
Models by this creator




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The chinese-roberta-wwm-ext model is a Chinese language model developed by the HFL team. It is a BERT-based model that has been pre-trained with whole word masking, which helps accelerate Chinese natural language processing. The model was trained on a large corpus of Chinese text and has demonstrated strong performance on a variety of Chinese language tasks. Similar Chinese language models include the chinese-macbert-base model, which uses a novel MLM as correction pre-training task, and the bert-base-chinese model, a BERT base model pre-trained on Chinese text. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Chinese text to be processed Outputs Contextualized embeddings of the input text Predictions for masked tokens in the input Capabilities The chinese-roberta-wwm-ext model can be used for a variety of Chinese natural language processing tasks, such as text classification, named entity recognition, and question answering. Its whole word masking pre-training allows it to better capture the semantics of Chinese text compared to models that use subword tokenization. What can I use it for? You can fine-tune the chinese-roberta-wwm-ext model on your own Chinese language datasets to tackle a wide range of NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis, document classification, or machine translation. The model's strong performance on Chinese language understanding makes it a great starting point for building high-quality Chinese language applications. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the chinese-roberta-wwm-ext model is to compare its performance to other Chinese language models like chinese-macbert-base or bert-base-chinese on specific tasks. You could also experiment with different fine-tuning approaches or try to further pre-train the model on domain-specific Chinese text to see if you can boost its performance on your particular application.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The chinese-alpaca-2-7b model is a large language model developed by the HFL team. It is based on the Llama-2 model released by Meta and is the second generation of the Chinese LLaMA and Alpaca models. This model has been expanded and optimized with a larger Chinese vocabulary beyond the original Llama-2 model. Through large-scale Chinese data pre-training, the model has significantly improved its understanding of the Chinese language compared to the first-generation models. The Chinese-Alpaca-2-13B model is a larger variant of this model. Model inputs and outputs The chinese-alpaca-2-7b model is a text-to-text model, meaning it takes in text input and generates text output. It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as language generation, question answering, and text summarization. Inputs Natural language text in Chinese Outputs Generated natural language text in Chinese Capabilities The chinese-alpaca-2-7b model has been trained on a large corpus of Chinese data, giving it strong capabilities in understanding and generating high-quality Chinese text. It can be used for a variety of tasks, such as engaging in open-ended conversations, answering questions, and generating creative text. What can I use it for? The chinese-alpaca-2-7b model can be used for a wide range of applications that require Chinese language understanding and generation, such as: Chatbots and virtual assistants**: The model can be used to build chatbots and virtual assistants that can engage in natural conversations in Chinese. Content generation**: The model can be used to generate Chinese text for a variety of purposes, such as articles, stories, and product descriptions. Language learning**: The model can be used to help learners improve their Chinese language skills by providing them with high-quality examples of Chinese text and engaging in interactive language practice. Things to try One interesting aspect of the chinese-alpaca-2-7b model is its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text across a wide range of topics. You can try prompting the model with open-ended questions or writing prompts in Chinese and see the type of responses it generates. Additionally, you can experiment with different techniques for fine-tuning the model on your own Chinese language data to adapt it to your specific use case.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large model is a Chinese BERT model with Whole Word Masking, developed by the HFL team. It is based on the original BERT model architecture, with a focus on accelerating Chinese natural language processing. This model was pre-trained on a large corpus of Chinese text using a masked language modeling (MLM) objective, which involves randomly masking 15% of the words in the input and then predicting those masked words. The chinese-roberta-wwm-ext and chinese-macbert-base models are similar Chinese BERT variants also developed by the HFL team. The bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad model is an English BERT model with whole word masking, fine-tuned on the SQuAD dataset. The bert-base-chinese and bert-base-uncased models are the base BERT models for Chinese and English respectively. