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The sdxl-controlnet-lora-small model is a version of the SDXL Canny controlnet with LoRA support, created by the maintainer pnyompen. This model builds upon similar models like the sdxl-controlnet-lora, sdxl-multi-controlnet-lora, and sdxl-lcm-lora-controlnet, which also integrate ControlNet and LoRA capabilities with the SDXL text-to-image model. Model inputs and outputs The sdxl-controlnet-lora-small model allows users to generate images based on a text prompt, with the option to use an input image for an img2img or inpainting workflow. Key inputs include the prompt, seed, image, and various settings to control the ControlNet and LoRA aspects of the model. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt used to guide the image generation. Image**: An optional input image for img2img or inpainting. Seed**: A random seed to control the image generation. Img2Img**: A boolean flag to enable the img2img pipeline. Strength**: The denoising strength when using the img2img pipeline. Scheduler**: The scheduler algorithm to use for image generation. LoRA Scale**: The additive scale for the LoRA weights. Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate. LoRA Weights**: Optional LoRA weights to use. Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance. Condition Scale**: The scale for the ControlNet condition. Negative Prompt**: An optional negative prompt to guide the image generation. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform. Auto Generate Caption**: A boolean flag to automatically generate captions for the input images. Generated Caption Weight**: The weight to apply to the generated captions. Outputs Image(s)**: The generated image(s) as a list of image URIs. Capabilities The sdxl-controlnet-lora-small model can generate images based on text prompts, with the ability to use an input image for an img2img or inpainting workflow. The integration of ControlNet and LoRA allows for fine-tuning and customization of the image generation process, enabling more precise and tailored outputs. What can I use it for? The sdxl-controlnet-lora-small model can be used for a variety of image generation tasks, such as creating illustrations, concept art, and visualizations based on text descriptions. The ControlNet and LoRA capabilities make it suitable for applications that require more specialized or personalized image outputs, such as product design, interior design, and digital marketing. Things to try One interesting aspect of the sdxl-controlnet-lora-small model is the ability to fine-tune its performance by adjusting the LoRA scale and ControlNet condition. Experimenting with different combinations of these settings can lead to unique and surprising image outputs, allowing users to explore the model's creative potential.

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Updated 6/29/2024