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real-esrgan-xxl-images is an image upscaling model developed by sfarrowgr. It is designed to significantly enlarge images, with capabilities that go beyond those of similar models like real-esrgan, upscaler, gfpgan, and ultimate-sd-upscale. Model inputs and outputs This model takes an image as input and outputs an upscaled version of that image. The input image can be scaled up by a factor of up to 16x, and the model also supports an optional face enhancement feature. Inputs Image**: The input image to be upscaled Scale**: The factor to scale the image by, up to 16x Face Enhance**: A boolean flag to enable or disable face enhancement Outputs Output**: The upscaled and (optionally) face-enhanced image Capabilities real-esrgan-xxl-images is capable of dramatically increasing the resolution of images while maintaining high image quality. It can be used to enlarge low-resolution images, such as those captured by older devices or downloaded from the web, transforming them into high-quality, detailed versions. What can I use it for? The real-esrgan-xxl-images model can be useful for a variety of applications, such as enhancing product images for e-commerce, improving the quality of images used in marketing materials, or upscaling personal photos. By leveraging the power of this model, you can create high-resolution images that are perfect for printing, large-scale displays, or detailed digital analysis. Things to try Experiment with different scaling factors to find the optimal balance between image quality and file size. Additionally, try enabling the face enhancement feature to see how it can improve the appearance of portraits and other images with prominent faces.

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Updated 9/19/2024