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flux_img2img is a ready-to-use image-to-image workflow powered by the Flux AI model. It can take an input image and generate a new image based on a provided prompt. This model is similar to other image-to-image models like sdxl-lightning-4step, flux-pro, flux-dev, realvisxl-v2-img2img, and ssd-1b-img2img, all of which are focused on generating high-quality images from text or image inputs. Model inputs and outputs flux_img2img takes in an input image, a text prompt, and some optional parameters to control the image generation process. It then outputs a new image that reflects the input image modified according to the provided prompt. Inputs Image**: The input image to be modified Seed**: The seed for the random number generator, 0 means random Steps**: The number of steps to take during the image generation process Denoising**: The denoising value to use Scheduler**: The scheduler to use for the image generation Sampler Name**: The sampler to use for the image generation Positive Prompt**: The text prompt to guide the image generation Outputs Output**: The generated image, returned as a URI Capabilities flux_img2img can take an input image and modify it in significant ways based on a text prompt. For example, you could start with a landscape photo and then use a prompt like "an anime style fantasy castle in the foreground" to generate a new image with a castle added. The model is capable of making large-scale changes to the image while maintaining high visual quality. What can I use it for? flux_img2img could be used for a variety of creative and practical applications. For example, you could use it to generate new product designs, concept art for games or movies, or even personalized art pieces. The model's ability to blend an input image with a textual prompt makes it a powerful tool for anyone looking to create unique visual content. Things to try One interesting thing to try with flux_img2img is to start with a simple input image, like a photograph of a person, and then use different prompts to see how the model can transform the image in unexpected ways. For example, you could try prompts like "a cyberpunk version of this person" or "this person as a fantasy wizard" to see the range of possibilities.

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Updated 9/19/2024