
Maintainer: BAAI

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Last updated 10/4/2024


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Model overview

Emu3 is a powerful multimodal AI model developed by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI). Unlike traditional models that require separate architectures for different tasks, Emu3 is trained solely on next-token prediction, allowing it to excel at both generation and perception across a wide range of modalities. The model outperforms several well-established task-specific models, including SDXL, LLaVA-1.6, and OpenSora-1.2, while eliminating the need for diffusion or compositional architectures.

Model inputs and outputs

Emu3 is a versatile model that can process and generate a variety of multimodal data, including images, text, and videos. The model takes in sequences of discrete tokens and generates the next token in the sequence, allowing it to perform tasks such as image generation, text-to-image translation, and video prediction.


  • Sequences of discrete tokens representing images, text, or videos


  • The next token in the input sequence, which can be used to generate new content or extend existing content


Emu3 demonstrates impressive capabilities in both generation and perception tasks. It can generate high-quality images by simply predicting the next vision token, and it also shows strong vision-language understanding abilities to provide coherent text responses without relying on a CLIP or a pretrained language model. Additionally, Emu3 can generate videos by predicting the next token in a video sequence, and it can also extend existing videos to predict what will happen next.

What can I use it for?

The broad capabilities of Emu3 make it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Content creation: Generating high-quality images, text, and videos to support various creative projects
  • Multimodal AI: Developing advanced AI systems that can understand and interact with multimodal data
  • Personalization: Tailoring content and experiences to individual users based on their preferences and behavior
  • Automation: Streamlining tasks that involve the processing or generation of multimodal data

Things to try

One of the key insights of Emu3 is its ability to learn from a mixture of multimodal sequences, rather than relying on task-specific architectures. This allows the model to develop a more holistic understanding of the relationships between different modalities, which can be leveraged in a variety of ways. For example, you could explore how Emu3 performs on cross-modal tasks, such as generating images from text prompts or translating text into other languages while preserving the original meaning and style.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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Emu3 is a powerful multimodal AI model developed by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI). Unlike traditional models that require separate architectures for different tasks, Emu3 is trained solely on next-token prediction, allowing it to excel at both generation and perception across a wide range of modalities. The model outperforms several well-established task-specific models, including SDXL, LLaVA-1.6, and OpenSora-1.2, while eliminating the need for diffusion or compositional architectures. Model inputs and outputs Emu3 is a versatile model that can process and generate a variety of multimodal data, including images, text, and videos. The model takes in sequences of discrete tokens and generates the next token in the sequence, allowing it to perform tasks such as image generation, text-to-image translation, and video prediction. Inputs Sequences of discrete tokens representing images, text, or videos Outputs The next token in the input sequence, which can be used to generate new content or extend existing content Capabilities Emu3 demonstrates impressive capabilities in both generation and perception tasks. It can generate high-quality images by simply predicting the next vision token, and it also shows strong vision-language understanding abilities to provide coherent text responses without relying on a CLIP or a pretrained language model. Additionally, Emu3 can generate videos by predicting the next token in a video sequence, and it can also extend existing videos to predict what will happen next. What can I use it for? The broad capabilities of Emu3 make it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, including: Content creation: Generating high-quality images, text, and videos to support various creative projects Multimodal AI: Developing advanced AI systems that can understand and interact with multimodal data Personalization: Tailoring content and experiences to individual users based on their preferences and behavior Automation: Streamlining tasks that involve the processing or generation of multimodal data Things to try One of the key insights of Emu3 is its ability to learn from a mixture of multimodal sequences, rather than relying on task-specific architectures. This allows the model to develop a more holistic understanding of the relationships between different modalities, which can be leveraged in a variety of ways. For example, you could explore how Emu3 performs on cross-modal tasks, such as generating images from text prompts or translating text into other languages while preserving the original meaning and style.

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Emu3 is a new suite of state-of-the-art multimodal models developed by the BAAI team. Unlike traditional models that rely on diffusion or compositional architectures, Emu3 is trained solely using a unified next-token prediction objective on a mixture of multimodal sequences. This approach allows the model to excel at both generation and perception tasks, outperforming several well-established task-specific models. Model inputs and outputs Emu3 takes in a combination of text, images, and videos, and can generate high-quality outputs in all these modalities. The model is capable of generating images by predicting the next vision token, and can also provide coherent text responses based on its strong vision-language understanding capabilities. Additionally, Emu3 can generate videos by predicting the next token in a video sequence, and can even extend existing videos to predict what will happen next. Inputs Text**: Emu3 can take in text prompts to guide the generation of images, text, and videos. Images**: The model can accept images as input and use them to generate corresponding text or extend the image in various ways. Videos**: Emu3 can take in video sequences and generate continuations or extensions of the video. Outputs Images**: The model can generate high-quality images based on text prompts, with flexible resolutions and styles. Text**: Emu3 can produce coherent and relevant text responses to questions or prompts, leveraging its strong vision-language understanding. Videos**: The model can generate new video sequences by predicting the next token in a video, or extend existing videos to predict what will happen next. Capabilities Emu3 demonstrates impressive capabilities in both generation and perception tasks, outperforming several well-established models. The model is able to generate high-quality images, provide coherent text responses, and generate video continuations, all without relying on diffusion or compositional architectures. This versatility makes Emu3 a powerful tool for a wide range of multimodal applications. What can I use it for? With its strong performance across generation and perception tasks, Emu3 can be a valuable asset for a variety of applications. Some potential use cases include: Content creation**: Generating images, text, and videos for marketing, entertainment, or educational purposes. Multimodal assistants**: Building virtual assistants that can understand and respond to multimodal inputs. Visualization and simulation**: Generating visual representations of concepts or scenarios based on textual descriptions. Multimodal task automation**: Automating workflows that involve processing and generating multimodal content. Things to try One interesting aspect of Emu3 is its ability to generate video continuations by predicting the next token in a sequence. This could be used to extend existing videos or create new ones based on a provided starting point. Another intriguing feature is the model's strong vision-language understanding, which allows it to provide coherent text responses without relying on a separate language model. Exploring these capabilities could lead to novel applications and insights.

