
Models by this creator




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The MetaMath-Mistral-7B is a large language model developed by the meta-math team. It is fully fine-tuned on the MetaMathQA datasets and based on the powerful Mistral-7B model. The model achieves a pass@1 score of 77.7% on the GSM8K benchmark, a significant improvement over the 66.5% achieved by the LLaMA-2-7B model. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Free-form text prompts that describe a task or question to be answered Outputs Coherent text responses that complete the requested task or answer the given question Capabilities The MetaMath-Mistral-7B model is capable of performing a wide range of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving tasks, thanks to its fine-tuning on the MetaMathQA datasets. It can solve complex multi-step math word problems, perform symbolic math calculations, and engage in open-ended math discussions. What can I use it for? The MetaMath-Mistral-7B model would be well-suited for building educational and tutoring applications focused on math. It could power intelligent math assistants, math homework helpers, or math problem-solving tools. Potential use cases include: Providing step-by-step solutions and explanations for math word problems Assisting with symbolic math computations and derivations Engaging students in interactive math discussions and exercises Generating diverse math practice problems and worksheets Things to try One interesting aspect of the MetaMath-Mistral-7B model is its potential to be combined with other math-focused datasets and models. As mentioned, there is an Arithmo-Mistral-7B model that integrates the MetaMathQA dataset with the MathInstruct dataset, resulting in a powerful math-focused language model. Experimenting with different dataset combinations and fine-tuning approaches could lead to further improvements in the model's mathematical reasoning capabilities.

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Updated 5/27/2024