
Maintainer: lucataco

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Last updated 7/2/2024
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Model overview

The realistic-vision-v5-inpainting model is an implementation of inpainting using the SG161222/Realistic_Vision_V5.0_noVAE model as a Cog model. This model was created by lucataco, a Replicate creator. It is similar to other inpainting models like ip_adapter-face-inpaint, sdxl-inpainting, illusion-diffusion-hq, and realvisxl-v1-img2img developed by the same creator.

Model inputs and outputs

The realistic-vision-v5-inpainting model takes an input image and a mask image, and generates an output image with the masked areas inpainted. The model also allows for customization of the inpainting process through optional parameters such as seed, steps, strength, and prompt.


  • Image: The input image to be inpainted
  • Mask: The mask image indicating the areas to be inpainted
  • Prompt: The text prompt describing the desired output (default: "a tabby cat, high resolution, sitting on a park bench")
  • Negative prompt: The text prompt describing what the model should avoid generating (default: "(deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime:1.4), text, close up, cropped, out of frame, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, blurry, dehydrated, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck")
  • Strength: The strength of the inpainting (default: 0.8)
  • Steps: The number of inference steps (default: 20)
  • Seed: The random seed for the inpainting (leave blank to randomize)


  • Output image: The inpainted image


The realistic-vision-v5-inpainting model is capable of high-quality image inpainting, allowing you to remove unwanted elements from images and fill in the missing areas. It uses the Realistic Vision V5.0 model as its base, which is known for its ability to generate realistic and detailed images.

What can I use it for?

You can use the realistic-vision-v5-inpainting model to remove unwanted objects, people, or backgrounds from images, and generate plausible replacements. This can be useful for a variety of applications, such as photo editing, product photography, and content creation. The model's flexibility in terms of customization also allows you to tailor the inpainting to your specific needs.

Things to try

Try experimenting with different prompts and negative prompts to see how they affect the inpainting results. You can also adjust the strength and steps parameters to find the right balance between realism and detail in the output. Additionally, you can explore using this model in conjunction with other image manipulation tools or AI models, such as those developed by lucataco, to create even more compelling and polished results.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The realistic-vision-v5-img2img model is an implementation of an image-to-image (img2img) AI model using the Realistic Vision V5.0 noVAE model as a Cog container. Cog is a framework that packages machine learning models as standard containers, making them easier to deploy and use. This model is created and maintained by lucataco. The realistic-vision-v5-img2img model is part of a family of related models created by lucataco, including Realistic Vision v5.0, Realistic Vision v5.0 Inpainting, RealVisXL V2.0 img2img, RealVisXL V1.0 img2img, and RealVisXL V2.0. Model inputs and outputs The realistic-vision-v5-img2img model takes several inputs to generate an image: Inputs Image**: The input image to be modified Prompt**: The text description of the desired output image Negative Prompt**: Text describing what should not be included in the output image Strength**: The strength of the image transformation, between 0 and 1 Steps**: The number of inference steps to take, between 0 and 50 Seed**: A seed value to randomize the output (leave blank to randomize) Outputs Output**: The generated image based on the input parameters Capabilities The realistic-vision-v5-img2img model can take an input image and modify it based on a text description (the prompt). This allows for a wide range of creative and practical applications, from generating fictional scenes to enhancing or editing existing images. What can I use it for? The realistic-vision-v5-img2img model can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications. For example, you could use it to: Generate custom artwork or illustrations based on textual descriptions Enhance or edit existing images by modifying them based on a prompt Create visualizations or concept art for stories, games, or other media Experiment with different artistic styles and techniques With the ability to control the strength and number of inference steps, you can fine-tune the output to achieve the desired results. Things to try One interesting aspect of the realistic-vision-v5-img2img model is the use of the negative prompt. By specifying elements you don't want in the output image, you can steer the model away from generating certain undesirable features or artifacts. This can be useful for creating more realistic or coherent images. Another interesting area to explore is the interplay between the input image, prompt, and model parameters. By making small adjustments to these inputs, you can often achieve very different and unexpected results, allowing for a high degree of creative exploration and experimentation.

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The realistic-vision-v5 is a Cog model developed by lucataco that implements the SG161222/Realistic_Vision_V5.1_noVAE model. It is capable of generating high-quality, realistic images based on text prompts. This model is part of a series of related models created by lucataco, including realistic-vision-v5-inpainting, realvisxl-v1.0, realvisxl-v2.0, illusion-diffusion-hq, and realvisxl-v1-img2img. Model inputs and outputs The realistic-vision-v5 model takes in a text prompt as input and generates a high-quality, realistic image in response. The model supports various parameters such as seed, steps, width, height, guidance, and scheduler to fine-tune the output. Inputs Prompt**: A text prompt describing the desired image Seed**: A numerical seed value for generating the image (0 = random, maximum: 2147483647) Steps**: The number of inference steps to take (0 - 100) Width**: The width of the generated image (0 - 1920) Height**: The height of the generated image (0 - 1920) Guidance**: The guidance scale for the image generation (3.5 - 7) Scheduler**: The scheduler algorithm to use for image generation Outputs Output**: A high-quality, realistic image generated based on the provided prompt and parameters Capabilities The realistic-vision-v5 model excels at generating lifelike, high-resolution images from text prompts. It can create detailed portraits, landscapes, and scenes with a focus on realism and film-like quality. The model's capabilities include generating natural-looking skin, clothing, and environments, as well as incorporating artistic elements like film grain and Fujifilm XT3 camera effects. What can I use it for? The realistic-vision-v5 model can be used for a variety of applications, such as: Generating custom stock photos and illustrations Creating concept art and visualizations for creative projects Producing realistic backdrops and assets for film, TV, and video game productions Experimenting with different visual styles and effects in a flexible, generative way Things to try With the realistic-vision-v5 model, you can try generating images with a wide range of prompts, from detailed portraits to fantastical scenes. Experiment with different parameter settings, such as adjusting the guidance scale or choosing different schedulers, to see how they affect the output. You can also combine this model with other tools and techniques, like image editing software or Controlnet, to further refine and enhance the generated images.

