
Models by this creator




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The Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2 is an AI model developed by the creator turboderp. It is part of a family of similar models, including mixtral-8x7b-32kseqlen, Reliberate, mistral-8x7b-chat, Deliberate, and evo-1-131k-base. These models share similarities in their architecture and capabilities. Model inputs and outputs The Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2 model is a text-to-text AI model, meaning it takes text input and generates text output. The specific inputs and outputs are not provided in the description. Inputs Text prompts Outputs Generated text Capabilities The Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2 model can perform a variety of text-based tasks, such as language generation, summarization, and translation. It can generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on the input prompt. What can I use it for? The Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2 model can be used for a range of applications, such as content creation, chatbots, and language learning. It could be used to generate articles, stories, or dialogues, or to assist in language translation and summarization tasks. Potential use cases include creating marketing content, automating customer service responses, or providing educational resources. Things to try Experiment with different input prompts to see the range of outputs the Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2 model can generate. Try prompts that require various levels of creativity or technical knowledge to assess the model's capabilities. Observe how the model handles open-ended or ambiguous inputs, and explore its strengths and limitations.

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Updated 5/27/2024




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The Llama-3-70B-Instruct-exl2 is an AI model developed by turboderp. It is similar to other Llama-based models like Mixtral-8x7B-instruct-exl2, llama-3-70b-instruct-awq, and Llama-3-8b-Orthogonalized-exl2, all of which are large language models trained for text-to-text tasks. Model inputs and outputs The Llama-3-70B-Instruct-exl2 model takes natural language text as input and generates natural language text as output. It can handle a variety of tasks including summarization, question-answering, and content generation. Inputs Natural language text Outputs Natural language text Capabilities The Llama-3-70B-Instruct-exl2 model is capable of a wide range of text-to-text tasks. It can summarize long passages, answer questions, and generate content on a variety of topics. What can I use it for? The Llama-3-70B-Instruct-exl2 model could be used for a variety of applications, such as content creation, customer service chatbots, or language translation. Its large size and broad capabilities make it a versatile tool for natural language processing tasks. Things to try With the Llama-3-70B-Instruct-exl2 model, you could try generating creative stories, answering complex questions, or even building a virtual assistant. The model's ability to understand and generate natural language text makes it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications.

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Updated 8/15/2024




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Cat-llama3-instruct is a large language model developed by maintainer turboderp. It is a fine-tuned version of the Llama 3 70B model, with a focus on system prompt fidelity, helpfulness, and character engagement. The model aims to respect the system prompt to an extreme degree, provide helpful information regardless of the situation, and offer maximum character immersion (role-play) in given scenes. Compared to similar models like Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct and Llama-2-7B-32K-Instruct, Cat-llama3-instruct focuses more on system prompt fidelity and character engagement, while the others may be more broadly capable. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Text prompt provided to the model Outputs Text generated by the model in response to the input prompt Capabilities Cat-llama3-instruct excels at following system prompts and maintaining character immersion, while also providing helpful and informative responses. For example, when given a prompt to roleplay as a pirate chatbot, the model generates coherent and consistent pirate-themed responses. It also demonstrates strong problem-solving and task-completion abilities, such as providing step-by-step instructions for a medical diagnosis. What Can I Use It For? Cat-llama3-instruct can be a powerful tool for building interactive chatbots, virtual assistants, or roleplaying experiences. Its focus on prompt fidelity and character engagement makes it well-suited for applications that require a high degree of user immersion, such as interactive fiction or educational simulations. Additionally, its helpfulness and task-completion abilities make it useful for general-purpose assistants that need to provide informative and actionable responses. Things to Try One interesting aspect of Cat-llama3-instruct is its ability to maintain a coherent persona and tone throughout a conversation. Try giving it a variety of prompts that require the model to roleplay different characters or scenarios, and see how well it is able to stay in character. You can also experiment with prompts that require the model to provide step-by-step instructions or detailed information on a topic, to see how its helpfulness and knowledge capabilities compare to other models.

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Updated 9/6/2024