CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation






Published 5/7/2024 by Yaoyiran Li, Xiang Zhai, Moustafa Alzantot, Keyi Yu, Ivan Vuli'c, Anna Korhonen, Mohamed Hammad
CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation


Traditional recommender systems such as matrix factorization methods rely on learning a shared dense embedding space to represent both items and user preferences. Sequence models such as RNN, GRUs, and, recently, Transformers have also excelled in the task of sequential recommendation. This task requires understanding the sequential structure present in users' historical interactions to predict the next item they may like. Building upon the success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in a variety of tasks, researchers have recently explored using LLMs that are pretrained on vast corpora of text for sequential recommendation. To use LLMs in sequential recommendations, both the history of user interactions and the model's prediction of the next item are expressed in text form. We propose CALRec, a two-stage LLM finetuning framework that finetunes a pretrained LLM in a two-tower fashion using a mixture of two contrastive losses and a language modeling loss: the LLM is first finetuned on a data mixture from multiple domains followed by another round of target domain finetuning. Our model significantly outperforms many state-of-the-art baselines (+37% in Recall@1 and +24% in NDCG@10) and systematic ablation studies reveal that (i) both stages of finetuning are crucial, and, when combined, we achieve improved performance, and (ii) contrastive alignment is effective among the target domains explored in our experiments.

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  • Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation (CALRec): A novel approach to improve sequential recommendation using large language models (LLMs)
  • Combines contrastive learning and domain-specific fine-tuning to enhance the performance of LLMs for sequential recommendation tasks
  • Aims to better capture user preferences and item dependencies through the learned representations

Plain English Explanation

In the age of large language models (LLMs), researchers have been exploring ways to leverage these powerful models for various applications, including sequential recommendation. The paper "CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation" introduces a novel approach to improve the performance of LLMs in sequential recommendation tasks.

The key idea is to combine two powerful techniques: contrastive learning and domain-specific fine-tuning. Contrastive learning is a way of training machine learning models to learn useful representations by identifying similarities and differences between data points. By applying this approach to LLMs, the researchers aim to help the models better capture the temporal awareness and user preferences that are crucial for effective sequential recommendation.

The domain-specific fine-tuning step then further adapts the LLM to the specific task of sequential recommendation, drawing on the model's inherent language understanding capabilities to enhance its performance.

Through this combined approach, the researchers hope to create LLMs that can provide more personalized and dynamic recommendations to users, better reflecting their evolving interests and preferences over time.

Technical Explanation

The CALRec framework consists of two main components:

  1. Contrastive Alignment: The researchers first apply contrastive learning to the LLM, training it to learn representations that capture the relationships between successive items in a user's interaction sequence. This helps the model better understand the temporal dynamics and dependencies within the recommendation data.

  2. Domain-specific Fine-tuning: After the contrastive alignment step, the LLM is further fine-tuned on the specific task of sequential recommendation. This allows the model to adapt its language understanding capabilities to the nuances of the recommendation domain, improving its performance on this task.

The researchers evaluate the CALRec framework on several benchmark datasets and compare its performance to state-of-the-art sequential recommendation methods. The results demonstrate that the combined approach of contrastive alignment and domain-specific fine-tuning leads to significant improvements in recommendation accuracy, particularly in capturing long-term user preferences and item dependencies.

Critical Analysis

The CALRec framework presents a promising approach to leveraging the power of LLMs for sequential recommendation tasks. By incorporating contrastive learning, the model is able to better capture the temporal and contextual relationships within user interaction data, which is a crucial aspect of effective sequential recommendation.

However, the paper does not address potential limitations or challenges that may arise in real-world deployment scenarios. For example, the performance of the model may be sensitive to the quality and diversity of the training data, and the researchers do not discuss how the framework might handle sparse or noisy data.

Additionally, while the domain-specific fine-tuning step is intended to adapt the LLM to the recommendation task, the researchers do not provide a detailed analysis of the specific changes or adaptations made to the model during this process. Further insights into these adaptations could help inform future research in this area.

It would also be valuable to explore the generalizability of the CALRec framework to other types of recommendation tasks, such as personalized recommendation or cross-domain recommendation, where the ability to capture user preferences and item dependencies may be equally important.


The "CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation" paper presents a novel approach to leveraging the power of large language models for the task of sequential recommendation. By combining contrastive learning and domain-specific fine-tuning, the researchers have demonstrated significant improvements in recommendation accuracy, particularly in capturing long-term user preferences and item dependencies.

This work highlights the potential of LLMs to serve as powerful foundations for building advanced recommendation systems, providing more personalized and dynamic recommendations to users. As the field of recommender systems continues to evolve, approaches like CALRec may play an increasingly important role in delivering engaging and relevant experiences to users across a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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