
Maintainer: afiaka87

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Last updated 10/4/2024
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Model overview

clip-guided-diffusion is an AI model that can generate images from text prompts. It works by using a CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) model to guide a denoising diffusion model during the image generation process. This allows the model to produce images that are semantically aligned with the input text. The model was created by afiaka87, who has also developed similar text-to-image models like sd-aesthetic-guidance and retrieval-augmented-diffusion.

Model inputs and outputs

clip-guided-diffusion takes text prompts as input and generates corresponding images as output. The model can also accept an initial image to blend with the generated output. The main input parameters include the text prompt, the image size, the number of diffusion steps, and the clip guidance scale.


  • Prompts: The text prompt(s) to use for image generation, with optional weights.
  • Image Size: The size of the generated image, which can be 64, 128, 256, or 512 pixels.
  • Timestep Respacing: The number of diffusion steps to use, which affects the speed and quality of the generated images.
  • Clip Guidance Scale: The scale for the CLIP spherical distance loss, which controls how closely the generated image matches the text prompt.


  • Generated Images: The model outputs one or more images that match the input text prompt.


clip-guided-diffusion can generate a wide variety of images from text prompts, including scenes, objects, and abstract concepts. The model is particularly skilled at capturing the semantic meaning of the text and producing visually coherent and plausible images. However, the generation process can be relatively slow compared to other text-to-image models.

What can I use it for?

clip-guided-diffusion can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications, such as:

  • Generating custom artwork and illustrations for personal or commercial use
  • Prototyping and visualizing ideas before implementing them
  • Enhancing existing images by blending them with text-guided generations
  • Exploring and experimenting with different artistic styles and visual concepts

Things to try

One interesting aspect of clip-guided-diffusion is the ability to control the generated images through the use of weights in the text prompts. By assigning positive or negative weights to different components of the prompt, you can influence the model to emphasize or de-emphasize certain aspects of the output. This can be particularly useful for fine-tuning the generated images to match your specific preferences or requirements.

Another useful feature is the ability to blend an existing image with the text-guided diffusion process. This can be helpful for incorporating specific visual elements or styles into the generated output, or for refining and improving upon existing images.

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The retrieval-augmented-diffusion model, created by Replicate user afiaka87, is a text-to-image generation model that can produce 768px images from text prompts. This model builds upon the CompVis "latent diffusion" approach, which uses a diffusion model to generate images in a learned latent space. By incorporating a retrieval component, the retrieval-augmented-diffusion model can leverage visual examples from databases like OpenImages and ArtBench to guide the generation process and produce more targeted results. Similar models include stable-diffusion, a powerful text-to-image diffusion model, and sd-aesthetic-guidance, which uses aesthetic CLIP embeddings to make stable diffusion outputs more visually pleasing. The latent-diffusion-text2img and glid-3-xl models also leverage latent diffusion for text-to-image and inpainting tasks, respectively. Model inputs and outputs The retrieval-augmented-diffusion model takes a text prompt as input and generates a 768x768 pixel image as output. The model can be conditioned on the text prompt alone, or it can additionally leverage visual examples retrieved from a database to guide the generation process. Inputs Prompts**: A text prompt or set of prompts separated by | that describe the desired image. Image Prompt**: An optional image URL that can be used to generate variations of an existing image. Database Name**: The name of the database to use for visual retrieval, such as "openimages" or various subsets of the ArtBench dataset. Num Database Results**: The number of visually similar examples to retrieve from the database (up to 20). Outputs Generated Images**: The model outputs one or more 768x768 pixel images based on the provided text prompt and any retrieved visual examples. Capabilities The retrieval-augmented-diffusion model is capable of generating a wide variety of photorealistic and artistic images from text prompts. The retrieval component allows the model to leverage relevant visual examples to produce more targeted and coherent results compared to a standard text-to-image diffusion model. For example, a prompt like "a happy pineapple" can produce whimsical, surreal images of anthropomorphized pineapples when using the ArtBench databases, or more realistic depictions of pineapples when using the OpenImages database. What can I use it for? The retrieval-augmented-diffusion model can be used for a variety of creative and generative tasks, such as: Generating unique, high-quality images to illustrate articles, blog posts, or social media content Designing concept art, product mockups, or other visualizations based on textual descriptions Producing custom artwork or marketing materials for clients or personal projects Experimenting with different artistic styles and visual interpretations of text prompts By leveraging the retrieval component, users can tailor the generated images to their specific needs and aesthetic preferences. Things to try One interesting aspect of the retrieval-augmented-diffusion model is its ability to generate images at resolutions higher than the 768x768 that it was trained on. While this can produce some interesting results, it's important to note that the model's controllability and coherence may be reduced at these higher resolutions. Another interesting technique to explore is the use of the PLMS sampling method, which can provide a speedup in generation time while maintaining good image quality. Adjusting the ddim_eta parameter can also be used to fine-tune the balance between sample quality and diversity. Overall, the retrieval-augmented-diffusion model offers a powerful and versatile tool for generating high-quality, visually-grounded images from text prompts. By experimenting with the various input parameters and leveraging the retrieval capabilities, users can unlock a wide range of creative possibilities.

