
Maintainer: batouresearch

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Last updated 6/29/2024
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Model overview

The magic-style-transfer model is a powerful tool for restyling images with the style of another image. Developed by batouresearch, this model is a great alternative to other style transfer models like style-transfer and style-transfer. It can also be used in conjunction with the magic-image-refiner model to further enhance the quality and detail of the results.

Model inputs and outputs

The magic-style-transfer model takes several inputs, including an input image, a prompt, and optional parameters like seed, IP image, and LoRA weights. The model then generates one or more output images that have the style of the input image applied to them.


  • Image: The input image to be restyled
  • Prompt: A text prompt describing the desired output
  • Seed: A random seed to control the output
  • IP Image: An additional input image for img2img or inpaint mode
  • IP Scale: The strength of the IP Adapter
  • Strength: The denoising strength when img2img is active
  • Scheduler: The scheduler to use
  • LoRA Scale: The LoRA additive scale
  • Num Outputs: The number of images to generate
  • LoRA Weights: The Replicate LoRA weights to use
  • Guidance Scale: The scale for classifier-free guidance
  • Resizing Scale: The scale of the solid margin
  • Apply Watermark: Whether to apply a watermark to the output
  • Negative Prompt: A negative prompt to guide the output
  • Background Color: The color to replace the alpha channel with
  • Num Inference Steps: The number of denoising steps
  • Condition Canny Scale: The scale for the Canny edge condition
  • Condition Depth Scale: The scale for the depth condition


  • Output Images: One or more images with the input image's style applied


The magic-style-transfer model can effectively apply the style of one image to another, creating unique and visually striking results. It can handle a wide range of input images and prompts, and the ability to fine-tune the model with LoRA weights adds an extra level of customization.

What can I use it for?

The magic-style-transfer model is a great tool for creative projects, such as generating art, designing album covers, or creating unique visual content for social media. By combining the style of one image with the content of another, you can produce highly compelling and original imagery. The model can also be used in commercial applications, such as product visualizations or marketing materials, where a distinctive visual style is desired.

Things to try

One interesting aspect of the magic-style-transfer model is its ability to handle a variety of input types, from natural images to more abstract or stylized artwork. Try experimenting with different input images and prompts to see how the model responds, and don't be afraid to push the boundaries of what it can do. You might be surprised by the unique and unexpected results you can achieve.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The style-transfer model allows you to transfer the style of one image to another. This can be useful for creating artistic and visually interesting images by blending the content of one image with the style of another. The model is similar to other image manipulation models like become-image and image-merger, which can be used to adapt or combine images in different ways. Model inputs and outputs The style-transfer model takes in a content image and a style image, and generates a new image that combines the content of the first image with the style of the second. Users can also provide additional inputs like a prompt, negative prompt, and various parameters to control the output. Inputs Style Image**: An image to copy the style from Content Image**: An image to copy the content from Prompt**: A description of the desired output image Negative Prompt**: Things you do not want to see in the output image Width/Height**: The size of the output image Output Format/Quality**: The format and quality of the output image Number of Images**: The number of images to generate Structure Depth/Denoising Strength**: Controls for the depth and denoising of the output image Outputs Output Images**: One or more images generated by the model Capabilities The style-transfer model can be used to create unique and visually striking images by blending the content of one image with the style of another. It can be used to transform photographs into paintings, cartoons, or other artistic styles, or to create surreal and imaginative compositions. What can I use it for? The style-transfer model could be used for a variety of creative projects, such as generating album covers, book illustrations, or promotional materials. It could also be used to create unique artwork for personal use or to sell on platforms like Etsy or DeviantArt. Additionally, the model could be incorporated into web applications or mobile apps that allow users to experiment with different artistic styles. Things to try One interesting thing to try with the style-transfer model is to experiment with different combinations of content and style images. For example, you could take a photograph of a landscape and blend it with the style of a Van Gogh painting, or take a portrait and blend it with the style of a comic book. The model allows for a lot of creative exploration and experimentation.

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magic-image-refiner is a powerful AI model developed by batouresearch that serves as a better alternative to SDXL refiners. It provides remarkable quality and detail, and can also be used for inpainting or upscaling. While similar to models like gfpgan, multidiffusion-upscaler, sdxl-lightning-4step, animagine-xl-3.1, and supir, magic-image-refiner offers unique capabilities and a distinct approach to image refinement. Model inputs and outputs magic-image-refiner is a versatile model that accepts a variety of inputs to produce high-quality refined images. Users can provide an image, a mask to refine specific sections, and various parameters to control the refinement process, such as steps, creativity, resemblance, and guidance scale. Inputs Image**: The image to be refined Mask**: An optional mask to refine specific sections of the image Prompt**: A text prompt to guide the refinement process Seed**: A seed value for reproducibility Steps**: The number of steps to perform during refinement Scheduler**: The scheduler algorithm to use Creativity**: The denoising strength, where 1 means total destruction of the original image Resemblance**: The conditioning scale for the ControlNet Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance Guess Mode**: Whether to enable a mode where the ControlNet encoder tries to recognize the content of the input image Outputs Refined image**: The output of the refinement process, which can be an improved version of the input image, or a new image generated based on the provided inputs. Capabilities magic-image-refiner is capable of producing high-quality, detailed images by refining the input. It can be used to improve the quality of old photos, AI-generated faces, or other images that may benefit from additional refinement. The model's ability to perform inpainting and upscaling makes it a versatile tool for various image manipulation and enhancement tasks. What can I use it for? magic-image-refiner can be a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, such as photo restoration, image enhancement, and creative content generation. It could be used by batouresearch to offer image refinement services, or by individuals or businesses looking to improve the quality and visual appeal of their images. Things to try One interesting aspect of magic-image-refiner is its ability to work with masks, allowing users to refine specific sections of an image. This can be useful for tasks like object removal, background replacement, or selective enhancement. Additionally, experimenting with the various input parameters, such as creativity, resemblance, and guidance scale, can yield different results and enable users to fine-tune the refinement process to their specific needs.