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model takes Chinese text as input, which can be a single sentence or a pair of sentences. Outputs Masked word predictions**: The primary output of the model is a probability distribution over the vocabulary for each masked word in the input. This allows the model to be used for tasks like fill-in-the-blank. Embeddings**: The model can also be used to generate contextual embeddings for the input text, which can be used as features for downstream natural language processing tasks. Capabilities The chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large model is well-suited for a variety of Chinese natural language processing tasks, such as text classification, named entity recognition, and question answering. Its whole word masking pre-training approach helps the model better understand Chinese language semantics and structure. For example, the model could be used to predict missing words in a Chinese sentence, or to generate feature representations for Chinese text that can be used as input to a downstream machine learning model. What can I use it for? The chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large model can be used for a wide range of Chinese natural language processing tasks, such as: Text classification**: Classifying Chinese text into different categories (e.g., sentiment analysis, topic classification). Named entity recognition**: Identifying and extracting named entities (e.g., people, organizations, locations) from Chinese text. Question answering**: Answering questions based on Chinese text passages. Language generation**: Generating coherent Chinese text, such as product descriptions or dialog responses. The model can be fine-tuned on domain-specific Chinese datasets to adapt it for particular applications. The maintainer's profile provides more information about the team behind this model and their other Chinese BERT-based models. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large model is to explore how its whole word masking pre-training approach affects its performance on tasks that require a deep understanding of Chinese language semantics and structure. For example, you could compare its performance on a Chinese question answering task to a BERT model trained without whole word masking, to see if the specialized pre-training provides a meaningful boost in accuracy. Another idea is to experiment with using the model's contextual embeddings as input features for other Chinese NLP models, and see how they compare to embeddings from other pre-trained Chinese language models. This could help you understand the unique strengths and capabilities of this particular model.

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Updated 5/21/2024




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chinese-bert-wwm-ext is a Chinese pre-trained BERT model with Whole Word Masking. It was developed by the HFL team and is based on the original BERT architecture. The model was trained on large Chinese corpora using a Masked Language Modeling (MLM) objective, where entire words are masked rather than just individual tokens. This approach helps the model better capture the semantics of Chinese language. The chinese-bert-wwm-ext model is part of a series of Chinese BERT models released by HFL, which also includes Chinese BERT with Whole Word Masking, Chinese RoBERTa-WWM-EXT, and Chinese RoBERTa-WWM-EXT-Large. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model takes Chinese text as input, which can be a single sentence or a pair of sentences. Outputs Token-level embeddings**: The model outputs contextualized token-level embeddings that can be used for a variety of downstream NLP tasks. Sequence-level embeddings**: The model also produces a sequence-level embedding, which can be used for classification or other sentence-level tasks. Capabilities The chinese-bert-wwm-ext model is a powerful tool for Chinese natural language processing. It can be fine-tuned on a wide range of tasks, including text classification, named entity recognition, question answering, and more. The whole-word masking approach used during pre-training helps the model better capture the semantics of Chinese, which is particularly important for tasks like named entity recognition and relation extraction. What can I use it for? The chinese-bert-wwm-ext model can be used for a variety of Chinese NLP applications, such as: Text classification**: Classifying Chinese text into different categories (e.g., sentiment analysis, topic classification). Named entity recognition**: Identifying and extracting named entities (e.g., people, organizations, locations) from Chinese text. Question answering**: Answering questions based on Chinese passages or documents. Textual similarity**: Measuring the semantic similarity between Chinese text snippets. You can use the model by fine-tuning it on your specific task and dataset, or by using it as a feature extractor to get powerful contextual representations for your Chinese NLP models. Things to try Some interesting things to try with the chinese-bert-wwm-ext model include: Exploring transfer learning**: Investigate how the model's performance changes when fine-tuned on different Chinese NLP tasks, and see if the whole-word masking approach provides advantages over standard token-level masking. Analyzing attention patterns**: Visualize the model's attention weights to gain insights into how it is processing Chinese language and capturing semantic relationships. Comparing to other Chinese language models**: Benchmark the chinese-bert-wwm-ext model's performance against other Chinese BERT and RoBERTa variants, as well as other Chinese language models like Chinese XLNet. Exploring multilingual capabilities**: Investigate how the model performs on tasks that require understanding both Chinese and other languages, such as cross-lingual text classification or named entity recognition. By exploring these various angles, you can gain a deeper understanding of the strengths and limitations of the chinese-bert-wwm-ext model and how it can be effectively leveraged for your Chinese NLP projects.