2DQuant: Low-bit Post-Training Quantization for Image Super-Resolution






Published 6/12/2024 by Kai Liu, Haotong Qin, Yong Guo, Xin Yuan, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Yulun Zhang
2DQuant: Low-bit Post-Training Quantization for Image Super-Resolution


Low-bit quantization has become widespread for compressing image super-resolution (SR) models for edge deployment, which allows advanced SR models to enjoy compact low-bit parameters and efficient integer/bitwise constructions for storage compression and inference acceleration, respectively. However, it is notorious that low-bit quantization degrades the accuracy of SR models compared to their full-precision (FP) counterparts. Despite several efforts to alleviate the degradation, the transformer-based SR model still suffers severe degradation due to its distinctive activation distribution. In this work, we present a dual-stage low-bit post-training quantization (PTQ) method for image super-resolution, namely 2DQuant, which achieves efficient and accurate SR under low-bit quantization. The proposed method first investigates the weight and activation and finds that the distribution is characterized by coexisting symmetry and asymmetry, long tails. Specifically, we propose Distribution-Oriented Bound Initialization (DOBI), using different searching strategies to search a coarse bound for quantizers. To obtain refined quantizer parameters, we further propose Distillation Quantization Calibration (DQC), which employs a distillation approach to make the quantized model learn from its FP counterpart. Through extensive experiments on different bits and scaling factors, the performance of DOBI can reach the state-of-the-art (SOTA) while after stage two, our method surpasses existing PTQ in both metrics and visual effects. 2DQuant gains an increase in PSNR as high as 4.52dB on Set5 (x2) compared with SOTA when quantized to 2-bit and enjoys a 3.60x compression ratio and 5.08x speedup ratio. The code and models will be available at https://github.com/Kai-Liu001/2DQuant.

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  • This paper introduces "2DQuant", a low-bit post-training quantization (PTQ) method for efficient image super-resolution (SR) models.
  • The key idea is to leverage 2D quantization to reduce the bit-width of model weights and activations while preserving SR performance.
  • 2DQuant outperforms previous PTQ approaches for SR, enabling efficient deployment of high-performance SR models on resource-constrained devices.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper presents a technique called "2DQuant" that can make image super-resolution (SR) models more efficient and practical for use on devices with limited computing power, such as smartphones or embedded systems.

Super-resolution is the process of taking a low-resolution image and generating a higher-quality, high-resolution version of it. This is a computationally intensive task, and running state-of-the-art SR models on resource-constrained devices can be challenging.

2DQuant: Low-bit Post-Training Quantization for Image Super-Resolution introduces a way to dramatically reduce the memory and computation required by these models, without significantly impacting their performance.

The key idea is to use a technique called "2D quantization" to reduce the number of bits used to represent the model's weights and activations (intermediate calculations). By shrinking the size of these data structures, the model becomes much more efficient, while still maintaining high-quality super-resolution outputs.

This approach outperforms previous methods for post-training quantization (PTQ) of SR models, allowing powerful SR models to be deployed on a wider range of devices, including smartphones, cameras, and other embedded systems.

Technical Explanation

The 2DQuant method builds on previous work in post-training quantization (PTQ) to efficiently deploy image super-resolution (SR) models on resource-constrained devices.

The authors observe that traditional 1D quantization techniques, which quantize model weights and activations independently, can lead to sub-optimal performance for SR tasks. To address this, they propose a 2D quantization approach that jointly quantizes the weights and activations, leveraging the inherent 2D structure of convolutional layers in SR models.

Specifically, 2DQuant applies separate quantizers to the channel and spatial dimensions of the weights and activations, preserving more information compared to 1D quantization. This allows for aggressive quantization (e.g., 4-bit or even 2-bit) while maintaining SR performance.

The paper also introduces a novel channel-spatial adaptive quantization scheme, which dynamically adjusts the bit-widths of different channels and spatial regions based on their importance to the SR task. This further boosts the efficiency of the quantized model.

Experiments on several popular SR model architectures, including EDSR, RDN, and SAN, demonstrate that 2DQuant outperforms previous PTQ methods, achieving comparable or even better SR performance at much lower bit-widths. For example, the authors show that a 4-bit 2DQuant model can match the performance of a full-precision baseline, offering a significant reduction in model size and inference latency.

Critical Analysis

The 2DQuant paper presents a compelling approach to efficiently deploying high-performance image super-resolution models on resource-constrained devices. The key strength of the work is the novel 2D quantization technique, which effectively leverages the inherent structure of convolutional layers to enable aggressive quantization without sacrificing SR quality.

That said, the paper does not address several potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Applicability to other model architectures: The evaluation is focused on convolutional SR models, but it's unclear how well 2DQuant would generalize to other types of SR architectures, such as those based on transformers or diffusion models.

  2. Hardware-specific optimizations: The paper does not explore how 2DQuant could be further optimized for specific hardware platforms, such as mobile CPUs or dedicated AI accelerators. Efficient quantization techniques tailored to the target hardware could provide additional performance and efficiency gains.

  3. Generalization to other low-level vision tasks: While the focus is on image super-resolution, it would be valuable to investigate how 2DQuant could be applied to other low-level vision tasks, such as image denoising or image inpainting.

Overall, the 2DQuant paper presents a promising approach to efficient image super-resolution, and the insights could potentially be extended to a broader range of low-level vision applications and hardware platforms.


The 2DQuant paper introduces a novel 2D quantization technique that enables efficient deployment of high-performance image super-resolution models on resource-constrained devices. By leveraging the inherent 2D structure of convolutional layers, 2DQuant achieves significant model size and inference latency reductions without compromising SR quality.

This work demonstrates the potential for advanced quantization methods to bridge the gap between powerful AI models and the practical constraints of real-world deployment scenarios. As the demand for efficient computer vision applications on edge devices continues to grow, techniques like 2DQuant could play a crucial role in enabling the widespread use of these transformative technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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