
Maintainer: sshleifer

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

The distilbart-cnn-12-6 model is a smaller and faster version of the BART language model, developed by the maintainer sshleifer. This model was distilled from the BART-large-cnn model, reducing the number of layers from 12 to 6 and the number of model parameters from 406M to 306M. The distillation process resulted in a 1.68x speedup during inference compared to the baseline BART-large-cnn model, while maintaining competitive performance on the CNN/DailyMail summarization task.

Similar models like distilroberta-base and neural-chat-7b-v3-3 also use distillation techniques to create smaller and more efficient language models. The distilbert-base-multilingual-cased model further demonstrates the effectiveness of distillation for multilingual applications.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Textual input, such as a document or article, that the model will generate a summary for.


  • A concise summary of the input text, generated by the model.


The distilbart-cnn-12-6 model is capable of generating high-quality summaries of input text, particularly for news articles and other long-form content. Compared to the BART-large-cnn baseline, the distilled model achieves competitive performance on the CNN/DailyMail summarization task while being significantly faster and more efficient.

What can I use it for?

The distilbart-cnn-12-6 model can be used for a variety of text summarization tasks, such as summarizing news articles, research papers, or other long-form content. This model could be useful for applications like content curation, information retrieval, or summarizing key points for busy readers. The improved inference speed and reduced model size also make it a good candidate for deployment in resource-constrained environments, such as mobile devices or edge computing applications.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with the distilbart-cnn-12-6 model is to experiment with different decoding strategies, such as adjusting the temperature or top-p sampling parameters, to see how they affect the quality and coherence of the generated summaries. You could also try fine-tuning the model on domain-specific datasets to see if you can further improve its performance on your particular use case.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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sdxl-lightning-4step is a fast text-to-image model developed by ByteDance that can generate high-quality images in just 4 steps. It is similar to other fast diffusion models like AnimateDiff-Lightning and Instant-ID MultiControlNet, which also aim to speed up the image generation process. Unlike the original Stable Diffusion model, these fast models sacrifice some flexibility and control to achieve faster generation times. Model inputs and outputs The sdxl-lightning-4step model takes in a text prompt and various parameters to control the output image, such as the width, height, number of images, and guidance scale. The model can output up to 4 images at a time, with a recommended image size of 1024x1024 or 1280x1280 pixels. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired image Negative prompt**: A prompt that describes what the model should not generate Width**: The width of the output image Height**: The height of the output image Num outputs**: The number of images to generate (up to 4) Scheduler**: The algorithm used to sample the latent space Guidance scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance, which controls the trade-off between fidelity to the prompt and sample diversity Num inference steps**: The number of denoising steps, with 4 recommended for best results Seed**: A random seed to control the output image Outputs Image(s)**: One or more images generated based on the input prompt and parameters Capabilities The sdxl-lightning-4step model is capable of generating a wide variety of images based on text prompts, from realistic scenes to imaginative and creative compositions. The model's 4-step generation process allows it to produce high-quality results quickly, making it suitable for applications that require fast image generation. What can I use it for? The sdxl-lightning-4step model could be useful for applications that need to generate images in real-time, such as video game asset generation, interactive storytelling, or augmented reality experiences. Businesses could also use the model to quickly generate product visualization, marketing imagery, or custom artwork based on client prompts. Creatives may find the model helpful for ideation, concept development, or rapid prototyping. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the sdxl-lightning-4step model is to experiment with the guidance scale parameter. By adjusting the guidance scale, you can control the balance between fidelity to the prompt and diversity of the output. Lower guidance scales may result in more unexpected and imaginative images, while higher scales will produce outputs that are closer to the specified prompt.