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sd-aesthetic-guidance is a model that builds upon the Stable Diffusion text-to-image model by incorporating aesthetic guidance to produce more visually pleasing outputs. It uses the Aesthetic Predictor model to evaluate the aesthetic quality of the generated images and adjust the output accordingly. This allows users to generate images that are not only conceptually aligned with the input prompt, but also more aesthetically appealing. Model inputs and outputs sd-aesthetic-guidance takes a variety of inputs to control the image generation process, including the input prompt, an optional initial image, and several parameters to fine-tune the aesthetic and technical aspects of the output. The model outputs one or more generated images that match the input prompt and demonstrate enhanced aesthetic qualities. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt that describes the desired image. Init Image**: An optional initial image to use as a starting point for generating variations. Aesthetic Rating**: An integer value from 1 to 9 that sets the desired level of aesthetic quality, with 9 being the highest. Aesthetic Weight**: A number between 0 and 1 that determines how much the aesthetic guidance should influence the output. Guidance Scale**: A scale factor that controls the strength of the text-to-image guidance. Prompt Strength**: A value between 0 and 1 that determines how much the initial image should be modified to match the input prompt. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform during the image generation process. Outputs Generated Images**: One or more images that match the input prompt and demonstrate enhanced aesthetic qualities. Capabilities sd-aesthetic-guidance allows users to generate high-quality, visually appealing images from text prompts. By incorporating the Aesthetic Predictor model, it can produce images that are not only conceptually aligned with the input, but also more aesthetically pleasing. This makes it a useful tool for creative applications, such as art, design, and illustration. What can I use it for? sd-aesthetic-guidance can be used for a variety of creative and visual tasks, such as: Generating concept art or illustrations for games, books, or other media Creating visually stunning social media graphics or promotional imagery Producing unique and aesthetically pleasing stock images or digital art Experimenting with different artistic styles and visual aesthetics The model's ability to generate high-quality, visually appealing images from text prompts makes it a powerful tool for individuals and businesses looking to create engaging visual content. Things to try One interesting aspect of sd-aesthetic-guidance is the ability to fine-tune the aesthetic qualities of the generated images by adjusting the Aesthetic Rating and Aesthetic Weight parameters. Try experimenting with different values to see how they affect the output, and see if you can find the sweet spot that produces the most visually pleasing results for your specific use case. Another interesting experiment would be to use sd-aesthetic-guidance in combination with other Stable Diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion Inpainting or Stable Diffusion Img2Img. This could allow you to create unique and visually striking hybrid images that blend the aesthetic guidance of sd-aesthetic-guidance with the capabilities of these other models.

