AgentsCoDriver: Large Language Model Empowered Collaborative Driving with Lifelong Learning






Published 4/23/2024 by Senkang Hu, Zhengru Fang, Zihan Fang, Yiqin Deng, Xianhao Chen, Yuguang Fang
AgentsCoDriver: Large Language Model Empowered Collaborative Driving with Lifelong Learning


Connected and autonomous driving is developing rapidly in recent years. However, current autonomous driving systems, which are primarily based on data-driven approaches, exhibit deficiencies in interpretability, generalization, and continuing learning capabilities. In addition, the single-vehicle autonomous driving systems lack of the ability of collaboration and negotiation with other vehicles, which is crucial for the safety and efficiency of autonomous driving systems. In order to address these issues, we leverage large language models (LLMs) to develop a novel framework, AgentsCoDriver, to enable multiple vehicles to conduct collaborative driving. AgentsCoDriver consists of five modules: observation module, reasoning engine, cognitive memory module, reinforcement reflection module, and communication module. It can accumulate knowledge, lessons, and experiences over time by continuously interacting with the environment, thereby making itself capable of lifelong learning. In addition, by leveraging the communication module, different agents can exchange information and realize negotiation and collaboration in complex traffic environments. Extensive experiments are conducted and show the superiority of AgentsCoDriver.

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  • This paper introduces AgentsCoDriver, a system that uses large language models to enable collaborative driving with lifelong learning.
  • The system allows autonomous agents to communicate with each other and a human driver in natural language, sharing information and learning from interactions to improve driving performance over time.
  • Key components include a multimodal perception module, a language model-based dialogue system, and a reinforcement learning-based control policy.

Plain English Explanation

The AgentsCoDriver paper describes a new approach to autonomous driving that aims to make self-driving cars more cooperative and adaptable. Traditional autonomous vehicles typically operate in isolation, relying solely on their own sensors and programming to navigate. In contrast, AgentsCoDriver allows self-driving cars to communicate with each other and with human drivers using natural language.

This communication enables the cars to share information, coordinate their actions, and learn from their interactions over time. For example, one car could warn another about a hazard ahead, or a human driver could provide feedback to help the car improve its driving. By using large language models, AgentsCoDriver can understand and respond to these natural language exchanges, gradually refining its behavior through a process of "lifelong learning."

The key technical components of AgentsCoDriver include a multimodal perception module to integrate data from various sensors, a dialogue system powered by a large language model to facilitate communication, and a reinforcement learning-based control policy that allows the car to optimize its driving based on the information it learns.

Technical Explanation

The AgentsCoDriver system is composed of several key modules. The multimodal perception module fuses data from various sensors (e.g., cameras, LiDAR, GPS) to build a comprehensive understanding of the vehicle's environment.

The language model-based dialogue system allows the autonomous agent to communicate with other agents and human drivers using natural language. This module is based on a large language model that has been trained on a vast corpus of text data, enabling it to understand and generate human-like responses.

The reinforcement learning-based control policy is responsible for translating the agent's understanding of its environment and the information it has learned through dialogue into appropriate driving actions. This policy is optimized through a process of trial and error, with the agent receiving rewards for actions that lead to safer and more efficient driving.

A key innovation of AgentsCoDriver is its lifelong learning capability, which allows the system to continuously improve its performance by incorporating new knowledge and feedback from its interactions. As the agent encounters new situations and receives guidance from other agents or human drivers, it can update its internal models and decision-making processes accordingly.

Critical Analysis

The AgentsCoDriver paper presents a compelling vision for the future of autonomous driving, where self-driving cars can collaborate and learn from each other and human drivers. The use of large language models to enable natural language communication is a promising approach, as it can facilitate more intuitive and transparent interactions between humans and machines.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and challenges of this approach. For example, the reliability and robustness of the language model-based dialogue system in the face of noisy or ambiguous communication may need further investigation. Additionally, the ethical implications of allowing autonomous agents to learn from human input, which may contain biases or errors, should be carefully considered.


The AgentsCoDriver system represents a significant step forward in the development of collaborative and adaptive autonomous driving systems. By leveraging large language models to enable natural language communication and lifelong learning, the researchers have created a framework that could lead to more intelligent, responsive, and socially-aware self-driving cars. While further research is needed to address potential challenges, the core ideas presented in this paper have the potential to transform the way we think about the future of transportation and autonomous systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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