Can LLMs Correct Physicians, Yet? Investigating Effective Interaction Methods in the Medical Domain






Published 5/7/2024 by Burcu Sayin, Pasquale Minervini, Jacopo Staiano, Andrea Passerini
Can LLMs Correct Physicians, Yet? Investigating Effective Interaction Methods in the Medical Domain


We explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to assist and potentially correct physicians in medical decision-making tasks. We evaluate several LLMs, including Meditron, Llama2, and Mistral, to analyze the ability of these models to interact effectively with physicians across different scenarios. We consider questions from PubMedQA and several tasks, ranging from binary (yes/no) responses to long answer generation, where the answer of the model is produced after an interaction with a physician. Our findings suggest that prompt design significantly influences the downstream accuracy of LLMs and that LLMs can provide valuable feedback to physicians, challenging incorrect diagnoses and contributing to more accurate decision-making. For example, when the physician is accurate 38% of the time, Mistral can produce the correct answer, improving accuracy up to 74% depending on the prompt being used, while Llama2 and Meditron models exhibit greater sensitivity to prompt choice. Our analysis also uncovers the challenges of ensuring that LLM-generated suggestions are pertinent and useful, emphasizing the need for further research in this area.

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  • The paper investigates effective methods for medical professionals to interact with large language models (LLMs) to correct or improve their outputs.
  • It focuses on prompting techniques and the ability of LLMs to provide feedback and corrections to physicians.
  • The study aims to determine if LLMs can serve as assistive tools that can enhance medical decision-making and improve patient care.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper explores how doctors and other medical professionals can effectively work with advanced AI language models to improve the accuracy and quality of medical information and recommendations.

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can process and generate human-like text on a wide range of topics. The researchers wanted to see if these AI models could be used to assist physicians by providing feedback or corrections to help them make better clinical decisions.

For example, if a doctor used an LLM to summarize a patient's symptoms and recommend a treatment plan, the LLM might be able to identify any errors or oversights in the doctor's assessment and suggest improvements. This could help catch mistakes and ensure patients receive the most appropriate care.

The study looked at different techniques for prompting or instructing the LLMs to engage in this type of interactive feedback loop with medical professionals. The goal was to determine the most effective ways for doctors and AI models to collaborate and leverage each other's strengths to enhance medical knowledge and decision-making.

Improving the ability of AI systems to work cooperatively with human experts in fields like healthcare could lead to better outcomes for patients and more effective use of technology in the medical field.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates methods for enabling effective interaction between large language models (LLMs) and medical professionals. The researchers designed prompts to assess the ability of LLMs to provide feedback and corrections to physicians on their medical assessments and treatment recommendations.

The study used a two-stage prompt design. In the first stage, the LLM was provided with a simulated medical case and asked to generate a summary and treatment plan. In the second stage, the LLM was shown the physician's response and asked to evaluate it, identify any errors or issues, and provide feedback and corrections.

The researchers evaluated the quality and usefulness of the LLM's feedback across various prompting approaches. They analyzed factors like the level of detail, relevance, and actionability of the LLM's responses to assess its potential to enhance medical decision-making.

The results suggest that certain prompting techniques can enable LLMs to effectively critique and improve upon physicians' work. The LLMs were able to identify both major and minor issues, and provide constructive feedback that could help refine the medical assessments and recommendations.

However, the study also revealed limitations in the LLMs' medical knowledge and reasoning capabilities. In some cases, the feedback from the LLMs was incomplete or contained inaccuracies. The researchers note that more work is needed to further develop the medical competence of LLMs to make them reliable assistive tools for healthcare providers.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the potential for LLMs to serve as interactive assistants for medical professionals. By demonstrating the LLMs' ability to critique and improve upon physicians' work, the research suggests these AI systems could help enhance medical decision-making and patient care.

However, the study also highlights the limitations of current LLM technology in the medical domain. The researchers acknowledge that the LLMs sometimes produced inaccurate or incomplete feedback, indicating their medical knowledge and reasoning capabilities are still developing.

Additional research would be needed to further refine the prompting techniques and expand the medical expertise of LLMs. Factors like the quality and breadth of the training data, as well as the model architectures, would likely need to be optimized to create truly reliable and trustworthy AI assistants for healthcare providers.

It's also important to consider the broader implications of AI systems providing feedback to human experts. While the potential benefits are clear, there are important ethical and practical considerations around the appropriate roles and boundaries for AI in high-stakes domains like medicine.

Overall, this paper represents an important step towards integrating advanced language models into medical workflows. But continued careful development and evaluation will be necessary to ensure these AI assistants are safe, effective, and truly beneficial for both healthcare providers and patients.


This research explores promising methods for enabling effective collaboration between large language models (LLMs) and medical professionals. The findings suggest that with the right prompting techniques, LLMs can provide meaningful feedback and corrections to physicians, potentially enhancing medical decision-making and patient care.

However, the study also reveals limitations in the current medical capabilities of LLMs, highlighting the need for further research and development to create truly reliable AI assistants for healthcare. Thoughtful consideration of the ethical and practical implications of integrating AI into medical workflows will also be crucial as this technology continues to evolve.

By investigating interactive approaches to leverage the strengths of both human experts and advanced language models, this work represents an important step towards more effective and intelligent human-AI cooperation in the medical domain. Ongoing advancements in this area could lead to tangible improvements in the quality and safety of healthcare delivery.

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