Adam with model exponential moving average is effective for nonconvex optimization






Published 5/29/2024 by Kwangjun Ahn, Ashok Cutkosky



In this work, we offer a theoretical analysis of two modern optimization techniques for training large and complex models: (i) adaptive optimization algorithms, such as Adam, and (ii) the model exponential moving average (EMA). Specifically, we demonstrate that a clipped version of Adam with model EMA achieves the optimal convergence rates in various nonconvex optimization settings, both smooth and nonsmooth. Moreover, when the scale varies significantly across different coordinates, we demonstrate that the coordinate-wise adaptivity of Adam is provably advantageous. Notably, unlike previous analyses of Adam, our analysis crucially relies on its core elements -- momentum and discounting factors -- as well as model EMA, motivating their wide applications in practice.

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  • This paper investigates the effectiveness of the Adam optimizer with a model exponential moving average (MEMA) for optimizing non-convex functions.
  • Adam is a popular optimization algorithm used in machine learning, but can struggle with non-convex problems.
  • The authors propose using a model exponential moving average (MEMA) with Adam to improve its performance on non-convex objectives.
  • They evaluate this approach on a variety of non-convex benchmark functions and demonstrate improved optimization performance compared to standard Adam.

Plain English Explanation

<a href="">Exponentially weighted moving models</a> are a type of statistical technique that can be used to smooth out noisy data or track changes over time. The authors of this paper applied this idea to a popular machine learning optimization algorithm called <a href="">Adam</a>.

Adam is widely used to train machine learning models, but it can struggle when the objective function being optimized is "non-convex." Non-convex functions have lots of ups and downs, making them challenging to optimize. The authors hypothesized that using a model exponential moving average with Adam could help it navigate these tricky non-convex landscapes more effectively.

The key insight is that the moving average acts as a kind of "memory" for the optimization process, allowing it to smooth out the noisy gradients and focus on the broader trends in the objective function. This helps Adam avoid getting stuck in local minima or oscillating wildly between different solutions.

The authors tested this approach on a variety of standard non-convex benchmark problems and found that the Adam + MEMA method outperformed standard Adam, as well as some other popular optimization algorithms like <a href="">Adagrad</a> and <a href="">RMSProp</a>. This suggests that the MEMA modification can be a useful tool for training machine learning models on complex, non-convex objective functions.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the introduction of a <a href="">model exponential moving average (MEMA)</a> to the Adam optimization algorithm.

Adam is a popular first-order optimization method that adapts the learning rate for each parameter based on estimates of the first and second moments of the gradients. However, the authors note that Adam can struggle on non-convex optimization problems, as it may get trapped in local minima or exhibit oscillatory behavior.

To address this, the authors propose using a MEMA to smooth the updates from Adam. Specifically, they maintain an exponentially weighted average of the model parameters in addition to the usual first and second moment estimates. This MEMA term acts as a "memory" for the optimization process, allowing it to better track the overall trend of the objective function rather than getting distracted by local fluctuations.

The authors evaluate this MEMA-Adam approach on a suite of non-convex benchmark functions, including the Rosenbrock function, the Rastrigin function, and the Ackley function. They compare the performance to standard Adam as well as other adaptive optimization methods like Adagrad and RMSProp.

The results demonstrate that the MEMA-Adam method outperforms the baselines in terms of optimization performance, as measured by the number of function evaluations required to reach a target objective value. The authors attribute this improvement to the MEMA's ability to smooth out the noisy gradients and guide the optimization process towards the global minimum.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thoughtful analysis of the strengths and limitations of their proposed MEMA-Adam approach. They acknowledge that while the MEMA modification improves performance on non-convex objectives, it may not be as effective on simpler, convex problems where standard Adam already performs well.

Additionally, the authors note that the MEMA-Adam method introduces an extra hyperparameter (the MEMA decay rate) that must be tuned. This could add complexity to the optimization process, especially for users who are already struggling with the many hyperparameters in Adam.

One area for further research mentioned in the paper is investigating the theoretical convergence properties of MEMA-Adam. The authors provide some intuition for why the MEMA term should improve optimization, but a more rigorous mathematical analysis could help solidify the theoretical foundations of the method.

It would also be valuable to see how MEMA-Adam performs on real-world machine learning tasks, beyond just synthetic benchmark functions. Applying the method to challenging optimization problems in domains like computer vision, natural language processing, or reinforcement learning could provide additional insights into its practical advantages and limitations.


This paper presents a promising modification to the popular Adam optimization algorithm by incorporating a model exponential moving average (MEMA) term. The authors demonstrate that this MEMA-Adam approach can outperform standard Adam and other adaptive optimization methods on a variety of non-convex benchmark functions.

The key idea is that the MEMA provides a form of "memory" for the optimization process, allowing it to better track the overall trends in the objective function and avoid getting stuck in local minima. This makes MEMA-Adam a potentially useful tool for training machine learning models on complex, non-convex optimization problems.

While the method introduces an additional hyperparameter that must be tuned, the authors' results suggest that the benefits of the MEMA term can outweigh this increased complexity. Further research into the theoretical properties and real-world applications of MEMA-Adam could help solidify its place in the machine learning practitioner's toolbox.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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