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The realistic-vision-v4.0 model, developed by lucataco, is a powerful AI model designed for generating high-quality, realistic images. This model builds upon previous versions of the Realistic Vision series, such as realistic-vision-v5, realistic-vision-v5-img2img, and realistic-vision-v5.1, each offering unique capabilities and advancements. Model inputs and outputs The realistic-vision-v4.0 model accepts a range of inputs, including prompts, seed values, step counts, image dimensions, and guidance scale. These inputs allow users to fine-tune the generation process and achieve their desired image characteristics. The model generates a single image as output, which can be accessed as a URI. Inputs Prompt**: A text description of the desired image, such as "RAW photo, a portrait photo of a latina woman in casual clothes, natural skin, 8k uhd, high quality, film grain, Fujifilm XT3" Seed**: An integer value used to initialize the random number generator, allowing for reproducible results Steps**: The number of inference steps to perform, with a maximum of 100 Width**: The desired width of the output image, up to 1920 pixels Height**: The desired height of the output image, up to 1920 pixels Guidance**: The scale factor for the guidance system, which influences the balance between the input prompt and the model's own understanding Outputs Image**: The generated image, returned as a URI Capabilities The realistic-vision-v4.0 model excels at generating high-quality, photorealistic images based on textual prompts. It can capture a wide range of subjects, from portraits to landscapes, with a remarkable level of detail and realism. The model's ability to incorporate specific attributes, such as "film grain" and "Fujifilm XT3", demonstrates its versatility in recreating various photographic styles and aesthetics. What can I use it for? The realistic-vision-v4.0 model can be a valuable tool for a variety of applications, from art and design to content creation and marketing. Its ability to generate realistic images from text prompts can be leveraged in fields like photography, digital art, and product visualization. Additionally, the model's versatility allows for the creation of customized stock images, illustrations, and visual assets for various commercial and personal projects. Things to try Experiment with different prompts to see the range of images the realistic-vision-v4.0 model can generate. Try incorporating specific details, styles, or photographic techniques to explore the model's capabilities in depth. Additionally, consider combining this model with other AI-powered tools, such as those for image editing or animation, to unlock even more creative possibilities.

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The realistic-vision-v5-openpose model is an implementation of the SG161222/Realistic_Vision_V5.0_noVAE model with OpenPose, created by lucataco. This model aims to generate realistic images based on a text prompt, while incorporating OpenPose to leverage pose information. It is similar to other Realistic Vision models developed by lucataco, each with its own unique capabilities and use cases. Model inputs and outputs The realistic-vision-v5-openpose model takes a text prompt, an input image, and various configurable parameters as inputs. The text prompt describes the desired output image, while the input image provides pose information to guide the generation. The model outputs a generated image that matches the given prompt and leverages the pose information from the input. Inputs Image**: The input pose image to guide the generation Prompt**: The text description of the desired output image Seed**: The random seed value (0 for random, up to 2147483647) Steps**: The number of inference steps (0-100) Width**: The desired width of the output image (0-1920) Height**: The desired height of the output image (0-1920) Guidance**: The guidance scale (3.5-7) Scheduler**: The scheduler algorithm to use for inference Outputs Output image**: The generated image that matches the input prompt and leverages the pose information Capabilities The realistic-vision-v5-openpose model is capable of generating highly realistic images based on text prompts, while incorporating pose information from an input image. This allows for the creation of visually striking and anatomically accurate portraits, scenes, and other content. The model's attention to detail and ability to capture the nuances of human form and expression make it a powerful tool for a variety of applications, from art and design to visual storytelling and beyond. What can I use it for? The realistic-vision-v5-openpose model can be used for a wide range of creative and professional applications. Artists and designers can leverage the model to generate unique, high-quality images for use in illustrations, concept art, and other visual media. Content creators can use the model to enhance their video productions, adding realistic character animations and poses to their scenes. Researchers and developers can explore the model's capabilities for applications in areas like virtual reality, augmented reality, and human-computer interaction. Things to try One interesting aspect of the realistic-vision-v5-openpose model is its ability to generate images that seamlessly combine realistic elements with more abstract or stylized components. By experimenting with different input prompts and pose images, users can explore the model's capacity to blend realism and imagination, creating visually striking and emotionally evocative artworks. Additionally, users may want to try varying the model's configuration parameters, such as the guidance scale or the scheduler, to observe the impact on the generated output and discover new creative possibilities.

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