
Maintainer: simbrams

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Last updated 9/16/2024
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Model overview

The ri model, created by maintainer simbrams, is a Realistic Inpainting model with ControlNET (M-LSD + SEG). It allows for realistic image inpainting, with the ability to control the inpainting process using a segmentation map. This model can be compared to similar models like controlnet-inpaint-test, sks, controlnet-scribble, and controlnet-seg, which also leverage ControlNET for various image manipulation tasks.

Model inputs and outputs

The ri model takes in an input image, a mask image, and various parameters to control the inpainting process, such as the number of inference steps, the guidance scale, and the image size. The model then generates an output image with the specified inpainted regions.


  • Image: The input image to be inpainted.
  • Mask: The mask image indicating the regions to be inpainted.
  • Prompt: A text prompt describing the desired inpainting result.
  • Negative prompt: A text prompt describing undesired content to be avoided in the inpainting.
  • Strength: The strength or weight of the inpainting process.
  • Image size: The desired size of the output image.
  • Guidance scale: The scale of the text guidance during the inpainting process.
  • Scheduler: The type of scheduler to use for the diffusion process.
  • Seed: A seed value for the random number generator, allowing for reproducible results.
  • Debug: A flag to enable debug mode for the model.
  • Blur mask: A flag to blur the mask before inpainting.
  • Blur radius: The radius of the blur applied to the mask.
  • Preserve elements: A flag to preserve elements during the inpainting process.


  • Output images: The inpainted output images.


The ri model is capable of realistic inpainting, allowing users to remove or modify specific regions of an image while preserving the overall coherence and realism of the result. By leveraging ControlNET and segmentation, the model can be directed to focus on specific elements or areas of the image during the inpainting process.

What can I use it for?

The ri model can be useful for a variety of applications, such as photo editing, content creation, and digital art. Users can use it to remove unwanted objects, repair damaged images, or even create entirely new scenes by inpainting selected regions. The model's ability to preserve elements and control the inpainting process makes it a powerful tool for creative and professional use cases.

Things to try

With the ri model, users can experiment with different input prompts, mask shapes, and parameter settings to achieve a wide range of inpainting results. For example, you could try inpainting a person in a landscape, removing distracting elements from a photo, or even creating entirely new scenes by combining multiple inpainting steps. The model's flexibility allows for a high degree of creative exploration and customization.

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The sks model, created by simbrams, is a C++ implementation of a sky segmentation model that can accurately segment skies in outdoor images. This model is built using the U-2-Net architecture, which has proven effective for sky segmentation tasks. While the model does not include the "Density Estimation" feature mentioned in the original paper, it still provides high-quality sky masks that can be further refined through post-processing. Model inputs and outputs The sks model takes an image as input and outputs a segmented sky mask. The input image can be resized and contrast adjusted to optimize the model's performance. Additionally, the model can be configured to keep the inference engine alive for faster subsequent inferences. Inputs Image**: The input image for sky segmentation. Contrast**: An integer value to adjust the contrast of the input image, with a default of 100. Keep Alive**: A boolean flag to keep the model's inference engine alive, with a default of false. Outputs Segmented Sky Mask**: An array of URI strings representing the segmented sky regions in the input image. Capabilities The sks model demonstrates strong sky segmentation capabilities, effectively separating the sky from other elements in outdoor scenes. It performs particularly well in scenes with trees, retaining much more detail in the sky mask compared to the original segmentation. However, the model may struggle with some special cloud textures and can occasionally misclassify building elements as sky. What can I use it for? The sks model can be particularly useful for applications that require accurate sky segmentation, such as image editing, atmospheric studies, or even augmented reality applications. By isolating the sky, users can easily apply various effects, adjustments, or overlays to the sky region without affecting the rest of the image. Things to try One interesting aspect of the sks model is the post-processing step, which can further refine the sky mask to improve its accuracy. You may want to experiment with different post-processing techniques to see how they can enhance the model's performance in various outdoor scenarios. Additionally, the model's speed and efficiency are important factors to consider, especially for real-time applications. The maintainer mentions plans to explore more efficient model architectures, such as a real-time model based on a standard U-Net, to improve the model's inference speed on mobile devices.