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The chinese-macbert-base model is an improved version of the BERT language model developed by the HFL research team. It introduces a novel pre-training task called "MLM as correction" which aims to mitigate the discrepancy between pre-training and fine-tuning. Instead of masking tokens with the [MASK] token, which never appears during fine-tuning, the model replaces tokens with similar words based on word embeddings. This helps the model learn a more realistic language representation. The chinese-macbert-base model is part of the Chinese BERT series developed by the HFL team, which also includes Chinese BERT-wwm, Chinese ELECTRA, and Chinese XLNet. These models have shown strong performance on a variety of Chinese NLP tasks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Sequence of Chinese text tokens Outputs Predicted probability distribution over the vocabulary for each masked token position Capabilities The chinese-macbert-base model is capable of performing masked language modeling, which involves predicting the original text for randomly masked tokens in a sequence. This is a common pre-training objective used to learn general language representations that can be fine-tuned for downstream tasks. The unique "MLM as correction" pre-training approach of this model aims to make the pre-training and fine-tuning stages more aligned, potentially leading to better performance on Chinese NLP tasks compared to standard BERT models. What can I use it for? The chinese-macbert-base model can be used as a starting point for fine-tuning on a variety of Chinese NLP tasks, such as text classification, named entity recognition, and question answering. The HFL team has released several fine-tuned versions of their Chinese BERT models for specific tasks, which can be found on the HFL Anthology GitHub repository. Additionally, the model can be used for general Chinese language understanding, such as encoding text for use in downstream machine learning models. Researchers and developers working on Chinese NLP projects may find this model a useful starting point. Things to try One interesting aspect to explore with the chinese-macbert-base model is the impact of the "MLM as correction" pre-training approach. Researchers could compare the performance of this model to standard BERT models on Chinese NLP tasks to assess whether the novel pre-training technique leads to tangible benefits. Additionally, users could experiment with different fine-tuning strategies and hyperparameter settings to optimize the model's performance for their specific use case. The HFL team has provided some related resources, such as the TextBrewer knowledge distillation toolkit, that may be helpful in this process.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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chinese-llama-2-7b is a large language model developed by the HFL (Hugging Face Labs) team. It is part of the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 project, which is based on Meta's Llama-2 model. The chinese-llama-2-7b model has been expanded and optimized with a new Chinese vocabulary, and further pre-trained on large-scale Chinese data to improve its understanding of the Chinese language. This resulted in significant performance improvements compared to the first-generation Chinese-LLaMA and Chinese-Alpaca models. The model supports a 4K context and can be expanded up to 18K+ using NTK methods. The project also includes related models like the Chinese-Alpaca-2-7B and Chinese-Alpaca-2-13B instruction-following models, as well as LoRA variants of the base models. Model inputs and outputs Inputs The chinese-llama-2-7b model accepts Chinese text as input. Outputs The model generates Chinese text as output, with the ability to handle a wide range of tasks such as language generation, translation, and question answering. Capabilities The chinese-llama-2-7b model has been designed to excel at Chinese language understanding and generation tasks. It can be used for a variety of applications, such as writing assistance, content generation, and language understanding. The model's capabilities have been enhanced through incremental pre-training on large-scale Chinese data, allowing it to produce more coherent and relevant Chinese text. What can I use it for? The chinese-llama-2-7b model can be used for a wide range of Chinese language applications, such as: Automated writing and content generation: The model can be used to generate Chinese articles, stories, and other types of content. Chatbots and virtual assistants: The model can be used to power Chinese-language chatbots and virtual assistants, allowing them to engage in natural conversations. Language understanding and question answering: The model can be used to answer questions and provide information in Chinese, leveraging its improved language understanding capabilities. Machine translation: The model can be fine-tuned for Chinese-to-English or other language translation tasks. Things to try One interesting aspect of the chinese-llama-2-7b model is its ability to handle long-form Chinese text. By leveraging the NTK method, the model can be expanded to support context lengths up to 18K tokens, allowing it to engage in more coherent and in-depth conversations. Developers and researchers can experiment with this capability to explore its potential for tasks like summarization, analysis, and open-ended dialogue.