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The face-swap model is an image-to-image face swapping tool. It allows you to swap the face in one image with the face in another image. This can be useful for things like photo editing, creating digital avatars, or even video special effects. The model is similar to other face swapping tools like Face Swap by omniedgeio, but may have different capabilities or performance characteristics. Model inputs and outputs The face-swap model takes two images as input - the "swap image" and the "input image". It then outputs a new image with the face from the swap image swapped into the input image. Inputs Swap Image**: The image that contains the face you want to swap into the other image. Input Image**: The image that you want to swap the face into. Outputs Output Image**: The new image with the face swapped in. Capabilities The face-swap model can be used to swap faces between images. This can be useful for things like creating digital avatars, photo editing, or even video special effects. The model may have capabilities like preserving the lighting and background of the input image, or handling things like occlusion or multiple faces in an image. What can I use it for? The face-swap model can be used for a variety of projects. For example, you could use it to create digital avatars or characters by swapping different faces onto a base image. You could also use it to edit photos, swapping your own face into a group photo or swapping a friend's face into a different image. Additionally, the model could be used in video production, swapping faces to create special effects or deepfakes. Things to try Some things you could try with the face-swap model include: Swapping your own face into a famous portrait or historical photo Swapping the faces of friends or family members into group photos Creating a series of digital avatars with different face swaps Experimenting with swapping faces in short video clips to create interesting effects

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Updated 9/19/2024