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The segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640 is a powerful image segmentation model developed by the maintainer simbrams. This model is built on the SegFormer architecture, which utilizes Transformer-based encoders to capture rich contextual information and achieve state-of-the-art performance on a variety of segmentation tasks. The model has been fine-tuned on the ADE20K dataset, enabling it to segment a wide range of objects and scenes with high accuracy. Compared to similar models like swinir, stable-diffusion, gfpgan, and supir, the segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640 model excels at high-resolution, detailed image segmentation tasks, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications. Model inputs and outputs The segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640 model takes a single input image and outputs a segmentation mask, where each pixel in the image is assigned a class label. This allows for the identification and localization of various objects, scenes, and structures within the input image. Inputs image**: The input image to be segmented, in the form of a URI. keep_alive**: A boolean flag that determines whether to keep the model alive after the inference is complete. Outputs Output**: An array of segmentation results, where each item represents a segmented region with its class label and coordinates. Capabilities The segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640 model excels at detailed, high-resolution image segmentation. It can accurately identify and localize a wide range of objects, scenes, and structures within an image, including buildings, vehicles, people, natural landscapes, and more. The model's ability to capture rich contextual information and its fine-tuning on the diverse ADE20K dataset make it a powerful tool for various computer vision applications. What can I use it for? The segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640 model can be utilized in a variety of applications, such as autonomous driving, urban planning, content-aware image editing, and scene understanding. For example, the model could be used to segment satellite or aerial imagery to aid in urban planning and infrastructure development. It could also be integrated into photo editing software to enable intelligent, context-aware image manipulation. Things to try One interesting application of the segformer-b5-finetuned-ade-640-640 model could be to combine it with other image processing and generative models, such as segmind-vega, to enable seamless integration of segmentation into more complex computer vision pipelines. Exploring ways to leverage the model's capabilities in creative or industrial projects could lead to novel and impactful use cases.

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The rvision-inp-slow model is a realistic vision AI model that combines inpainting and controlnet pose capabilities. It is maintained by jschoormans. This model is similar to other realistic vision models like realisitic-vision-v3-inpainting, controlnet-1.1-x-realistic-vision-v2.0, realistic-vision-v5-inpainting, and multi-controlnet-x-consistency-decoder-x-realestic-vision-v5. Model inputs and outputs The rvision-inp-slow model takes in a prompt, an image, a control image, and a mask image, and outputs a realistic image based on the provided inputs. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt that describes what the model should generate. Image**: The grayscale input image. Control Image**: The control image that provides additional guidance for the model. Mask**: The mask image that specifies which regions of the input image to inpaint. Guidance Scale**: The guidance scale parameter that controls the strength of the prompt. Negative Prompt**: The negative prompt that specifies what the model should not generate. Num Inference Steps**: The number of inference steps the model should take. Outputs Output**: The realistic output image based on the provided inputs. Capabilities The rvision-inp-slow model is capable of generating highly realistic images by combining the capabilities of realistic vision, inpainting, and controlnet pose. It can be used to generate images that seamlessly blend input elements, correct or modify existing images, and create unique visualizations based on text prompts. What can I use it for? The rvision-inp-slow model can be used for a variety of creative and practical applications, such as photo editing, digital art creation, product visualization, and more. It can be particularly useful for tasks that require the generation of realistic images based on a combination of input elements, such as creating product renders, visualizing architectural designs, or enhancing existing photographs. Things to try Some interesting things to try with the rvision-inp-slow model include experimenting with different input combinations, exploring the model's ability to handle complex prompts and control images, and pushing the boundaries of what the model can generate in terms of realism and creativity.

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controlnet-inpaint-test is a Stable Diffusion-based AI model created by Replicate user anotherjesse. This model is designed for inpainting tasks, allowing users to generate new content within a specified mask area of an image. It builds upon the capabilities of the ControlNet family of models, which leverage additional control signals to guide the image generation process. Similar models include controlnet-x-ip-adapter-realistic-vision-v5, multi-control, multi-controlnet-x-consistency-decoder-x-realestic-vision-v5, controlnet-x-majic-mix-realistic-x-ip-adapter, and controlnet-1.1-x-realistic-vision-v2.0, all of which explore various aspects of the ControlNet architecture and its applications. Model inputs and outputs controlnet-inpaint-test takes a set of inputs to guide the image generation process, including a mask, prompt, control image, and various hyperparameters. The model then outputs one or more images that match the provided prompt and control signals. Inputs Mask**: The area of the image to be inpainted. Prompt**: The text description of the desired output image. Control Image**: An optional image to guide the generation process. Seed**: A random seed value to control the output. Width/Height**: The dimensions of the output image. Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate. Scheduler**: The denoising scheduler to use. Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance. Num Inference Steps**: The number of denoising steps. Disable Safety Check**: An option to disable the safety check. Outputs Output Images**: One or more generated images that match the provided prompt and control signals. Capabilities controlnet-inpaint-test demonstrates the ability to generate new content within a specified mask area of an image, while maintaining coherence with the surrounding context. This can be useful for tasks such as object removal, scene editing, and image repair. What can I use it for? The controlnet-inpaint-test model can be utilized for a variety of image editing and manipulation tasks. For example, you could use it to remove unwanted elements from a photograph, replace damaged or occluded areas of an image, or combine different visual elements into a single cohesive scene. Additionally, the model's ability to generate new content based on a prompt and control image could be leveraged for creative projects, such as concept art or product visualization. Things to try One interesting aspect of controlnet-inpaint-test is its ability to blend the generated content seamlessly with the surrounding image. By carefully selecting the control image and mask, you can explore ways to create visually striking and plausible compositions. Additionally, experimenting with different prompts and hyperparameters can yield a wide range of creative outputs, from photorealistic to more fantastical imagery.

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