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The chinese-alpaca-2-13b model is a Chinese language model developed by the HFL (Huawei Ark Lab) team. It is based on the second generation of the Chinese LLaMA and Alpaca models, which have been expanded and optimized with a larger Chinese vocabulary beyond the original LLaMA-2 model. Through incremental pre-training on large-scale Chinese data, the model has seen significant performance improvements in fundamental Chinese language understanding compared to the first-generation models. This model is related to other Chinese LLaMA and Alpaca models, including the Chinese-LLaMA-2-7B-16K, Chinese-LLaMA-2-LoRA-7B-16K, Chinese-LLaMA-2-13B-16K, and Chinese-LLaMA-2-LoRA-13B-16K models, as well as the Chinese-Alpaca-2-7B, Chinese-Alpaca-2-LoRA-7B, Chinese-Alpaca-2-13B, and Chinese-Alpaca-2-LoRA-13B models. Model inputs and outputs Inputs The chinese-alpaca-2-13b model takes Chinese text as input. Outputs The model generates Chinese text as output, making it suitable for a variety of natural language processing tasks such as text generation, language translation, and conversational responses. Capabilities The chinese-alpaca-2-13b model excels at understanding and generating high-quality Chinese text. It has been optimized for tasks like open-ended dialogue, answering questions, and providing informative and coherent responses. The model's large 13 billion parameter size and extensive pre-training on Chinese data allow it to handle complex Chinese language understanding and generation with high accuracy. What can I use it for? The chinese-alpaca-2-13b model can be used for a wide range of Chinese language tasks, such as: Chatbots and conversational AI**: The model's strong language understanding and generation capabilities make it well-suited for building conversational assistants and chatbots that can engage in natural-sounding Chinese dialogues. Content generation**: The model can be used to generate various types of Chinese text, including articles, stories, and creative writing, by fine-tuning on specific datasets. Question answering**: The model can be used to build systems that can accurately answer questions on a variety of Chinese-language topics, leveraging its broad knowledge base. Translation**: The model's understanding of Chinese language structure and semantics can be used to develop Chinese-to-English (or other language) translation systems. Things to try One interesting aspect of the chinese-alpaca-2-13b model is its ability to handle long-form Chinese text. The model supports a 4K context window, which can be expanded up to 18K+ using the NTK method, allowing it to maintain coherence and understanding over extended passages of Chinese input. This makes the model well-suited for tasks like summarization, essay generation, and long-form dialogue. Another key feature is the model's strong performance on safety and truthfulness benchmarks, such as TruthfulQA and ToxiGen. This suggests the model has been carefully trained to generate responses that are informative and truthful, while avoiding potentially harmful or toxic content. Developers can leverage these safety features when building applications that require reliable and trustworthy Chinese language models.

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Updated 5/27/2024




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The chinese-alpaca-lora-7b model is a version of the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca model, which was developed by the HFL (Huawei Fuxi Natural Language Processing) team. This model is a low-rank adapter (LoRA) for the 7B version of the Chinese-LLaMA model, fine-tuned on the Chinese-Alpaca dataset. The Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca project aims to create a Chinese counterpart to the Alpaca model, using the LLaMA language model as a base. Similar models include the Chinese-Alpaca-LoRA-13B, which is a larger 13B version of the model, as well as the Chinese-LLaMA-LoRA-7B and Alpaca-LoRA-7B models, which are LoRA adaptations of the LLaMA and Alpaca models respectively. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model accepts natural language text as input, which it can then use to generate coherent and contextual responses. Outputs Generated text**: The model outputs generated text, which can be used for a variety of language tasks such as question answering, dialogue, and text summarization. Capabilities The chinese-alpaca-lora-7b model is capable of understanding and generating Chinese text, thanks to its fine-tuning on the Chinese-Alpaca dataset. It can be used for tasks such as answering questions, engaging in open-ended conversations, and providing informative and coherent responses on a wide range of topics. What can I use it for? The chinese-alpaca-lora-7b model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks in the Chinese language, such as: Language modeling**: Generate fluent and coherent Chinese text for tasks like dialogue, summarization, and content creation. Question answering**: Answer questions on a variety of topics, drawing from the model's broad knowledge base. Content generation**: Create original Chinese content, such as articles, stories, or even poetry, with the model's creative capabilities. Chatbots and virtual assistants**: Integrate the model into chatbot or virtual assistant applications to provide natural and engaging Chinese-language interactions. Things to try One interesting aspect of the chinese-alpaca-lora-7b model is its ability to engage in open-ended conversation and provide nuanced responses. Users could try prompting the model with thought-provoking questions or scenarios and observe how it navigates the complexities of the task. Additionally, the model's performance on specialized tasks like question answering or text summarization could be further explored to understand its strengths and limitations.