Byzantine Reliable Broadcast with Low Communication and Time Complexity






Published 4/15/2024 by Thomas Locher
Byzantine Reliable Broadcast with Low Communication and Time Complexity


Byzantine reliable broadcast is a fundamental problem in distributed computing, which has been studied extensively over the past decades. State-of-the-art algorithms are predominantly based on the approach to share encoded fragments of the broadcast message, yielding an asymptotically optimal communication complexity when the message size exceeds the network size, a condition frequently encountered in practice. However, algorithms following the standard coding approach incur an overhead factor of at least 3, which can already be a burden for bandwidth-constrained applications. Minimizing this overhead is an important objective with immediate benefits to protocols that use a reliable broadcast routine as a building block. This paper introduces a novel mechanism to lower the communication and computational complexity. Two algorithms are presented that employ this mechanism to reliably broadcast messages in an asynchronous network where less than a third of all nodes are Byzantine. The first algorithm reduces the overhead factor to 2 and has a time complexity of 3 if the sender is honest, whereas the second algorithm attains an optimal time complexity of 2 with the same overhead factor in the absence of equivocation. Moreover, an optimization for real-world implementations is proposed, reducing the overhead factor to 3/2 under normal operation. Lastly, a lower bound is proved that an overhead factor lower than 3/2 cannot be achieved for a relevant class of reliable broadcast algorithms.

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  • Proposes a new algorithm for reliable broadcast in asynchronous networks with Byzantine faults
  • Achieves low communication and time complexity compared to previous solutions
  • Guarantees agreement among honest nodes, even in the presence of malicious actors

Plain English Explanation

This paper presents a new algorithm for reliable broadcast in asynchronous networks where some nodes may be controlled by an adversary (known as Byzantine faults). The algorithm aims to minimize the amount of communication and time required to achieve agreement among the honest nodes, even if a portion of the nodes are malicious.

The key idea is to use a two-phase approach. In the first phase, the sender broadcasts their message to all nodes. In the second phase, nodes engage in a distributed voting process to determine the final agreed-upon value. By carefully designing this voting process, the algorithm is able to tolerate Byzantine faults while keeping the communication and time complexity low.

This is an important problem in distributed systems, as reliable broadcast is a fundamental building block for many higher-level protocols. The authors' solution advances the state of the art by providing a more efficient alternative to previous approaches, which can be particularly beneficial in resource-constrained or large-scale settings.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new algorithm for Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (BRB), which is a fundamental problem in asynchronous distributed systems. The algorithm achieves low communication and time complexity compared to previous solutions.

The model assumes an asynchronous network with n nodes, of which up to t can be Byzantine (i.e., controlled by an adversary). The goal is for a designated sender node to reliably broadcast a message to all honest nodes, even in the presence of Byzantine faults.

The proposed algorithm works in two phases:

  1. Dissemination Phase: The sender broadcasts its message to all nodes.
  2. Voting Phase: Nodes engage in a distributed voting process to determine the final agreed-upon value. This phase is designed to be resilient to Byzantine faults while keeping the communication and time complexity low.

The key insights behind the algorithm's efficiency are:

  • Using a careful voting mechanism that minimizes the number of messages required.
  • Leveraging an efficient partial synchrony assumption to reduce the time complexity.

The authors prove that their algorithm achieves agreement among honest nodes and guarantees termination, even in the presence of up to t Byzantine faults. They also provide a detailed analysis of the algorithm's communication and time complexity, showing that it outperforms previous solutions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and efficient solution to the Byzantine Reliable Broadcast problem, which is an important and well-studied challenge in distributed systems. The authors' key insights around the voting mechanism and partial synchrony assumptions are compelling and contribute to the advancement of the field.

That said, the paper does not address some potential limitations or areas for further research:

  1. Practical Considerations: The analysis focuses on theoretical complexity bounds, but does not discuss practical implementation details or potential challenges that may arise in real-world deployments, such as message failures, network delays, or node churn.

  2. Comparison to Alternative Approaches: While the authors compare their algorithm to previous solutions, it would be valuable to see a more comprehensive comparison to other recent advances in this area, such as communication-efficient algorithms or adaptive consensus protocols.

  3. Experimental Validation: The paper is primarily theoretical, and would be strengthened by empirical evaluation of the algorithm's performance under various realistic conditions and network topologies.

Overall, the paper presents a strong algorithmic contribution, but could be further improved by addressing these practical and comparative aspects to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the proposed solution's merits and limitations.


This paper introduces a new Byzantine Reliable Broadcast algorithm that achieves low communication and time complexity, which is an important advancement in the field of distributed systems. The key ideas behind the algorithm's efficiency, such as the careful voting mechanism and partial synchrony assumptions, are well-explained and contribute to the state of the art.

While the theoretical analysis is thorough, the paper could be strengthened by addressing practical considerations, comparing the solution to other recent advances, and providing empirical validation of the algorithm's performance. Nevertheless, this work represents a significant step forward in the design of fault-tolerant distributed protocols and has the potential to benefit a wide range of applications that rely on reliable broadcast.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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