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distilbart-mnli-12-1 is the distilled version of the bart-large-mnli model, created using the "No Teacher Distillation" technique proposed by Hugging Face. This model has 12 encoder layers and 1 decoder layer, making it smaller and faster than the original bart-large-mnli model. Compared to the baseline bart-large-mnli model, distilbart-mnli-12-1 has 87.08% matched accuracy and 87.5% mismatched accuracy, a slight performance drop from the original. However, the distilled model is significantly more efficient, being 2x smaller and faster. Additional distilled versions such as distilbart-mnli-12-3, distilbart-mnli-12-6, and distilbart-mnli-12-9 offer a range of performance and efficiency trade-offs. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model takes text as input, either as a single sequence or as a pair of sequences (e.g. premise and hypothesis for natural language inference). Outputs Text classification label**: The model outputs a classification label, such as "entailment", "contradiction", or "neutral" for natural language inference tasks. Classification probability**: The model also outputs the probability of each possible classification label. Capabilities The distilbart-mnli-12-1 model is capable of natural language inference - determining whether one piece of text (the premise) entails, contradicts, or is neutral with respect to another piece of text (the hypothesis). This can be useful for applications like textual entailment, question answering, and language understanding. What can I use it for? You can use distilbart-mnli-12-1 for zero-shot text classification by posing the text to be classified as the premise and constructing hypotheses from the candidate labels. The probabilities for entailment and contradiction can then be converted to label probabilities. This approach has been shown to be effective, especially when using larger pre-trained models like BART. The distilled model can also be fine-tuned on downstream tasks that require natural language inference, such as question answering or natural language inference datasets. The smaller size and faster inference time of distilbart-mnli-12-1 compared to the original bart-large-mnli model makes it a more efficient choice for deployment. Things to try One interesting thing to try is to experiment with the different distilled versions of the bart-large-mnli model, such as distilbart-mnli-12-3, distilbart-mnli-12-6, and distilbart-mnli-12-9. These offer a range of performance and efficiency trade-offs that you can evaluate for your specific use case. Additionally, you can explore using the model for zero-shot text classification on a variety of datasets and tasks to see how it performs.

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The neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model is a fine-tuned 7B parameter large language model (LLM) from Intel. It was trained on the meta-math/MetaMathQA dataset and aligned using the Direct Performance Optimization (DPO) method with the Intel/orca_dpo_pairs dataset. The model was originally fine-tuned from the mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 model. This model achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to similar 7B parameter models on various language tasks. Model inputs and outputs The neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model is a text-to-text transformer model that takes natural language text as input and generates natural language text as output. It can be used for a variety of language-related tasks such as question answering, dialogue, and summarization. Inputs Natural language text prompts Outputs Generated natural language text Capabilities The neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model demonstrates impressive performance on a wide range of language tasks, including question answering, dialogue, and summarization. It outperforms many similar-sized models on benchmarks such as the Open LLM Leaderboard, showcasing its strong capabilities in natural language understanding and generation. What can I use it for? The neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model can be used for a variety of language-related applications, such as building conversational AI assistants, generating helpful responses to user queries, summarizing long-form text, and more. Due to its strong performance on benchmarks, it could be a good starting point for developers looking to build high-quality language models for their projects. Things to try One interesting aspect of the neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model is its ability to handle long-form inputs and outputs, thanks to its 8192 token context length. This makes it well-suited for tasks that require reasoning over longer sequences, such as question answering or dialogue. You could try using the model to engage in extended conversations and see how it performs on tasks that require maintaining context over multiple turns. Additionally, the model's strong performance on mathematical reasoning tasks, as demonstrated by its results on the MetaMathQA dataset, suggests that it could be a useful tool for building applications that involve solving complex math problems. You could experiment with prompting the model to solve math-related tasks and see how it performs.

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The bart-large-cnn-samsum model is a transformer-based text summarization model trained using Amazon SageMaker and the Hugging Face Deep Learning container. It was fine-tuned on the SamSum dataset, which consists of conversational dialogues and their corresponding summaries. This model is similar to other text summarization models like bart_summarisation and flan-t5-base-samsum, which have also been fine-tuned on the SamSum dataset. However, the maintainer philschmid notes that the newer flan-t5-base-samsum model outperforms this BART-based model on the SamSum evaluation set. Model inputs and outputs The bart-large-cnn-samsum model takes conversational dialogues as input and generates concise summaries as output. The input can be a single string containing the entire conversation, and the output is a summarized version of the input. Inputs Conversational dialogue**: A string containing the full text of a conversation, with each participant's lines separated by newline characters. Outputs Summary**: A condensed, coherent summary of the input conversation, generated by the model. Capabilities The bart-large-cnn-samsum model is capable of generating high-quality summaries of conversational dialogues. It can identify the key points and themes of a conversation and articulate them in a concise, readable form. This makes the model useful for tasks like customer service, meeting notes, and other scenarios where summarizing conversations is valuable. What can I use it for? The bart-large-cnn-samsum model can be used in a variety of applications that involve summarizing conversational text. For example, it could be integrated into a customer service chatbot to provide concise summaries of customer interactions. It could also be used to generate meeting notes or highlight the main takeaways from team discussions. Things to try While the maintainer recommends trying the newer flan-t5-base-samsum model instead, the bart-large-cnn-samsum model can still be a useful tool for text summarization. Experiment with different input conversations and compare the model's performance to the recommended alternative. You may also want to explore fine-tuning the model on your own specialized dataset to see if it can be further improved for your specific use case.

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