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The chinese-llama-lora-7b is a version of the LLaMA language model that has been fine-tuned for Chinese language tasks. LLaMA is a large language model developed by the FAIR team of Meta AI. This model was created by hfl and contains the tokenizer, weights, and configs for using the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca model. The llama-65b and llama-7b-hf are similar large language models based on the original LLaMA architecture, while codellama-7b and codellama-7b-instruct are 7B parameter LLaMA models tuned for coding and conversation. The open_llama_7b is an open-source reproduction of the LLaMA model. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Arbitrary text in Chinese Outputs Completed, generated text in Chinese based on the input Capabilities The chinese-llama-lora-7b model is capable of understanding and generating Chinese text. It can be used for a variety of Chinese language tasks such as question answering, language generation, and text summarization. What can I use it for? The chinese-llama-lora-7b model can be used for a variety of Chinese language applications, such as chatbots, content generation, and language understanding. It could be used by companies or individuals working on Chinese natural language processing projects to leverage a powerful language model. Things to try Experimenters could try using the chinese-llama-lora-7b model for tasks like Chinese language generation, translation, or summarization. They could also fine-tune the model further on domain-specific Chinese data to improve its performance on particular applications. Comparing the model's capabilities to similar Chinese language models could also yield interesting insights.

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Updated 5/28/2024




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The chinese-alpaca-lora-13b is a large language model developed by the maintainer hfl that has been fine-tuned on the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca dataset. This model is a variant of the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca model, which is a Chinese version of the popular Alpaca language model. The chinese-alpaca-lora-13b model uses the LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) technique to fine-tune the LLaMA model, resulting in a more compact and efficient model compared to the original LLaMA-Alpaca model. Model inputs and outputs The chinese-alpaca-lora-13b model is a text-to-text model, meaning it takes text as input and generates text as output. The model is trained to understand and generate Chinese language, making it useful for a variety of natural language processing tasks such as question answering, text summarization, and language translation. Inputs Text prompts**: The model accepts plain text prompts as input, which can be in the form of instructions, questions, or any other type of natural language input. Outputs Generated text**: The model generates relevant and coherent text in response to the input prompt, reflecting its understanding of the prompt and its ability to generate appropriate output. Capabilities The chinese-alpaca-lora-13b model is capable of engaging in a wide range of language-related tasks, thanks to its extensive training on the Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca dataset. It can understand and respond to natural language queries, generate coherent and contextually appropriate text, and even perform tasks like summarization and translation. What can I use it for? The chinese-alpaca-lora-13b model can be used for a variety of applications, such as: Language Assistance**: The model can be integrated into chatbots, virtual assistants, or other applications that require natural language understanding and generation in Chinese. Content Generation**: The model can be used to generate Chinese text for a wide range of purposes, such as creative writing, article generation, or even code generation. Language Learning**: The model can be used as a tool for learning the Chinese language, providing users with examples of natural language usage and feedback on their own language skills. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the chinese-alpaca-lora-13b model is to experiment with different prompting strategies. Since the model is a language model, the way you phrase your input can have a significant impact on the quality and relevance of the output. Try rephrasing your prompts, using different levels of detail or abstraction, or incorporating specific instructions or suggestions to see how the model responds. Additionally, you can explore the model's capabilities by testing it on a variety of language-related tasks, such as question answering, text summarization, or language translation. Observe how the model performs on these tasks and identify areas where it excels or struggles, which can provide valuable insights into the model's strengths and limitations.

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Updated 5/28/2024