
Maintainer: wzx0826

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Last updated 9/20/2024
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Model overview

The lbnet model is a Lightweight Bimodal Network for Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR) developed by wzx0826. It uses a symmetric CNN and recursive transformer to efficiently upscale images while maintaining high visual quality. This model builds upon prior work in SISR, such as EDSR and DRN, to provide a better tradeoff between performance, model size, and inference speed.

Model inputs and outputs


  • image: The image to be upscaled, provided as a URI
  • variant: The specific model variant to use, defaulting to LBNet-X2
  • rgb_range: The RGB range of the input image, defaulting to 255
  • max_img_width: The maximum width of the input image in pixels, defaulting to 400
  • max_img_height: The maximum height of the input image in pixels, defaulting to 400


  • The upscaled image, provided as a URI


The lbnet model is capable of efficiently upscaling images while preserving high-quality details and textures. It achieves this through a unique architecture that combines a symmetric CNN and a recursive transformer. This allows the model to capture both local and global information effectively, resulting in superior performance compared to traditional SISR approaches.

What can I use it for?

The lbnet model can be useful for a variety of image enhancement and restoration tasks, such as:

  • Upscaling low-resolution images for high-quality displays or printing
  • Enhancing the quality of images captured by mobile devices or low-end cameras
  • Improving the visual fidelity of AI-generated images or old photographs

By leveraging the model's efficient design and high-quality output, you can incorporate it into applications that require advanced image processing capabilities.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the lbnet model is its ability to balance performance, model size, and inference speed. You could experiment with different variants of the model, such as LBNet-T or LBNet-X4, to find the best tradeoff for your specific use case. Additionally, you could try integrating the model into your own image processing pipelines to see how it performs on your unique datasets and requirements.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The LEDNet model is a joint low-light enhancement and deblurring AI model developed by researchers at Nanyang Technological University's S-Lab. It is designed to improve the quality of low-light and blurry images, allowing for better visibility and detail in dark or motion-blurred scenes. The model can be particularly useful for applications like night photography, surveillance, and automotive imaging, where low-light and blurriness are common challenges. Compared to similar models like rvision-inp-slow, stable-diffusion, and gfpgan, LEDNet focuses specifically on jointly addressing the issues of low-light and motion blur, rather than tackling a broader range of image restoration tasks. This specialized approach allows it to achieve strong performance in its target areas. Model inputs and outputs LEDNet takes a single input image and produces an enhanced, deblurred output image. The model is designed to work with low-light, blurry input images and transform them into clearer, better-illuminated versions. Inputs Image**: The input image, which can be a low-light, blurry photograph. Outputs Enhanced image**: The output of the LEDNet model, which is a version of the input image that has been improved in terms of brightness, contrast, and sharpness. Capabilities The key capabilities of LEDNet are its ability to simultaneously enhance low-light conditions and remove motion blur from images. This allows it to produce high-quality results in challenging lighting and movement scenarios, where traditional image processing techniques may struggle. What can I use it for? LEDNet can be particularly useful for a variety of applications that involve low-light or blurry images, such as: Night photography: Improving the quality of images captured in low-light conditions, such as at night or in dimly lit indoor spaces. Surveillance and security: Enhancing the visibility and detail of footage captured by security cameras, particularly in low-light or fast-moving situations. Automotive imaging: Improving the clarity of images captured by in-vehicle cameras, which often face challenges due to low light and motion blur. General image restoration: Enhancing the quality of any low-light, blurry image, such as old or damaged photographs. Things to try One interesting aspect of LEDNet is its ability to handle both low-light and motion blur issues simultaneously. This means you can experiment with using the model on a wide range of challenging images, from night landscapes to fast-moving sports scenes, and see how it performs in restoring clarity and detail. Additionally, you can try combining LEDNet with other image processing techniques, such as gfpgan for face restoration, to see if you can achieve even more impressive results.

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