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The style-transfer model allows you to apply the style of one image to another. This can be useful for creating artistic renditions of your photos or generating unique artwork. Compared to similar models like clarity-upscaler, style-transfer focuses on transferring the artistic style rather than just enhancing image quality. It can produce results that are more expressive and visually striking than a pure upscaler. Model inputs and outputs The style-transfer model takes two key inputs: the image you want to apply the style to, and the reference image that will provide the artistic style. You can also adjust parameters like the strength of the style transfer and the number of inference steps to control the output. Inputs image**: The image you want to apply the style to image_style**: The reference image that will provide the artistic style prompt**: A text prompt to guide the style transfer (optional) negative_prompt**: A text prompt to avoid certain styles or elements (optional) guidance_scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance (default 8) style_strength**: How much the style should be applied (default 0.4) structure_strength**: How much the structure should be preserved (default 0.6) num_inference_steps**: The number of denoising steps (default 30) seed**: A random seed value (optional) Outputs An array of one or more images with the applied style transfer Capabilities The style-transfer model can take a wide variety of input images and apply diverse artistic styles to them. It can create impressionist, abstract, or surrealist interpretations of your photos, seamlessly blending the content and style. The results are often striking and unique, opening up new creative possibilities. What can I use it for? You can use the style-transfer model to create visually arresting artwork from your own photos. This could be for personal projects, to sell as digital art, or to enhance marketing materials. The model works well with human portraits, landscapes, and other common photographic subjects. If you're not comfortable using the command-line tools, you can also try the paid version at, which provides a user-friendly web interface for the style-transfer model. Things to try Experiment with different reference images to see how the style transfer affects the output. Try using abstract paintings, classic works of art, or even unusual textures as the style source. You can also play with the strength parameters to find the right balance between preserving the original image and applying the new style.

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The instant-paint model is a very fast img2img AI model developed by batouresearch for real-time AI collaboration. It is similar to other AI art models like gfpgan, magic-style-transfer, magic-image-refiner, open-dalle-1.1-lora, and sdxl-outpainting-lora which are also focused on various image generation and enhancement tasks. Model inputs and outputs The instant-paint model takes in an input image, a text prompt, and various optional parameters to control the output. It then generates a new image based on the provided prompt and input image. The outputs are an array of image URLs. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt that describes the desired output image. Image**: The input image to use for the img2img process. Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate, up to 4. Seed**: A random seed value to control the image generation. Scheduler**: The type of scheduler to use for the image generation. Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps to perform. Prompt Strength**: The strength of the prompt when using img2img or inpainting. Lora Scale**: The additive scale for LoRA, if applicable. Lora Weights**: The LoRA weights to use, if any. Replicate Weights**: The Replicate weights to use, if any. Batched Prompt**: Whether to split the prompt by newlines and generate images for each line. Apply Watermark**: Whether to apply a watermark to the generated images. Condition Scale**: The scale for the ControlNet condition. Negative Prompt**: The negative prompt to use for the image generation. Disable Safety Checker**: Whether to disable the safety checker for the generated images. Outputs Image URLs**: An array of URLs for the generated images. Capabilities The instant-paint model is a powerful img2img AI that can quickly generate new images based on an input image and text prompt. It is capable of producing high-quality, visually striking images that adhere closely to the provided prompt. The model can be used for a variety of creative and artistic applications, such as concept art, illustration, and digital painting. What can I use it for? The instant-paint model can be used for various image generation and editing tasks, such as: Collaborating with AI in real-time on art projects Quickly generating new images based on an existing image and a text prompt Experimenting with different styles, effects, and compositions Prototyping and ideation for creative projects Enhancing existing images with additional details or effects Things to try With the instant-paint model, you can experiment with different prompts, input images, and parameter settings to explore the breadth of its capabilities. Try using the model to generate images in various styles, genres, and subjects, and see how the output changes based on the input. You can also try combining the instant-paint model with other AI tools or models, such as the magic-style-transfer model, to create even more interesting and unique images.

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