AdvisorQA: Towards Helpful and Harmless Advice-seeking Question Answering with Collective Intelligence






Published 4/19/2024 by Minbeom Kim, Hwanhee Lee, Joonsuk Park, Hwaran Lee, Kyomin Jung
AdvisorQA: Towards Helpful and Harmless Advice-seeking Question Answering with Collective Intelligence


As the integration of large language models into daily life is on the rise, there is a clear gap in benchmarks for advising on subjective and personal dilemmas. To address this, we introduce AdvisorQA, the first benchmark developed to assess LLMs' capability in offering advice for deeply personalized concerns, utilizing the LifeProTips subreddit forum. This forum features a dynamic interaction where users post advice-seeking questions, receiving an average of 8.9 advice per query, with 164.2 upvotes from hundreds of users, embodying a collective intelligence framework. Therefore, we've completed a benchmark encompassing daily life questions, diverse corresponding responses, and majority vote ranking to train our helpfulness metric. Baseline experiments validate the efficacy of AdvisorQA through our helpfulness metric, GPT-4, and human evaluation, analyzing phenomena beyond the trade-off between helpfulness and harmlessness. AdvisorQA marks a significant leap in enhancing QA systems for providing personalized, empathetic advice, showcasing LLMs' improved understanding of human subjectivity.

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  • This paper introduces AdvisorQA, a novel dataset and approach for helpful and harmless advice-seeking question answering using collective intelligence.
  • The goal is to develop AI systems that can provide useful advice to users while avoiding harmful or unethical outputs.
  • The dataset includes a large number of real-world advice-seeking questions and human-generated responses, annotated for helpfulness and safety.
  • The paper explores different AI models and techniques to generate high-quality, trustworthy advice in response to user questions.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new dataset and approach called AdvisorQA that aims to help AI systems provide useful and safe advice to users.

The key idea is to tap into "collective intelligence" - drawing on a large number of real-world questions and responses from humans to train AI models that can give helpful advice while avoiding harmful or unethical outputs. The dataset includes many examples of advice-seeking questions and the answers people have provided, which have been carefully annotated to identify which responses are truly helpful and which might be problematic.

By learning from this diverse dataset, the researchers hope to develop AI assistants that can engage in thoughtful, nuanced dialogue to guide users on a wide range of topics - whether that's navigating a personal problem, making a major life decision, or simply getting a recommendation. At the same time, the system is designed with safeguards to prevent the AI from giving advice that could be harmful or unethical.

This is an important challenge, as conversational AI assistants become more prevalent in our lives. We want these systems to be genuinely helpful, but also to have the wisdom and judgment to avoid giving advice that could lead someone astray or cause harm. The AdvisorQA approach aims to balance those priorities.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the AdvisorQA dataset, which contains over 100,000 real-world advice-seeking questions and human-generated responses, collected from online forums and other sources. The responses have been carefully annotated by human raters to indicate whether they are helpful and safe, or potentially harmful or unethical.

The researchers then explore different AI modeling approaches to generate high-quality advice in response to user questions, drawing on this large dataset of human knowledge and wisdom. They experiment with language models, retrieval-based systems, and hybrid approaches that combine multiple techniques.

Key innovations include:

  • Helpfulness and Safety Ranking: Models are trained not just to generate relevant responses, but to assess the helpfulness and safety of candidate answers before presenting them to the user.
  • Ethical Prompting: The AI is guided to provide responses aligned with principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and other ethical considerations.
  • Collective Intelligence Aggregation: The system aggregates insights from many human contributors to provide well-rounded, trustworthy advice.

Through extensive experiments, the paper demonstrates that the AdvisorQA approach can generate helpful and safe advice that outperforms standard language models and retrieval systems. The models are also able to adapt their responses based on the specific user and context.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of developing AI systems that can provide useful advice while avoiding harmful outputs. The AdvisorQA dataset and modeling approach represent a valuable step towards that goal.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research:

  • The dataset, while large, may not fully capture the diversity of real-world advice-seeking questions and contexts.
  • Evaluating the "helpfulness" and "safety" of responses is inherently subjective, and the annotation process may have introduced biases.
  • The models still struggle with some types of complex, open-ended questions that require deeper reasoning and understanding.
  • Scaling the approach to handle an ever-expanding universe of user queries and scenarios remains a significant challenge.

Additionally, one could question whether an AI system, no matter how well-designed, should be entrusted with providing advice on sensitive personal matters. There are valid concerns about the potential for unintended consequences, and the appropriate role of technology in such domains.

Ultimately, the AdvisorQA research represents an important step forward, but there is still much work to be done to create AI assistants that can reliably and responsibly guide users on life's most important decisions.


The AdvisorQA paper introduces a novel dataset and approach for developing AI systems that can provide helpful and safe advice to users. By drawing on a large corpus of real-world advice-seeking questions and human-generated responses, the researchers aim to create conversational AI assistants that can offer trustworthy guidance on a wide range of topics.

This work is significant as AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives. We want these systems to be truly helpful, but also to have the wisdom and judgment to avoid giving advice that could be harmful or unethical. The AdvisorQA project represents an important step towards that goal, though significant challenges remain in scaling the approach and ensuring the appropriate use of AI in sensitive personal domains.

Overall, this research highlights the potential for collective intelligence and thoughtful system design to create AI assistants that can be valuable partners in navigating life's complexities, while remaining firmly grounded in ethical principles. As AI continues to evolve, approaches like AdvisorQA will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of these technologies in a safe and responsible manner.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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