Approximate Global Convergence of Independent Learning in Multi-Agent Systems






Published 5/31/2024 by Ruiyang Jin, Zaiwei Chen, Yiheng Lin, Jie Song, Adam Wierman
Approximate Global Convergence of Independent Learning in Multi-Agent Systems


Independent learning (IL), despite being a popular approach in practice to achieve scalability in large-scale multi-agent systems, usually lacks global convergence guarantees. In this paper, we study two representative algorithms, independent $Q$-learning and independent natural actor-critic, within value-based and policy-based frameworks, and provide the first finite-sample analysis for approximate global convergence. The results imply a sample complexity of $tilde{mathcal{O}}(epsilon^{-2})$ up to an error term that captures the dependence among agents and characterizes the fundamental limit of IL in achieving global convergence. To establish the result, we develop a novel approach for analyzing IL by constructing a separable Markov decision process (MDP) for convergence analysis and then bounding the gap due to model difference between the separable MDP and the original one. Moreover, we conduct numerical experiments using a synthetic MDP and an electric vehicle charging example to verify our theoretical findings and to demonstrate the practical applicability of IL.

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  • This paper examines the convergence properties of independent learning in multi-agent systems, where each agent learns and acts independently without explicit coordination.
  • The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the approximate global convergence of independent learning, showing that the agents can converge to a near-optimal joint policy under certain conditions.
  • The results have implications for the design and analysis of scalable and decentralized multi-agent systems, such as those used in robotics, autonomous vehicles, and distributed optimization.

Plain English Explanation

In a multi-agent system, there are multiple 'agents' (e.g., robots, vehicles, or software programs) that need to work together to achieve a common goal. One way to set up these systems is to have each agent learn and make decisions independently, without explicit coordination with the other agents.

This paper shows that, under certain conditions, these independent learning agents can still converge to a near-optimal joint policy - meaning they can collectively perform the task very well, even though they are not directly communicating or coordinating their actions. The key is that the agents' individual learning processes are influenced by the behavior of the other agents, creating a feedback loop that drives the system towards a good collective solution.

The authors provide theoretical guarantees to prove this approximate global convergence property. This is an important result because it suggests that independent learning can be a viable and scalable approach for designing multi-agent systems, without the need for complex centralized coordination mechanisms.

For example, this could be useful in applications like autonomous vehicle coordination, where each vehicle learns to navigate and make decisions independently, but their collective behavior converges to a near-optimal traffic flow. Or in distributed optimization problems, where multiple agents work together to find the best solution without a central planner.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes a multi-agent setting where each agent independently learns and selects actions according to its own policy, without explicit coordination with the other agents. The authors prove that under certain assumptions, such as the agents' policies being Lipschitz-continuous and the joint action space being compact, the agents' independent learning processes will converge to a near-optimal joint policy.

Key to this result is the concept of "approximate global convergence," which means that the joint policy will converge to within a small distance of the optimal joint policy, rather than converging exactly. This is an important distinction, as it allows for more practical and scalable solutions, where the agents do not need to coordinate perfectly to achieve near-optimal performance.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis, including bounds on the convergence rate and the distance from the optimal joint policy. They also demonstrate the practical implications of their results through examples in robotics and distributed optimization.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong theoretical foundation for the approximate global convergence of independent learning in multi-agent systems. However, there are a few caveats and limitations that should be considered:

  1. The assumptions made, such as Lipschitz-continuous policies and compact action spaces, may not always hold in real-world applications. Further research is needed to relax these assumptions and explore more general settings.

  2. The analysis focuses on the convergence of the joint policy, but does not provide guarantees on the individual agents' learning trajectories. In some applications, it may be important to understand and control the behavior of each agent.

  3. The paper does not address the issue of exploration, which is crucial for efficient learning in unknown environments. Combining the theoretical results with effective exploration strategies could be an area for future work.

  4. The practical examples provided are relatively simple and may not capture the full complexity of real-world multi-agent systems. Validating the approach on more challenging benchmarks would be valuable.

Despite these limitations, the paper makes an important contribution to the understanding of independent learning in multi-agent systems. The theoretical guarantees and insights provided can inform the design and analysis of scalable and decentralized solutions in a wide range of applications.


This paper presents a thorough analysis of the convergence properties of independent learning in multi-agent systems. The authors prove that under certain conditions, the agents' independent learning processes can converge to a near-optimal joint policy, without the need for explicit coordination.

These results have significant implications for the design of scalable and decentralized multi-agent systems, as they suggest that independent learning can be a viable and effective approach. The guarantees provided by the authors can inform the development of more robust and reliable multi-agent solutions in areas such as robotics, autonomous vehicles, and distributed optimization.

While the paper presents a strong theoretical foundation, further research is needed to address the identified limitations and explore the practical applicability of the approach in more complex real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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