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The upscaler-pro is an AI model for photorealistic image ultra-resolution, restoration, and upscaling. It is maintained by mserro and is similar to other upscaler models like upscaler, codeformer, multidiffusion-upscaler, some-upscalers, and clarity-upscaler. These models aim to improve the quality and resolution of images through various techniques. Model inputs and outputs The upscaler-pro model takes several inputs to control the upscaling process, including an image, a prompt, and various parameters like scale factor, creativity, and resemblance. It then outputs one or more upscaled images. Inputs Image**: The input image to be upscaled Prompt**: A text prompt to guide the upscaling process Seed**: A random seed value, which can be used to ensure reproducible results Dynamic**: A parameter that controls HDR-like effects Creativity**: A parameter that adjusts the creativity of the upscaling Resemblance**: A parameter that controls how closely the upscaled image resembles the input Scale Factor**: The factor by which the image should be upscaled Tiling Width/Height**: Parameters that control the fractality of the upscaling Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to use during the upscaling process Downscaling**: A option to downscale the input image before upscaling, which can improve quality and speed Sharpen**: A parameter to control the amount of sharpening applied to the upscaled image Handfix**: An option to use clarity to fix hands in the image Outputs One or more upscaled images in the specified output format (e.g., PNG) Capabilities The upscaler-pro model can be used to significantly improve the resolution and quality of images, while preserving important details and features. It can handle a variety of image types and styles, and offers a high degree of customization through its various input parameters. What can I use it for? You can use the upscaler-pro model to enhance the quality of your images for a variety of applications, such as digital art, photography, product design, and more. The ability to control parameters like creativity and resemblance can be particularly useful for creating high-quality, photorealistic images. Additionally, the downscaling and sharpening options can be helpful for optimizing images for different use cases, such as web or print. Things to try Consider experimenting with different combinations of input parameters to achieve the desired look and feel for your upscaled images. For example, you could try adjusting the scale factor, creativity, and resemblance to create a range of stylized effects. You could also explore the impact of the downscaling and sharpening options on the final output.

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Updated 6/29/2024