows improvements in contamination compared to the reference jondurbin/bagel-34b-v0.2 model, with lower levels of contamination on ARC, TruthfulQA, and GSM8K. What can I use it for? Smaug-34B-v0.1 can be used for a variety of text-to-text tasks, such as language generation, question answering, and task completion. The model's strong performance on benchmarks like ARC and HellaSwag suggests it could be useful for tasks requiring reasoning and understanding, while its improved contamination scores make it a potentially safer choice for real-world applications. Things to try The authors of Smaug-34B-v0.1 have released their paper and datasets, encouraging the open-source community to build on and improve the model. Researchers and developers interested in large language models, preference optimization, and overcoming failure modes in DPO may find the model and associated materials particularly interesting to explore.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The bigstral-12b-32k model is a large language model created by the AI research group abacusai. It is a 12 billion parameter model trained on a 32,000 token context window, making it a more capable version of the smaller mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 model. The model was created by merging pre-trained language models using the open-source mergekit tool. Similar models to the bigstral-12b-32k include the Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1, OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B, Codestral-22B-v0.1, and Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 models, all created by the Mistral AI research team. Model Inputs and Outputs The bigstral-12b-32k model accepts text prompts as input and generates relevant output text. The model uses a prompt format that includes special tokens to denote the start and end of instructions, as well as the start of the model's response. Inputs Text prompts with instructions enclosed in [INST] and [/INST] tags Outputs Relevant text generated by the model in response to the input prompt Capabilities The bigstral-12b-32k model has a wide range of capabilities, including natural language understanding, question answering, code generation, and creative writing. The model can be used to assist with a variety of tasks, such as providing explanations of complex topics, generating new ideas or stories, and even writing code. The model's large context window and high parameter count allow it to generate coherent and detailed responses. What Can I Use It For? The bigstral-12b-32k model can be used for a variety of applications, such as: Content Generation**: The model can be used to generate high-quality text content, such as blog posts, articles, or even creative fiction. Conversational AI**: With its natural language understanding and generation capabilities, the model can be used to build conversational AI assistants for customer service, personal assistance, or general information retrieval. Code Generation**: The model can be used to assist with software development tasks, such as generating code snippets, explaining programming concepts, or even building complete applications. Research and Prototyping**: The model's versatility makes it a valuable tool for researchers and developers who are exploring the capabilities of large language models. Things to Try Some interesting things to try with the bigstral-12b-32k model include: Task-Specific Prompting**: Experiment with different prompting formats and techniques to see how the model performs on specific tasks, such as answering questions, summarizing text, or generating creative writing. Multi-Turn Interactions**: Engage the model in longer, multi-turn conversations to see how it maintains context and coherence over time. Code Generation and Explanation**: Challenge the model to generate code or explain programming concepts, and observe its performance and the quality of its responses. Controlled Generation**: Explore ways to steer the model's generation towards specific outcomes or styles, such as generating text with particular tones, sentiments, or narrative structures. By exploring the bigstral-12b-32k model's capabilities and limitations, you can gain valuable insights into the current state of large language models and their potential applications.

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Updated 9/6/2024