
Maintainer: NousResearch

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Last updated 5/28/2024


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Model overview

Genstruct-7B is an instruction-generation model designed by NousResearch. It is trained to create valid instructions given a raw text corpus, enabling the creation of new, partially synthetic instruction finetuning datasets. This work was inspired by Ada-Instruct, which trained a custom instruction-generation model, whereas previous methods largely relied on in-context approaches.

Genstruct-7B takes this approach further by grounding the generations in user-provided context passages. It is trained to generate questions involving complex scenarios that require detailed reasoning, allowing for models trained on the generated data to reason step-by-step. This contrasts with models like ChatGPT and RAG which use few-shot prompting or retrieve information from an external knowledge base.

Model inputs and outputs


  • Context passages: Text provided by the user that grounds the instruction generations


  • Instructions: Novel instructions generated based on the input context passages, involving complex reasoning and scenarios


Genstruct-7B can be used to create rich, contextual instruction datasets for training downstream models. By generating instructions that require step-by-step reasoning, it enables the development of models with stronger general language understanding and problem-solving abilities. This contrasts with models trained on more simplistic or templated instructions.

What can I use it for?

The Genstruct-7B model could be used as a tool to quickly generate diverse datasets for training new AI models, across a wide range of domains and applications. For example, you could use it to create instruction datasets for task-oriented dialog, procedural text generation, or educational applications that require complex reasoning.

Things to try

One interesting thing to try with Genstruct-7B would be to experiment with the level of complexity and reasoning required in the generated instructions. By adjusting the input context passages, you could explore how this impacts the downstream model's capabilities and performance on benchmarks like HellaSwag, PIQA, and GSM8K. This could yield insights into the types of instruction-based datasets that are most effective for training robust language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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xgen-7b-8k-inst is a large language model developed by Salesforce AI Research. It is part of the XGen family of models, which are trained on up to 8K sequence lengths to enable better performance on long-form tasks like summarization and knowledge-based question answering. The xgen-7b-8k-inst model is the instruction-finetuned version, adapted for tasks that require the model to follow specific prompts or guidelines. Compared to similar models like XVERSE-13B and CodeGen-16B-Multi, the xgen-7b-8k-inst has a smaller parameter count (7 billion) but a longer input sequence length, making it well-suited for tasks that benefit from longer context. The XVERSE-13B model, for example, is a larger but more general-purpose language model, while the CodeGen models are specialized for programming-related tasks. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Raw text data, which can include natural language, code, or a mix of both The model accepts input sequences up to 8,192 tokens long, allowing it to handle long-form content effectively Outputs Autoregressive text completions, generated token-by-token based on the provided input The model can output text continuations, answer questions, summarize content, and perform other language generation tasks Capabilities The xgen-7b-8k-inst model has shown strong performance on a variety of natural language understanding and generation benchmarks, including question answering, logical reasoning, and mathematical problem-solving. Its ability to handle longer input sequences makes it particularly well-suited for tasks that require maintaining and reasoning over extended context, such as multi-step problem-solving or long-form summarization. What can I use it for? The xgen-7b-8k-inst model can be fine-tuned and applied to a wide range of language-related tasks, such as: Content generation**: Producing high-quality, coherent text continuations for articles, stories, or other long-form content Question answering**: Answering complex, multi-part questions by drawing on extended context Summarization**: Generating concise summaries of long documents or articles Code generation**: Producing code snippets or entire programs based on natural language descriptions Additionally, the model's instruction-following capabilities make it well-suited for applications that require following specific guidelines or prompts, such as: Creative writing**: Generating stories or poems based on user-provided prompts Technical writing**: Drafting technical documentation or tutorials based on outlines or guidelines Data analysis**: Automating the generation of reports or insights based on structured data Things to try One interesting aspect of the xgen-7b-8k-inst model is its ability to maintain and reason over extended context. You could try feeding it a long, multi-paragraph passage and asking it to answer a complex, multi-part question that requires synthesizing information from across the entire text. Its performance on these types of tasks can showcase its strengths in areas like reading comprehension and logical reasoning. Another interesting experiment would be to try the model on code generation or translation tasks, leveraging its ability to handle longer input sequences. You could provide it with a partially-completed code snippet and ask it to fill in the missing pieces, or give it a natural language description of a programming task and see how it performs at translating that into working code.

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The falcon-7b-instruct model is a 7 billion parameter causal decoder-only AI model developed by TII. It is based on the Falcon-7B model and has been finetuned on a mixture of chat and instruction datasets. The model outperforms comparable open-source models like MPT-7B, StableLM, and RedPajama thanks to its strong base and optimization for inference. Model inputs and outputs The falcon-7b-instruct model takes text prompts as input and generates coherent and relevant text as output. It can be used for a variety of language tasks such as text generation, summarization, and question answering. Inputs Text prompts for the model to continue or respond to Outputs Generated text completing or responding to the input prompt Capabilities The falcon-7b-instruct model is capable of engaging in open-ended conversations, following instructions, and generating coherent and relevant text across a wide range of topics. It can be used for tasks like creative writing, task planning, and knowledge synthesis. What can I use it for? The falcon-7b-instruct model can be used as a foundation for building chatbots, virtual assistants, and other language-based applications. Its ability to follow instructions makes it well-suited for automating repetitive tasks or generating creative content. Developers could use it to build applications in areas like customer service, educational tools, or creative writing assistants. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the falcon-7b-instruct model is prompting it with complex multi-step instructions or prompts that require logical reasoning. The model's ability to understand and follow instructions could lead to some surprising and creative outputs. Another interesting direction would be to explore the model's knowledge and reasoning capabilities by asking it to solve problems or provide analysis on a wide range of topics.

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