Bridging Associative Memory and Probabilistic Modeling






Published 6/14/2024 by Rylan Schaeffer, Nika Zahedi, Mikail Khona, Dhruv Pai, Sang Truong, Yilun Du, Mitchell Ostrow, Sarthak Chandra, Andres Carranza, Ila Rani Fiete and 2 others



Associative memory and probabilistic modeling are two fundamental topics in artificial intelligence. The first studies recurrent neural networks designed to denoise, complete and retrieve data, whereas the second studies learning and sampling from probability distributions. Based on the observation that associative memory's energy functions can be seen as probabilistic modeling's negative log likelihoods, we build a bridge between the two that enables useful flow of ideas in both directions. We showcase four examples: First, we propose new energy-based models that flexibly adapt their energy functions to new in-context datasets, an approach we term textit{in-context learning of energy functions}. Second, we propose two new associative memory models: one that dynamically creates new memories as necessitated by the training data using Bayesian nonparametrics, and another that explicitly computes proportional memory assignments using the evidence lower bound. Third, using tools from associative memory, we analytically and numerically characterize the memory capacity of Gaussian kernel density estimators, a widespread tool in probababilistic modeling. Fourth, we study a widespread implementation choice in transformers -- normalization followed by self attention -- to show it performs clustering on the hypersphere. Altogether, this work urges further exchange of useful ideas between these two continents of artificial intelligence.

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  • This paper explores the connection between two fundamental topics in artificial intelligence: associative memory and probabilistic modeling.
  • The authors observe that the energy functions used in associative memory can be seen as the negative log likelihoods used in probabilistic modeling, allowing them to build a bridge between the two fields.
  • The paper showcases four examples of how this connection can enable useful exchange of ideas between associative memory and probabilistic modeling.

Plain English Explanation

Associative memory is like our ability to remember related things, like how the smell of freshly baked cookies reminds us of our childhood. Probabilistic modeling is about learning and understanding the likelihood of different events happening.

The authors of this paper noticed that the way associative memory models work, with their "energy functions," is actually very similar to the way probabilistic models work, with their "negative log likelihoods." This allowed them to connect the two fields and share ideas between them.

For example, they proposed new models that can adapt their "energy functions" to new data, allowing them to be more flexible. They also developed new associative memory models that can dynamically create new memories as needed, or that compute memory assignments more precisely.

Using tools from associative memory, the authors were also able to better understand the memory capacity of a common probabilistic modeling tool, called Gaussian kernel density estimators.

Overall, this work shows how sharing ideas between these two areas of AI can lead to new and better models and a deeper understanding of how they work.

Technical Explanation

The paper first observes that the "energy functions" used in associative memory models can be seen as the "negative log likelihoods" used in probabilistic modeling. This allows the authors to build a bridge between the two fields and exchange useful ideas.

They showcase four examples of this exchange. First, they propose new "energy-based models" that can flexibly adapt their energy functions to new datasets, an approach they call "in-context learning of energy functions." This allows the models to be more adaptable to different scenarios.

Second, the authors develop two new associative memory models. One uses Bayesian nonparametrics to dynamically create new memories as needed by the training data. The other explicitly computes proportional memory assignments using the "evidence lower bound," a tool from probabilistic modeling.

Third, the authors use tools from associative memory to analyze the memory capacity of Gaussian kernel density estimators, a common probabilistic modeling technique. They are able to analytically and numerically characterize the memory capacity of these models.

Finally, the authors study a common architectural choice in transformer models - normalization followed by self-attention. They show that this configuration performs a kind of clustering on the "hypersphere," which is a useful insight into how transformers work.

Overall, this work demonstrates the benefits of cross-pollination between the fields of associative memory and probabilistic modeling, leading to new models and a deeper understanding of both areas.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the strong connections between associative memory and probabilistic modeling, and the value in exploring these connections. The examples provided illustrate how ideas can flow in both directions, leading to novel models and insights.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the limitations or caveats of this approach. For instance, it's not clear how the new energy-based and associative memory models proposed in the paper perform compared to other state-of-the-art approaches in their respective domains.

Additionally, the analysis of Gaussian kernel density estimators and transformer models, while interesting, could be expanded upon to better understand the broader implications and potential drawbacks of these techniques.

It would be valuable for future research to more rigorously evaluate the practical benefits of the methods introduced in this paper, as well as to explore potential downsides or areas for improvement. A more critical examination of the assumptions and constraints underlying the connections between associative memory and probabilistic modeling could also lead to a richer understanding of the strengths and limitations of this approach.


This paper establishes a strong link between the fields of associative memory and probabilistic modeling, demonstrating how ideas can be fruitfully exchanged between the two. By recognizing the fundamental similarities in their mathematical formulations, the authors were able to develop new models, gain deeper insights, and showcase the potential for cross-pollination between these two important areas of artificial intelligence research.

The examples provided in the paper, such as the in-context learning of energy functions, the dynamic creation of associative memories, and the analysis of Gaussian kernel density estimators, illustrate the value of this approach and inspire further exploration at the intersection of these two fields.

Overall, this work lays the groundwork for a more integrated and collaborative approach to advancing artificial intelligence, by encouraging researchers to look beyond the traditional boundaries of their specialties and seek out productive connections that can lead to innovative solutions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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