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sd15-cog is a Stable Diffusion 1.5 inference model created by dazaleas. It includes several models and is designed for generating high-quality images. This model is similar to other Stable Diffusion models like ssd-lora-inference, cog-a1111-ui, and turbo-enigma, which also focus on text-to-image generation. Model inputs and outputs The sd15-cog model accepts a variety of inputs to customize the image generation process. These include the prompt, seed, steps, width, height, cfg scale, and more. The model outputs an array of image URLs. Inputs vae**: The vae to use seed**: The seed used when generating, set to -1 for random seed model**: The model to use steps**: The steps when generating width**: The width of the image height**: The height of the image prompt**: The prompt hr_scale**: The scale to resize cfg_scale**: CFG Scale defines how much attention the model pays to the prompt when generating enable_hr**: Generate high resoultion version batch_size**: Number of images to generate (1-4) hr_upscaler**: The upscaler to use when performing second pass sampler_name**: The sampler used when generating negative_prompt**: The negative prompt (For things you don't want) denoising_strength**: The strength when applying denoising hr_second_pass_steps**: The steps when performing second pass Outputs An array of image URLs Capabilities The sd15-cog model can generate high-quality, photorealistic images from text prompts. It supports a variety of customization options to fine-tune the output, such as adjusting the resolution, sampling method, and denoising strength. What can I use it for? You can use sd15-cog to create custom illustrations, portraits, and other images for a variety of applications, such as marketing materials, product designs, and social media content. The model's ability to generate diverse and realistic images makes it a powerful tool for creative professionals and hobbyists alike. Things to try Try experimenting with different prompts, sampling methods, and other settings to see how they affect the output. You can also explore the model's ability to generate images with specific styles or themes by adjusting the prompt and other parameters.

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Updated 9/18/2024