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Emu2 is a generative multimodal model with 37 billion parameters, developed by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI). It was trained on large-scale multimodal sequences with a unified autoregressive objective to enhance its multimodal in-context learning abilities. Emu2 exhibits strong performance on various multimodal understanding and generation tasks, even in few-shot settings, setting new state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks. Similar models include ul2, which uses a mixture-of-denoisers pre-training objective to create a universally effective model across datasets and setups, and bge-m3, a versatile multilingual, multimodal model that supports dense, sparse, and multi-vector retrieval. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Images**: Emu2 can accept high-resolution images up to 1.8 million pixels (e.g., 1344x1344) at any aspect ratio. Text**: The model can process both short and long text inputs, with a maximum sequence length of 8192 tokens. Multimodal prompts**: Emu2 is capable of understanding and generating content based on a combination of visual and textual inputs. Outputs Text generation**: The model can generate coherent, contextually relevant text in response to prompts. Multimodal generation**: Emu2 can generate images, captions, and other multimodal content based on input prompts. Multimodal understanding**: The model exhibits strong performance on multimodal understanding tasks, such as visual question answering and object-grounded generation. Capabilities Emu2 demonstrates impressive multimodal in-context learning abilities, allowing it to solve tasks that require on-the-fly reasoning, such as visual prompting and object-grounded generation, even with just a few demonstrations or simple instructions. The model also sets new state-of-the-art results on multiple multimodal understanding benchmarks in few-shot settings. What can I use it for? Emu2 can be used as a powerful base model and general-purpose interface for a wide range of multimodal tasks, such as: Visual question answering Image captioning Multimodal dialogue systems Multimodal content generation (e.g., generating images and text based on a prompt) Downstream multimodal tasks that require in-context learning abilities Things to try One interesting aspect of Emu2 is its ability to perform object-grounded generation. This means the model can generate text that is grounded in the visual elements of an input image, demonstrating a deeper understanding of the image content. Experimenting with prompts that involve specific visual elements, such as objects or scenes, could be an engaging way to explore the model's multimodal capabilities. Another area to explore is the model's few-shot learning abilities. You could try providing the model with only a handful of examples for a particular task and observe how it performs, or experiment with different types of multimodal prompts to see how the model responds.

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Bunny-Llama-3-8B-V is a family of lightweight but powerful multimodal models developed by BAAI. It offers multiple plug-and-play vision encoders, like EVA-CLIP and SigLIP, as well as language backbones including Llama-3-8B-Instruct, Phi-1.5, StableLM-2, Qwen1.5, MiniCPM, and Phi-2. Model Inputs and Outputs Bunny-Llama-3-8B-V is a multimodal model that can consume both text and images, and produce text outputs. Inputs Text Prompt**: A text prompt or instruction that the model uses to generate a response. Image**: An optional image that the model can use to inform its text generation. Outputs Generated Text**: The model's response to the provided text prompt and/or image. Capabilities The Bunny-Llama-3-8B-V model is capable of generating coherent and relevant text outputs based on a given text prompt and/or image. It can be used for a variety of multimodal tasks, such as image captioning, visual question answering, and image-grounded text generation. What Can I Use It For? Bunny-Llama-3-8B-V can be used for a variety of multimodal applications, such as: Image Captioning**: Generate descriptive captions for images. Visual Question Answering**: Answer questions about the contents of an image. Image-Grounded Dialogue**: Generate responses in a conversation that are informed by a relevant image. Multimodal Content Creation**: Produce text outputs that are coherently grounded in visual information. Things to Try Some interesting things to try with Bunny-Llama-3-8B-V could include: Experimenting with different text prompts and image inputs to see how the model responds. Evaluating the model's performance on standard multimodal benchmarks like VQAv2, OKVQA, and COCO Captions. Exploring the model's ability to reason about and describe diagrams, charts, and other types of visual information. Investigating how the model's performance varies when using different language backbones and vision encoders.

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