
Maintainer: camenduru

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Last updated 9/18/2024
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Model overview

InstantMesh is an efficient 3D mesh generation model that can create realistic 3D models from a single input image. Developed by researchers at Tencent ARC, InstantMesh leverages sparse-view large reconstruction models to rapidly generate 3D meshes without requiring multiple input views. This sets it apart from similar models like real-esrgan, instant-id, idm-vton, and face-to-many, which focus on different 3D reconstruction and generation tasks.

Model inputs and outputs

InstantMesh takes a single input image and generates a 3D mesh model. The model can also optionally export a texture map and video of the generated mesh.


  • Image Path: The input image to use for 3D mesh generation
  • Seed: A random seed value to use for the mesh generation process
  • Remove Background: A boolean flag to remove the background from the input image
  • Export Texmap: A boolean flag to export a texture map along with the 3D mesh
  • Export Video: A boolean flag to export a video of the generated 3D mesh


  • Array of URIs: The generated 3D mesh models and optional texture map and video


InstantMesh can efficiently generate high-quality 3D mesh models from a single input image, without requiring multiple views or a complex reconstruction pipeline. This makes it a powerful tool for rapid 3D content creation in a variety of applications, from game development to product visualization.

What can I use it for?

The InstantMesh model can be used to quickly create 3D assets for a wide range of applications, such as:

  • Game development: Generate 3D models of characters, environments, and props to use in game engines.
  • Product visualization: Create 3D models of products for e-commerce, marketing, or design purposes.
  • Architectural visualization: Generate 3D models of buildings, landscapes, and interiors for design and planning.
  • Visual effects: Use the generated 3D meshes as a starting point for further modeling, texturing, and animation.

The model's efficient and robust reconstruction capabilities make it a valuable tool for anyone working with 3D content, especially in fields that require rapid prototyping or content creation.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of InstantMesh is its ability to remove the background from the input image and generate a 3D mesh that focuses solely on the subject. This can be a useful feature for creating 3D assets that can be easily composited into different environments or scenes. You could try experimenting with different input images, varying the background removal settings, and observing how the generated 3D meshes change accordingly.

Another interesting aspect is the option to export a texture map along with the 3D mesh. This allows you to further customize and refine the appearance of the generated model, using tools like 3D modeling software or game engines. You could try experimenting with different texture mapping settings and see how the final 3D models look with different surface materials and details.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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InstantMesh is a feed-forward framework for efficient 3D mesh generation from a single image. It leverages the strengths of a multiview diffusion model and a sparse-view reconstruction model based on the LRM architecture to create diverse 3D assets quickly. By integrating a differentiable iso-surface extraction module, InstantMesh can directly optimize on the mesh representation to enhance training efficiency and exploit more geometric supervisions. Compared to other image-to-3D baselines, InstantMesh demonstrates state-of-the-art generation quality and significant training scalability. It can generate 3D meshes within 10 seconds, making it a powerful tool for 3D content creation. The model is developed by TencentARC, a leading AI research group. Model Inputs and Outputs Inputs Single image Outputs 3D mesh representation of the input image Capabilities InstantMesh can generate high-quality 3D meshes from a single image, outperforming other latest image-to-3D baselines both qualitatively and quantitatively. By leveraging efficient model architectures and optimization techniques, it can create diverse 3D assets within a short time, empowering both researchers and content creators. What can I use it for? InstantMesh can be a valuable tool for a variety of 3D content creation applications, such as game development, virtual reality, and visual effects. Its ability to generate 3D meshes from a single image can streamline the 3D modeling process and enable rapid prototyping. Content creators can use InstantMesh to quickly generate 3D assets for their projects, while researchers can explore its potential in areas like 3D scene understanding and reconstruction. Things to try Users can experiment with InstantMesh to generate 3D meshes from diverse input images and explore the model's versatility. Additionally, researchers can investigate ways to further improve the generation quality and efficiency of the model, potentially by incorporating additional geometric supervision or exploring alternative model architectures.

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