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clip-guided-diffusion is a Cog implementation of the CLIP Guided Diffusion model, originally developed by Katherine Crowson. This model leverages the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) technique to guide the image generation process, allowing for more semantically meaningful and visually coherent outputs compared to traditional diffusion models. Unlike the Stable Diffusion model, which is trained on a large and diverse dataset, clip-guided-diffusion is focused on generating images from text prompts in a more targeted and controlled manner. Model inputs and outputs The clip-guided-diffusion model takes a text prompt as input and generates a set of images as output. The text prompt can be anything from a simple description to a more complex, imaginative scenario. The model then uses the CLIP technique to guide the diffusion process, resulting in images that closely match the semantic content of the input prompt. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt that describes the desired image. Timesteps**: The number of diffusion steps to use during the image generation process. Display Frequency**: The frequency at which the intermediate image outputs should be displayed. Outputs Array of Image URLs**: The generated images, each represented as a URL. Capabilities The clip-guided-diffusion model is capable of generating a wide range of images based on text prompts, from realistic scenes to more abstract and imaginative compositions. Unlike the more general-purpose Stable Diffusion model, clip-guided-diffusion is designed to produce images that are more closely aligned with the semantic content of the input prompt, resulting in a more targeted and coherent output. What can I use it for? The clip-guided-diffusion model can be used for a variety of applications, including: Content Generation**: Create unique, custom images to use in marketing materials, social media posts, or other visual content. Prototyping and Visualization**: Quickly generate visual concepts and ideas based on textual descriptions, which can be useful in fields like design, product development, and architecture. Creative Exploration**: Experiment with different text prompts to generate unexpected and imaginative images, opening up new creative possibilities. Things to try One interesting aspect of the clip-guided-diffusion model is its ability to generate images that capture the nuanced semantics of the input prompt. Try experimenting with prompts that contain specific details or evocative language, and observe how the model translates these textual descriptions into visually compelling outputs. Additionally, you can explore the model's capabilities by comparing its results to those of other diffusion-based models, such as Stable Diffusion or DiffusionCLIP, to understand the unique strengths and characteristics of the clip-guided-diffusion approach.

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DiffusionCLIP is a novel method that performs text-driven image manipulation using diffusion models. It was proposed by Gwanghyun Kim, Taesung Kwon, and Jong Chul Ye in their CVPR 2022 paper. Unlike prior GAN-based approaches, DiffusionCLIP leverages the full inversion capability and high-quality image generation power of recent diffusion models to enable zero-shot image manipulation, even between unseen domains. This allows for robust and faithful manipulation of real images, going beyond the limited capabilities of GAN inversion methods. DiffusionCLIP is similar in spirit to other text-guided image manipulation models like StyleCLIP and StyleGAN-NADA, but with key technical differences enabled by its diffusion-based approach. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Image**: An input image to be manipulated. Edit type**: The desired attribute or style to apply to the input image (e.g. "ImageNet style transfer - Watercolor art"). Manipulation**: The type of manipulation to perform (e.g. "ImageNet style transfer"). Degree of change**: The intensity or amount of the desired edit, from 0 (no change) to 1 (maximum change). N test step**: The number of steps to use in the image generation process, between 5 and 100. Outputs Output image**: The manipulated image, with the desired attribute or style applied. Capabilities DiffusionCLIP enables high-quality, zero-shot image manipulation even on real-world images from diverse datasets like ImageNet. It can accurately edit images while preserving the original identity and content, unlike prior GAN-based approaches. The model also supports multi-attribute manipulation by blending noise from multiple fine-tuned models. Additionally, DiffusionCLIP can translate images between unseen domains, generating new images from scratch based on text prompts. What can I use it for? DiffusionCLIP can be a powerful tool for a variety of image editing and generation tasks. Its ability to manipulate real-world images in diverse domains makes it suitable for applications like photo editing, digital art creation, and even product visualization. Businesses could leverage DiffusionCLIP to quickly generate product mockups or visualizations based on textual descriptions. Creators could use it to explore creative possibilities by manipulating images in unexpected ways guided by text prompts. Things to try One interesting aspect of DiffusionCLIP is its ability to translate images between unseen domains, such as generating a "watercolor art" version of an input image. Try experimenting with different text prompts to see how the model can transform images in surprising ways, going beyond simple attribute edits. You could also explore the model's multi-attribute manipulation capabilities, blending different text-guided changes to create unique hybrid outputs.

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