Algorithmic Transparency and Participation through the Handoff Lens: Lessons Learned from the U.S. Census Bureau's Adoption of Differential Privacy






Published 5/30/2024 by Amina A. Abdu, Lauren M. Chambers, Deirdre K. Mulligan, Abigail Z. Jacobs



Emerging discussions on the responsible government use of algorithmic technologies propose transparency and public participation as key mechanisms for preserving accountability and trust. But in practice, the adoption and use of any technology shifts the social, organizational, and political context in which it is embedded. Therefore translating transparency and participation efforts into meaningful, effective accountability must take into account these shifts. We adopt two theoretical frames, Mulligan and Nissenbaum's handoff model and Star and Griesemer's boundary objects, to reveal such shifts during the U.S. Census Bureau's adoption of differential privacy (DP) in its updated disclosure avoidance system (DAS) for the 2020 census. This update preserved (and arguably strengthened) the confidentiality protections that the Bureau is mandated to uphold, and the Bureau engaged in a range of activities to facilitate public understanding of and participation in the system design process. Using publicly available documents concerning the Census' implementation of DP, this case study seeks to expand our understanding of how technical shifts implicate values, how such shifts can afford (or fail to afford) greater transparency and participation in system design, and the importance of localized expertise throughout. We present three lessons from this case study toward grounding understandings of algorithmic transparency and participation: (1) efforts towards transparency and participation in algorithmic governance must center values and policy decisions, not just technical design decisions; (2) the handoff model is a useful tool for revealing how such values may be cloaked beneath technical decisions; and (3) boundary objects alone cannot bridge distant communities without trusted experts traveling alongside to broker their adoption.

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  • This paper examines the U.S. Census Bureau's adoption of differential privacy, a technique to protect individual privacy in data analysis, and the challenges it faced around algorithmic transparency and public participation.
  • The authors use the "handoff" lens to analyze how the Census Bureau navigated the transition from traditional statistical disclosure limitation methods to differential privacy, and the lessons learned.
  • Key topics include balancing privacy guarantees, stakeholder engagement, and communicating the tradeoffs involved in adopting differential privacy.

Plain English Explanation

The U.S. Census Bureau is responsible for collecting and reporting critical demographic data about the American population. In recent years, they have started using a new privacy protection technique called differential privacy to help safeguard the privacy of individuals in the census data.

Differential privacy works by intentionally adding a small amount of "noise" or uncertainty to the data, making it much harder for anyone to identify specific individuals. This helps protect people's privacy, but it also changes the data in ways that can affect the accuracy and usefulness of the census results.

The transition to differential privacy has been challenging for the Census Bureau. They've had to figure out how to balance the need for privacy with the need for accurate, transparent data that the public can trust. This paper looks at the lessons the Census Bureau has learned through this process, using a "handoff" framework to understand how they've navigated the tradeoffs and stakeholder engagement.

Some key insights include the importance of clearly communicating the privacy-accuracy tradeoffs, the value of involving diverse stakeholders in the decision-making process, and the need for ongoing monitoring and adjustment as the Census Bureau continues to adopt these new privacy techniques.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines the U.S. Census Bureau's adoption of differential privacy, a privacy-preserving data analysis technique, and the associated challenges around algorithmic transparency and public participation.

The authors use a "handoff" lens to analyze how the Census Bureau navigated the transition from traditional statistical disclosure limitation methods to differential privacy. This involves understanding the technical details of the differential privacy implementation, as well as the organizational and stakeholder dynamics involved.

Key elements of the technical explanation include:

  • The Census Bureau's motivations for adopting differential privacy, including increasing privacy guarantees and responding to external pressures
  • The process of implementing differential privacy, including defining privacy loss budgets and evaluating accuracy trade-offs
  • Challenges in communicating the technical details and implications of differential privacy to diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, and the general public
  • Efforts to engage stakeholders and incorporate feedback into the differential privacy design and deployment

The paper also discusses the Census Bureau's approach to monitoring and adjusting the differential privacy implementation over time, as well as ongoing challenges around transparency and public trust.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable case study of the practical challenges involved in deploying differential privacy at scale within a critical government institution. The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research, including:

  • The need for more nuanced models of stakeholder engagement and participation, beyond the binary of "transparent" versus "opaque" algorithms
  • The difficulty of communicating complex technical concepts like differential privacy to diverse audiences with varying levels of statistical and computational literacy
  • The potential for differential privacy to introduce new biases or skew the representativeness of census data, which requires ongoing monitoring and adjustment

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into some of the broader societal implications and ethical considerations of deploying differential privacy in the census, such as the potential impact on marginalized communities or the tradeoffs between individual privacy and collective benefits.

Further research could explore these areas in more depth, as well as investigating alternative privacy-preserving data analysis techniques and their relative merits and drawbacks.


This paper provides valuable insights into the practical challenges of transitioning a critical government data collection and reporting system like the U.S. Census to use advanced privacy-preserving techniques like differential privacy. The authors' use of the "handoff" lens highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement, algorithmic transparency, and ongoing monitoring and adjustment as organizations navigate these complex technical and sociopolitical issues.

The lessons learned from the Census Bureau's experience offer important guidance for other government agencies, researchers, and policymakers who are grappling with the need to balance individual privacy, data accuracy, and public trust in an era of increasing data collection and computational power. Continued dialogue and collaboration will be essential as these issues evolve.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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