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spleeter is a source separation library developed by Deezer that can split audio into individual instrument or vocal tracks. It uses a deep learning model trained on a large dataset to isolate different components of a song, such as vocals, drums, bass, and other instruments. This can be useful for tasks like music production, remixing, and audio analysis. Compared to similar models like whisper, speaker-diarization-3.0, and audiosep, spleeter is specifically focused on separating musical sources rather than speech or general audio. Model inputs and outputs The spleeter model takes an audio file as input and outputs individual tracks for the different components it has detected. The model is flexible and can separate the audio into 2, 4, or 5 stems, depending on the user's needs. Inputs Audio**: An audio file in a supported format (e.g. WAV, MP3, FLAC) Outputs Separated audio tracks**: The input audio separated into individual instrument or vocal tracks, such as: Vocals Drums Bass Other instruments Capabilities spleeter can effectively isolate the different elements of a complex musical mix, allowing users to manipulate and process the individual components. This can be particularly useful for music producers, sound engineers, and audio enthusiasts who want to access the individual parts of a song for tasks like remixing, sound design, and audio analysis. What can I use it for? The spleeter model can be used in a variety of music-related applications, such as: Music production**: Isolate individual instruments or vocals to edit, process, or remix a song. Karaoke and backing tracks**: Extract the vocal stem from a song to create karaoke tracks or backing instrumentals. Audio analysis**: Separate the different components of a song to study their individual characteristics or behavior. Sound design**: Use the isolated instrument tracks to create new sound effects or samples. Things to try One interesting thing to try with spleeter is to experiment with the different output configurations (2, 4, or 5 stems) to see how the separation quality and level of detail varies. You can also try applying various audio processing techniques to the isolated tracks, such as EQ, compression, or reverb, to create unique sound effects or explore new creative possibilities.

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Updated 6/29/2024




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Whisper is a state-of-the-art speech recognition model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of transcribing audio into text with high accuracy, making it a valuable tool for a variety of applications. The model is implemented as a Cog model by the maintainer soykertje, allowing it to be easily integrated into various projects. Similar models like Whisper, Whisper Diarization, Whisper Large v3, WhisperSpeech Small, and WhisperX Spanish offer different variations and capabilities, catering to diverse speech recognition needs. Model inputs and outputs The Whisper model takes an audio file as input and generates a text transcription of the speech. The model also supports additional options, such as language specification, translation, and adjusting parameters like temperature and patience for the decoding process. Inputs Audio**: The audio file to be transcribed Model**: The specific Whisper model to use Language**: The language spoken in the audio Translate**: Whether to translate the text to English Transcription**: The format for the transcription (e.g., plain text) Temperature**: The temperature to use for sampling Patience**: The patience value to use in beam decoding Suppress Tokens**: A comma-separated list of token IDs to suppress during sampling Word Timestamps**: Whether to include word-level timestamps in the transcription Logprob Threshold**: The threshold for the average log probability to consider the decoding as successful No Speech Threshold**: The threshold for the probability of the token to consider the segment as silence Condition On Previous Text**: Whether to provide the previous output as a prompt for the next window Compression Ratio Threshold**: The threshold for the gzip compression ratio to consider the decoding as successful Temperature Increment On Fallback**: The temperature increase when falling back due to the above thresholds Outputs The transcribed text, with optional formatting and additional information such as word-level timestamps. Capabilities Whisper is a powerful speech recognition model that can accurately transcribe a wide range of audio content, including interviews, lectures, and spontaneous conversations. The model's ability to handle various accents, background noise, and speaker variations makes it a versatile tool for a variety of applications. What can I use it for? The Whisper model can be utilized in a range of applications, such as: Automated transcription of audio recordings for content creators, journalists, or researchers Real-time captioning for video conferencing or live events Voice-to-text conversion for accessibility purposes or hands-free interaction Language translation services, where the transcribed text can be further translated Developing voice-controlled interfaces or intelligent assistants Things to try Experimenting with the various input parameters of the Whisper model can help fine-tune the transcription quality for specific use cases. For example, adjusting the temperature and patience values can influence the model's sampling behavior, leading to more fluent or more conservative transcriptions. Additionally, leveraging the word-level timestamps can enable synchronized subtitles or captions in multimedia applications.

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Updated 6/29/2024